Share Poetry



  • edited September 2019

    I heard a thousand blended notes
    While in a grove I sat reclined
    In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
    Bring sad thoughts to the mind

    To her fair works did nature link
    The human soul that through me ran
    And much it grieved my heart to think
    What man has made of man

    Through primrose tufts in that green bower
    The periwinkle trailed its wreathes
    And 'tis my faith that every flower
    Enjoys the air it breathes

    The birds around me hopped and played
    Their thoughts I cannot measure
    But the least motion which they made
    It seemed a thrill of pleasure

    The budding twigs spread out their fan
    To catch the breezy air
    And I must think, do all I can
    That there was pleasure there

    If this belief from heaven be sent
    If such be nature's holy plan
    Have I not reason to lament
    What man has made of man

    • William Wordsworth
  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited November 2019


    I'm digging up old graves
    To find new insight that maybe buried in decay.

    I'm sweeping old wooden floors
    To build new muscle to use on fertile clay.

    Why is it such a pain to clean one's own myocyte
    Only to have others throw their pain at you with kindness?

    I'm digging through old graves
    To view the chards from stories once lived
    To somehow behold the scents of spirits still living their essence,
    Still whistling epithets in silence.

    I'm cleaning old wooden floors
    To clear the dust layering acres of pain
    To hopefully caption a whistling epithet or two among spirits
    Stretching fertile muscle on febrile clay.

    Is it not a glorious pain to clean one's own myocyte
    And feel the electricity of pained kindness fluttering ...
    While you behold your new insight
    And muscle? @Bles 11/15/2019

  • OMGOSH @Sideon this IS lovely!!! I had to repost this Shakespeare one..... sigh---- the power of words.
    @biancalovecraft hahahha this was a fabulous idea!!! 💕😍💖

    Sonnet 73: That time of year thou mayst in me behold


    That time of year thou mayst in me behold
    When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
    Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
    Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
    In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
    As after sunset fadeth in the west,
    Which by and by black night doth take away,
    Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
    In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
    That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
    As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
    Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
    This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
    To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

  • [Deleted User]RaeLew (deleted user)

    This is untitled, but I wrote this before my grandmother passed a month ago.

    What happens if you leave me here when all of me is you?
    When everything I know and love always leads back to you?
    Souls eternally intertwined, who am I but you?
    There’s no place for me on this plane if I don’t have you
    A fast-paced world so colorful, now has a tinge of grey
    My thoughts flood with prayer and worry, my food has no taste.
    If there is a God, and if that God can hear me pray
    Please don’t take my air, my heart, my soulmate, away
    I’m not ready
    I’m not ready
    I’m not ready

  • edited October 2020

    👏👏👏👏👏 to All of You!

    I started reading through these earlier and I just love the range and there's lots of Poe ~ Yay!!

    Two of my most favorite poems ever were supposedly written for children, and are by the late, Shel Silverstein

    Hug O' War

    I will not play at tug o' war

    I'd rather play at hug o' war,

    Where everyone hugs

    Instead of tugs

    Where everyone giggles

    And rolls on the rug,

    Where everyone kisses

    And everyone grins

    And everyone cuddles

    And everyone wins.

    ◇◇◇◇ and ◇◇◇◇


    Nobody loves me, nobody cares,
    Nobody picks me peaches and pears.
    Nobody offers me candy and Cokes,
    Nobody listens and laughs at me jokes.
    Nobody helps when I get into a fight,
    Nobody does all my homework at night.
    Nobody misses me,
    Nobody cries,
    Nobody thinks I'm a wonderful guy.
    So, if you ask me who's my best friend, in a whiz,
    I'll stand up and tell you NOBODY is!
    But yesterday night I got quite a scare
    I woke up and Nobody just WASN'T there!
    I called out and reached for Nobody's hand,
    In the darkness where Nobody usually stands,
    Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and nook,
    But I found SOMEBODY each place that I looked.
    I seached till I'm tired, and now with the dawn,
    There's no doubt about it-

    I think both are from, "Where the Sidewalk Ends"
    but one might be from, "A Light in the Attic"

  • @RaeLew ~ That's beautiful and wrenching.
    The date that marks my mom's passing is fast approaching and I'm still not ready.
    (((Hugs))) to you... 🫂🫂🫂

  • @RaeLew - I like that. I think it expresses a lot of what we feel when we lose someone close to us.

  • I haven't written much poetry, but sometimes I like to write silly off-the-wall stuff (haikus and limericks & stuff). A couple of mine (and variants exist):

    Much to my surprise,
    my lunch was a pork sandwich
    with a side of fries.

    Time to eat some tea,
    ski across the street, and then
    barbecue some pants.

  • [Deleted User]RaeLew (deleted user)

    =) I love this thread. Such inspiration, talent, and beauty from all these poems.

    @quixotic_life I'm sorry about your mom. But I bet she's somewhere looking down on you smiling. I'm still processing because my granny was a huge part of my life and who I am today. Sending you all the loves and hugs <3

    @FlyingToaster It does. This is the first really close person I've lost. Whew this poem doesn't even do my feelings justice, but it came to me all in one go and I wrote it out.

    Here's 2 other poems I've written ^_^

    Addictive Personality
    I am in every text you look for but don’t receive
    I am the chaser behind every shot you take
    I am behind the eyes of every guy you set your sights on
    When hunger doesn’t pang you, I am laced in every bite of food you intake
    I am in every minute you spend on social media
    In every swipe you make on tinder, I am there as well
    Every choice you make that is against your better judgment is because of me
    I am every time you choose to turn away from what you’re afraid to see
    I am the clouds in the sky of every internal movie you yearn to happen
    I am perched on the back of every person who walks away
    I lay in the arms of the person they are walking toward
    I watch you behind your eyelids as you fall asleep at night
    At the bottom of every bottle is another reason you should reconsider loving me

    I sunk into a big blue velvety couch and closed my eyes.
    “Tell me about the man who admired your petals and proceeded to pluck them one by one.” my therapist said.
    “Well,” I started, opening my eyes to find myself alone in my bed. I got up and walked to my balcony. The sun shone bright in the sky on a desolate world of dehydrated earth and dead trees. I blew a breath and there was a breeze. I picked up my ukulele and plucked at it’s strings. It sang to me the story of the man who admired my petals and proceeded to pluck them one by one. A tear caressed my cheek as the sky began to cry. The dehydrated earth sighed in relief and released steam.
    Back inside I went to rummage through my cabinets. I steeped a bag of tea and dressed myself. Washed my teeth and brushed my face. My teacup was fully flowered when I came back. I sipped my tea and smelled the flowers.
    A field of sunflowers awaited me outside my home. I traveled on foot to the middle of the field and fell backward. Green shot up into many suns above my face. I smiled and grabbed the nearest sunflower. I admired it’s petals. Then I proceeded to pluck them one by one.

  • ¤ W. H. Auden ¤

    Leap Before You Look

    The sense of danger must not disappear:
    The way is certainly both short and steep,
    However gradual it looks from here;
    Look if you like, but you will have to leap.

    Tough-minded men get mushy in their sleep
    And break the by-laws any fool can keep;
    It is not the convention but the fear
    That has a tendency to disappear.

    The worried efforts of the busy heap,
    The dirt, the imprecision, and the beer
    Produce a few smart wisecracks every year;
    Laugh if you can, but you will have to leap.

    The clothes that are considered right to wear
    Will not be either sensible or cheap,
    So long as we consent to live like sheep
    And never mention those who disappear.

    Much can be said for social savoir-faire,
    But to rejoice when no one else is there
    Is even harder than it is to weep;
    No one is watching, but you have to leap.

    A solitude ten thousand fathoms deep
    Sustains the bed on which we lie, my dear:
    Although I love you, you will have to leap;
    Our dream of safety has to disappear.

    ~ December 1940

  • I am staying up
    Very late, eating the whole

    A haiku by me.

  • [Deleted User]RaeLew (deleted user)

    @mia1593 snaps fingers Yes!

  • One fine day, in the middle of the night
    Two dead men got up to fight
    Back to back they faced each other
    Drew their swords and shot each other

  • This Hour and What is Dead, from the book of poems "this city in which i love you" by li-young lee

    Tonight my brother, in heavy boots, is walking
    through bare rooms over my head,
    opening and closing doors.
    What could he be looking for in an empty house?
    What could he possibly need there in heaven?
    Does he remember his earth, his birthplace set to torches?
    His love for me feels like spilled water
    running back to its vessel.

    At this hour, what is dead is restless
    and what is living is burning.

    Someone tell him he should sleep now.

    My father keeps a light on by our bed
    and readies for our journey.
    He mends ten holes in the knees
    of five pairs of boy's pants.
    His love for me is like his sewing:
    various colors and too much thread,
    the stitching uneven. But the needle pierces
    clean through with each stroke of his hand.

    At this hour, what is dead is worried
    and what is living is fugitive.

    Someone tell him he should sleep now.

    God, that old furnace, keeps talking
    with his mouth of teeth,
    a beard stained at feasts, and his breath
    of gasoline, airplane, human ash.
    His love for me feels like fire,
    feels like doves, feels like river-water.

    At this hour, what is dead is helpless, kind
    and helpless. While the Lord lives.

    Someone tell the Lord to leave me alone.
    I've had enough of his love
    that feels like burning and flight and running away.

  • I like cheese because its good
    I like cheese because it comes from milk
    I like cheese because it's real good
    I like cheese because it comes from cows

  • Omgosh @RaeLew i have tears. 😞 when there are lovely people in our lives it is a challenge for that space to ever fill up again. Thank you for being such a beautiful part of this community!!!

    @quixotic_life hug-o-war and Nobody!!!! I love them!!!! ♥️💜🧡

  • @RaeLew Thank you, thank you (bows)

    Haikus are my favorite.

    I also indulge in the occasional acrostic poem.

  • Are poetic quotes okay? Hope so, because I love this one...

    "Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little coarse and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice? Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble."

    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • @quixotic_life
    The first scratch or dent on a new car is good, because it makes you far less worried about getting the next one.

  • The Peace of Wild Things
    by Wendell Berry

    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

  • Sara Teasdale ³ ~



    I heard a cry in the night,
    A thousand miles it came,
    Sharp as a flash of light,
    My name, my name!

    It was your voice I heard,
    You waked and loved me so --
    I send you back this word,
    I know, I know!



    It is enough for me by day
    To walk the same bright earth with him;
    Enough that over us by night
    The same great roof of stars is dim.

    I do not hope to bind the wind
    Or set a fetter on the sea --
    It is enough to feel his love
    Blow by like music over me.



    When I have ceased to break my wings
    Against the faultiness of things,
    And learned that compromises wait
    Behind each hardly opened gate,
    When I can look Life in the eyes,
    Grown calm and very coldly wise,
    Life will have given me the Truth,
    And taken in exchange -- my youth.

  • What life is this, if full of care
    We have no time, to stand and stare

  • Omgosh. These are all so lovely. It’s like being at the library opening a myriad of different books!! 😊

    @mia1593 you're so cute!!! Love your profile.

    I COMPLETELY agree!!! Talk about missing half of your life!! The no dancing thing is a complete bummer. You sound like a doll. I live your side of the world!!

    I was a little sad when I saw the rest of this poem so I left it OUT!!!

  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    Black is the raven
    Black is the crow
    Where I am going I do not know
    I can’t go back
    I can’t go ahead
    But here in the darkness I have nothing to dread.
    By @verona

  • [Deleted User]checkingthings (deleted user)

    Fire and Ice

    BY Robert Frost

    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I’ve tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

  • [Deleted User]checkingthings (deleted user)

    Lost Opportunities

    By Edgar Albert Guest

    "When I am rich," he used to say,
    "A thousand joys I'll give away;
    I'll walk among the poor I find
    And unto one and all be kind.
    I'll place a wreath of roses red
    Upon the bier of all my dead;
    I'll help the struggling youth to climb;
    In doing good I'll spend my time;
    To all in need I'll friendly be
    The day that fortune smiles on me."

    He never guessed that being kind
    Depends upon the heart and mind
    And not upon the purse at all;
    That poor men's gifts, however small,
    Make light some weary traveler's load
    And smooth for him his troubled road.
    He never knew or understood
    The fellowship of doing good.
    Because he had not much to spare
    He thought it vain to give his share.

    Yet many passed him, day by day,
    He might have helped along the way.
    He fancied kindness something which
    Belongs entirely to the rich.
    And so he lived and toiled for gold,
    Unsympathetic, harsh and cold,
    Intending all the time to share
    The burdens that his brothers bear
    When he possessed great wealth, and he
    Could well afford a friend to be.

    His fortune came, but, oh, too late;
    The poor about him could not wait.
    They never guessed and never knew
    The things that he had meant to do.
    Few knew how much he'd planned to give
    If God had only let him live.
    And when at last his form was cold,
    All that he'd left on earth was gold.
    A kindly name is something which
    A man must earn before he's rich.

  • [Deleted User]checkingthings (deleted user)


    By Langston Hughes

    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.

    Hold fast to dreams
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.

  • Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

    Whose woods these are I think I know.
    His house is in the village though;
    He will not see me stopping here
    To watch his woods fill up with snow.

    My little horse must think it queer
    To stop without a farmhouse near
    Between the woods and frozen lake
    The darkest evening of the year.

    He gives his harness bells a shake
    To ask if there is some mistake.
    The only other sound’s the sweep
    Of easy wind and downy flake.

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  • Ok since this thread says share poetry, here is Cher poetry:

    By Cher

    Boy, if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    Before you fight for us
    You gotta show me that you can
    They say it's better to love and to lose it all
    I didn't learn how to fly without a heavy fall
    I went from A to Z, blew off reality
    So if my love is a game then you should learn the rules
    You take it on if you're leaving wonder why you lose
    It takes a wiser man to figure out my head
    I've been in love, went to the other side
    I've seen the other side
    I'm not about to fall into another tonight
    So get it right
    Boy, if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    Before you fight for us
    You gotta show me that you can
    So when the lights go dark
    I wanna know you understand
    That if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    I've seen and done it all
    I've been misunderstood
    But tell me what could be bad about feeling good
    It's all or nothing now
    'Cause fate don't wait around
    I've been in love, went to the other side
    I've seen the other side
    I'm not about to fall into another tonight
    So get it right
    Boy, if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    Before you fight for us
    You gotta show me that you can
    So when the lights go dark
    I wanna know you understand
    That if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    Sometimes it feels
    Like we've got everything to prove
    We make believe
    But we rise again to face the truth
    On and on, on and on we're going
    On and on, on and on it's growing
    On and on, on and on only the real
    Know the deal
    Boy, if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    Before you fight for us
    You gotta show me that you can
    So when the lights go dark
    I wanna know you understand
    That if you want my heart
    You gotta take it like a man
    How does it feel? We do it better!
    So get the love that's in your heart
    How does it feel? We do it better!
    We do it better!
    How does it feel? We do it better!
    So get the love that's in your heart
    How does it feel? We do it better!
    We do it better!
    How does it feel? We do it better!
    So get the love that's in your heart
    How does it feel? We do it better...

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