Change the website meta title

[Deleted User]apeirogon (deleted user)
edited July 2015 in General
I think the title "Find a Cuddle Buddy - Free & Professional cuddlers" isn't the best wording to describe the site.

I feel like using the word "free" to contrast from "professional" cuddlers doesn't make the proper distinction between the service that professionals provide, and the mutual connection of a "cuddle buddy" friendship. It makes it sound like the entire site is centered around services rather than matching with people, and that some people just provide the service for free.

I think it would be better if the title/description were simply "Find a Cuddle Buddy". That description is not semantically distant from professional arrangements being an option, but it better presents the site primarily as a place to meet people rather than a place to obtain a service.

Remember: This title is the first thing people see when this site comes up as a Google result.


  • edited July 2015
    That would be my ideal title too if SEO wasn't a consideration. I also had the same concerns as you when starting this particular experiment. The idea is to include 'Professional Cuddlers' to broaden traffic opportunities. We can then offer those people the option to create a friendship as an alternative to paid services - something they most likely had not even considered was a practical option.  

    I used 'free' to make sure people didn't assume this website is a paid service. Perhaps a better alternative might be "Find a Cuddle Buddy | Friendships & Professional Cuddlers".

    I'll continue to review. Thanks for your feedback.

  • "Free" could potentially be replaced with "Friendly," with the paid cuddling being implied by saying "Professional." And that's the quickest idea that comes to mind as a means to bridge a perceived issue with the meta title ;)
  • Replacing "free" with "friendly" would imply that this site is strictly for professional cuddling, and that the professionals are friendly. Like saying getting McDonald's for dinnet is "fast and easy." The words don't contradict each other, so it's seen as emphasis for the same thing. Who wants to deal with an unfriendly professional? Replacing the word "free" while keeping "professional" removes any distinction that the site has both, which will not help the site in its original endeavor.
  • edited August 2015
    I've since reverted the title tag back to how it was to "Find a Cuddle Buddy | Cuddling Service". No plans to change that again for the moment.
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