Stove eye covers

edited March 21 in General

A couple of cuddlers I have seen had no idea these existed. They cover the stove eyes on a regular stove. It prevents the grease from popping over onto the eyes. I love them because I don’t like stuff smoking on the eyes while I’m cooking. The only hazard, and the reason mine don’t match, is because if you ever turn on the wrong eye, the paint starts burning. (A smoke alarm is always a good clue I am cooking.🤣)

Fun survey below

  1. Did you know about these?29 votes
    1. Yes, and I love mine!
    2. No, but I want some now.
    3. Yes, but I love to make a mess!
    4. No, and I don’t want any now!
    5. Yes, but my stove is different, so I don’t need them.
    6. Yes, and I was wondering when someone would make a PSA about these!
    7. No, and I don’t care.
    8. Yes/no, this is supposed to be about cuddling! The nerve!!
    9. I’m here to see the results.
    10. I don’t have a stove.
    11. I only eat out.


  • Those are super cute, thank you for sharing. I've seen these, but the ones I knew were kind of utilitarian looking.

  • @HarleyGirlKate You are welcome. You can get some super cute ones. Pretty much in any decor.

  • I just had to come figure out what that title could be about.... like "anyone ever cuddle with stove eye cover? Maybe oven mitts? It just reminds me of nana, can you relate?"

  • I have never heard of "stove eyes" before. They really do dress up a boring old stove.

    But I really want to know what you're cooking there. Looks good.

  • @BashfulLoner 🤣🤣

    @TxTom I was cooking sausage this morning. Maple sausage. A change up from regular. I also cooked oats, and eggs with some sautéed onions, but I don’t time it to make it all done at once. That’s why the rest of the stove is already clean and not being used.

  • is because if you ever turn on the wrong eye, the paint starts burning

    Lol! 😆And THIS^^^ is why I could never get stove eye covers, I am notorious for turning on the wrong eye while cooking from time to time...To time. To time. To time!😁😌🤦‍♀️

    But those pics are cute though.😜

  • @Katota Exactly! That’s why mine are not matching. Good reason to buy new sets though. :) Nothing like a smell and smoke coming from the burning eye covers!!!

  • All the stove eye covers look good, but the one that looks the best is the real-live sausage, lol.

  • @achetocuddle Looks like real dead sausage, to me. 😆

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Me too @Katota.
    This is such a funny thing to start a thread on @CuddlesHugs01234. The in-depth survey is really funny. I smiled as soon as I saw the thread title.

  • @achetocuddle @SunsetSnuggles Looks like real good sausage to me.

  • edited March 22

    @achetocuddle Thanks! Sort of cuddler related since two cuddlers had never even heard of these. I love fun surveys. :)

    @SunsetSnuggles I did think about the vegans on here. Maybe I should’ve done a spoiler pic, but it would’ve made it irresistible.

  • I love fun surveys too.
    Yeah, @TxTom that sausage is the right amount of brown and there's plenty of it too. Plus she cooked it in cast-iron, the best way. Her skillet looks well-seasoned; I bet @CuddlesHugs01234 is a good cook.

  • @CuddleHugs01234 bahaha Well as one of the few resident vegans, I lived just fine. 😉

    I have never heard of them, and I'm still unclear on their purpose...let alone what an "eye" of a stove is! 😅

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • @achetocuddle It is well seasoned. :) As far as being a good cook, I’d much rather have someone else cook. :)

    @SunsetSnuggles I’m glad you lived through it!!! I know when you posted your “chicken” nacho bar, I believe, they looked so good!
    And, the eye of the stove is the heating unit part of an electric stove. See pic. So, when you cook something like sausage that pops all over the place, the covers protect the eye. If you don’t have it covered, when you go to cook on one of the dirty eyes later, it’ll smoke.

  • Good grief, I can barely tell you use your stove @CuddleHugs01234 . It's so clean. Even if I learned how to post a pic on the forum, one thing you will never see is a pic of my kitchen, lol.

  • @CuddleHugs01234 Aw, thanks! 🧀

    Hmm. Maybe vegan sausage doesn't pop as badly, though I also try to avoid cooking with oil when possible, which helps...but I tend to just lid anything that wants to make a mess, and flip/stir it fast like Rainbow Dash. 😄

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • I have a gas stove, so I use the aluminum liners to catch anything. I've seen these before and I love the cardinal spoon rest. It really makes the picture vibrant.

    I've been told that sometimes I take things too literally. I was trying to find the sausage stove eye and was not looking at the frying pan because dad had a frying pan on top and then it dawned on me. It was the sausage and the frying pan, lol.

  • vegan sausage

    (harumph) Blasphemy.

    A number of corporations have poured millions of dollars into R&D to make plants taste like meat.

    Not one has spent a single penny trying to make steak taste like a carrot.

  • @achetocuddle I grabbed that pic off of Google. 🤣

    @SunsetSnuggles Cooking real sausage requires no oil because it has it’s own grease. That’s what makes it taste good. :) Mostly when you turn them over, even gently, the raw meat hits the hot grease and it pops. It’s not really preventable.

    @bear Thanks on the cardinal. I love those. I actually keep a thin plastic cutting board on top of the pan when not in use, so nothing gets in my pan.

    @TxTom My fellow team meat mate. 🤣

  • It threw me off because in my world, stoves have burners. First time seeing/hearing it called an eye.
    Nice covers, either way.

  • @KaaGee TN vs TX lingo. :) Thanks! :)

  • @TxTom What you said.
    @KaaGee You answered the question I had not asked yet. I wonder if it is called an eye outside of the South. In Tennessee we say both.
    @Bear Lol, In the old days I think it was not uncommon to leave the cast-iron skillet on the stove or in the oven. When I lived in California (married to the wrong guy, lol) I had a gas stove for the first time and I loved it. Loved browning tortillas on the gas burner.
    @CuddleHugs01234 Lol.

  • @bear yep, mine lives there. I cook sausage a little too often. :)

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