
How much do people usually charge for overnights?



  • I would charge you dinner and a movie

  • edited January 2018

    Here are a few people who list prices for overnight: @Scarlette, @Celeste07, @martavillosa, @peacesnuggles, @southernscuba, @cuddlesfordays1

    It looks like prices vary quite a lot. Some people use their standard rate minus an hour or so (or just a lower rate per hour), some have a fixed rate.

    It seems common to only offer overnights after a few normal sessions (to get to know the client first).

    And some professionals offer a cooked breakfast too, which sounds lovely! :)

    A relevant thread

  • A friend here in Birmingham who used to do the paid cuddle thing but stopped used to do hers for 400. She was a great cook too, so she would ask what you want and make a menu, and cook a gourmet meal. I cant say from experience cus I don't do the pay to cuddle thing, but she had several overnights and all seemed to go pretty well.

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