Contact/Verification Form

edited February 2018 in Professional Cuddling

Here is the link to the contact/verification form from a local professional cuddle site in Los Angeles. What do you all think of it? I think it’s good and not overly intrusive.


  • I like parts of it. I believe it's been mentioned before about offering badges/icons on profiles depending on what all a person gets verified by adding to their account (i.e. if they link their facebook/instagram/LinkedIn, phone number, etc..) so the more that is filled out from something like this in the beginning the better and more verified the person is to being a real person.
    I'm not entirely a fan of the References right off as it seems most people coming to the site don't know anyone so leaving that part optional would be good, but if they do know someone they could already have that listed showing that someone vets them as a real person.

    Just my random thoughts looking at the link :)

  • Eh social media profiles are pointless to me and the easiest thing to fake . I know many people with multiple facebooks .

  • I’ll stick to my process it works for me

  • edited February 2018

    I like that this site has a standard form as does TSB Perhaps CC should look into a standardized form?

  • I have a "new client questionnaire" on my ProfessionalCuddles website that is pretty fun and easy to fill out. It's my newest addition, so if anyone wants to check it out and offer feedback, that would be awesome... =) <3

  • @JRose I like it. it's a simple walkthrough of questions asking about them, why or what they are looking for, if they've ever cuddled with a Pro before, and asks their preference on the First Meeting followed by if they'd want to have a cuddle session right after or want each done on a separate day. i did notice that some of the multiple choice questions after you answer them they jump to the next one while some you have to click the Next after selecting them though

  • Yes! Single choice questions will automatically send you to the next page while multiple choice questions do not. Thanks for checking it out and offering feedback! =)

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