Would you barter for a cuddle?



  • edited September 2018

    @Love_Arcitect - Just curious, in this utopian world of yours where everything is free, who maintains the sewer system so you can flush your toilet? Who maintains and builds the roads so people can travel from A to B. Who runs the airlines and maintains the airports so you can visit your relatives on the other coast? Who farms the land and harvests the food we need to eat and stay alive? Where is the fresh, filtered, clean water that comes out of your faucet going to come from? And to keep on topic, yes I would barter services; two hours cuddling for two hours cuddling seems fair and equitable to me.

  • The original poster deleted his account several mo ago just fyi. Still a relevant thread of course, just am saying dont expect him to respond

  • [Deleted User]galowglass (deleted user)

    Bartering for cuddles, isn't really a "cuddle" topic. Bartering is an economic concept.

    Paying for things with cash/currency is just one method of exchange where you turn your output into a storable currency that is "relatively" stable over time. You are taking what you can do/create, converting it to paper, finding something you need and converting the paper, back into something of value. You can hold onto that currency and spend it any time you like.

    Bartering takes-out those conversion steps. You remove the government-endorsed currency.
    Bartering comes with a learning curve. All participants must come-to-an-agreement on what is an equitable trade.
    But, bartering isn't strange at all, once you realize it is simply trade, without using curreny.
    Since you are opting-out of "the system", you get to take-back a slice of the control and some of the margins for profit, by actually dealing directly with the value. You stop paying the various costs and risks that come with using currency as a store of value (mostly convenience, but you free yourself from a smidgeon of gov't control).

    My point in all this is that your internal confort-level for bartering-for-cuddles, shouldn't have anything to do with cuddling. Either you barter IRL, or you don't. Once you do barter, you learn it to a point it is inate, You begin to network with other like-minded people and bartering becomes just another form of payment. Bartering is sometimes easier than paying with cash, if both people are comfortable with the concept. Plus its fun to stick-it-to-the-man. grin

    Peace and barter-on. Oops I meant cuddle-on.

  • id totally barter cuddle for cuddle or cuddle for massage. there doesnt seem to be a lot of choice within my area though, sadly.

  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)

    Would still only barter a cuddle for a cuddle or massage.

    Anything less would be uncivilized.

  • I might barter a cuddle for sombody to do lawn and garden maintenance or snow removal.

  • Let’s just say we will agree to disagree! I see both sides and whether I get paid or not it doesn’t change the size of my heart nor does it mean I don’t give to those in need. I am new to this but found out very early that you enjoy someone’s company so much and have so much fun and in common with them the money really doesn’t matter.

  • [Deleted User]galowglass (deleted user)

    @CreativeCuddles The ultimate trade of selves. v-cool.

  • I would really love to barter cuddles with someone who is adept and trained in singing, as I'm a hopeful vocalist and I guess a decent lyricist having written a lot of poetry growing up and being fond of music of many genres. I very badly want to write my own material but I cannot read notation, only match the pitch monitor. On my own with a pitch monitor I worked to 2.5 octaves with an assumed extreme vocal fry in the 6th, but I really need to work on a few things, namely strengthening vibrato, reaching to the lower register, and trying to more accurately define my timbre. The problem is lessons are usually exorbitantly expensive, and I have never had one. We could incorporate breathing exercises as part of it, sing songs together, exchange tips... I don't think it is a creative trade that is as labor intensive as, say, doing commissioned artwork, or building something. All while laying up comfortably...don't know if anybody would ever be down for that.

  • @Catloaf I can teach you how to scream growl and shriek! Singing however, I cannot....

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