Did one ever actually cuddle on her because this feels like a ghost site

Lol nobodys on, i feel like im in a empty building and just missed everybody. They all vanished with. Out much of a trace other then a few words. I just came uo with a movie about it, pretty apocalyptic. Lol anyways "is anyone out there , can anyone hear me"?


  • Goodmorning! Keep looking, people are around ^~^
    Sending good vibes your way!
    Happy cuddling :)

  • [Deleted User]SexyBrit (deleted user)

    It takes a while to make connections. I've just started making friends after commenting on various posts. Not yet cuddled but it's early days (less than a week a member)

  • Yeah I agree with what @Brandi said, just stay active and keep your eyes open, you should find someone

  • @Hugs1 This site does not tell you when anyone is logged on. But we are out here. However, with no photo and absolutely not one word of anything about yourself on your profile, no woman is going to contact you. You'll be lucky if anyone even responds to you. FIll out your profile!

  • there's so many people on here! trust me, all it takes is you reaching out and keep reaching out :)

  • I've met some really nice people on here already. Just keep at it and don't be afraid to share a little about yourself.

  • This is likely to become a very long message, but I think it could end up helping someone eventually. People who start threads like this usually disappear immediately, so it's not necessarily for the OP but is for anyone who is of the same mindset.

    (Yes, it turned out way too long to even be allowed to post it, so here's the TL:DR version at the expense of most of its meaning. I'll post the bulk in its own thread. https://www.cuddlecomfort.com/forum/discussion/2440/how-to-approach-this-site)

    Too long; can't post :P
    Don't put all your hopes into this one site, filling in your profile is important, actually read others' profiles, don't bug people, put care and effort into your messages to make them easy to read, be willing to grow as a person, give instead of looking to meet your own needs, be patient, participate on the forums, and just appreciate whatever happens to come your way.

  • @Mailleweaver Your advice and thoughts are appreciated. All of those suggestions plus more have been made repeatedly on these forums and are never read by the people who should follow them the most. As you said, they stop by just long enough to bitch, then disappear.

  • the site is empty unless you live in US, Canada, UK or Australia

  • That's what I noticed too !
    (see "where are the French cuddlers" topic).

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