so... cuddle events...

I know these are a thing, with other organizations.

I know some dating sites tried doing meet ups of various sort... with mixed reviews, but lots of media attention.

Getting two people to cuddle in private can be difficult. Maybe having a lot of people meet in a group would be easier?

Does this sound like anything anyone would be interested in?


  • I found cuddle parties on and at There is no longer one near me, but I went to one a couple of times. The first time I went, a guy said to me and another guy "The three of us should go on a date." I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just brushed it off. The other guy later called me to see what I was into. Apparently, he had to give what I assume was an attempt at a threesome a shot. Another guy there also asked me out.  I was not looking for a relationship or a threesome, so I turned them all down. I was basically just at a cuddle party to cuddle. Unfortunately, it was awkward to go after turning down three guys there, so I stopped going. For some reason, pretty much all the other women stopped going too. They ended up with one new woman and a bunch of guys. Later, the group disbanded completely. I see they have gender balanced cuddle parties now where the guys get put on a waiting list. Every time a woman signs up for the cuddle party, they let the guy at the top of the list sign up.
  • I would point out that it is not unusual for attendees at cuddleparties to have been directed there by a therapist, as a way to reestablish physical contact with people in a safe environment after a traumatic (abusive) event in their life. Part of this therapy is being able to say no and not feel bad about it. I'm guessing that your cuddle party missed that important exercise. Yes, being able to say no without feeling uncomfortable is an important part of being able to cuddle with strangers. I think that accepting no is an important part of being successful in this community.

    For this reason, simply starting a meetup group without having someone skilled in facilitating the group may not be the best idea. Maybe we should think about how to develop those skills as a first step. Suggested readings, classes and maybe a conference of interested individuals would be the way to go. How much interest do we have for this?
  • [Deleted User]SnuggleSymmetry (deleted user)
    There are more men than women in the US. It's hard to find a date these days. Dating websites and CC are just not working for guys.
  • True. Getting the skills to cuddle safely and effectively would be the first step. Some of us may have unreasonable expectations.

    Tell me more about suggested reading lists.
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