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  • This isn't about a literal person, but about a former addiction. The concept was inspired by the words of King Solomon to his son:

    The Dangerous Woman

    She waited by the road
    And whispered as I passed.
    Quiet, quiet.

    I didn't catch the words,
    And so I turned aside.
    Listened, harkened.

    Please come and sit with me,
    She offered airily,
    Smiling, guiling.

    We sat and talked a while.
    She touched my hand and soothed;
    Gently, sweetly.

    While with her cunning skill
    She forged and wove a chain;
    Bound me, drowned me.

    She robbed me of my home
    And filled my life with pain;
    Laughing, scoffing.

    But now I see her face,
    And now I know her name:
    Villain, robber.

    Yet I am not alone
    And God unlocks my chain.
    Sees me, frees me.

    I'm wiser than before,
    But wish for wisdom more.
    Patient, quiet.

    Listening, praying.
    Working, hoping, winning.

  • @JoyfulHeart, this is achingly beautiful. Well written. Thank you for sharing.

  • Thank YOU, @Mela_B!

    It's been 5 1/2 years since I wrote it, and I'm glad to say that my journey has been upward from that point. The joy that I have now is made even brighter, having been set in sharp relief by the pain of the past.

  • I am glad to hear that. I understand, I carry pain. Sometimes the weight of the past is difficult to drag into tomorrow, but you're right, it provides a contrast.

  • I must admit As I submit these words that are all true. You are now gone but my love is deeper for you. I would give my life for one last kiss. How I miss the way you taste. Your led bright eyes always put a smile on my face. I’m sorry friends and family if you think I’m a disgrace. For this choice I’m gonna make. I make no mistake in the next life I will awake to her

  • The Laundress
    (by me!)

    Sweat-scented sheets
    which once wrapped legs and limbs,
    limbered by love and lust and expansive,
    demonstrative selves
    now sit clean and sterile,
    cast aside on a lonely shelf like trophies commemorating a sport no longer played.

    You folded them crisply with your distant hands,
    just before you left.

    Reduced by one to one,
    lessened when your key,
    removed from the lock for the last time,
    was pressed into my sweating, salty palm:
    its green rubber cap matching your fading eyes.

    I kiss it as you recede,
    bronze tart on my tongue,
    softer than your heart.

  • edited August 2021

    I've enjoyed these poems by famous poets, and especially by you folks yourselves. In that vein, here's one of mine (don't worry; I'm not a cannibal):

    Come and taste the people!
    How delightful! What a dish!
    Juicier than tenderloin
    And flakier than fish.

    They’re candied and they’re gravied,
    So don’t worry, they taste fine!
    You’ll like them even better
    With a glass or two of wine.

    Precautions have been taken
    To extract the heart and liver
    And all the vital organs
    At the thought of which you shiver.

    We’ve tenderized the tough meat
    So that you could have the best!
    We serve the people haute-cuisine,
    So put your fears to rest!

    Come one! Come all! They’re tasty!
    And they’re oh-so-much-improved!
    Everything about them that was
    Human’s been removed!

    Copyright © 1987 Daniel Greene

  • I wrote this one to celebrate a friend's struggle and ultimate triumph over addiction (in the analogy, she's a honeybee, which is the meaning of her name):

    Phoebe’s Flight

    Melissa’s flight on pap’ry wing
    Drew close to earth, consumed in flame
    Bitter ashes, tears that sting,
    An end to mirth, a sense of shame.

    But not in ashes cold and gray,
    Nor in the tears, nor lost in death
    Were where the “sweet” and “gold” now lay:
    She throws off fears and takes on breath.

    Now clothed in flame, she surges high.
    Not only sweet, but also strong:
    And for a moment treads the sky.
    In joy complete her heart gives song.

    But not in strong and sweet alone
    Could she sustain, nor wings uphold.
    The soaring flame fell like a stone,
    Returned to shame, extinguished, cold.

    But once again, she triumphs, leaps!
    To “sweet and strong” adds “pure and bright”.
    No longer in despair she creeps:
    Melissa! Phoenix! Phoebe-white!

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    Villon’s Straight Tip To All Cross Coves

    by William Earnest Henley

    Suppose you screeve?
    Or go cheap-jack?
    Or fake the broads?
    Or fig a nag?
    Or thimble-rig?
    Or knap a yack?
    Or pitch a snide?
    Or smash a rag?

    Suppose you duff?
    Or nose and lag?
    Or get the straight
    And land your pot?
    How do you melt
    The multy swag?

    Booze and the blowens
    Cop the lot.

    Fiddle, or fence,
    Or mace, or mack;
    Or moskeneer,
    Or flash the drag;
    Dead-lurk a crib,
    Or do a crack;
    Pad with a slang,
    Or chuck a fag;
    Bonnet, or tout,
    Or mump and gag;
    Rattle the tats,
    Or mark the spot;
    You can not bank
    A single stag;

    Booze and the blowens
    Cop the lot.

    Suppose you try
    A different tack,
    And on the square
    You flash your flag?
    At penny-a-lining
    Make your whack,
    Or with the mummers
    Mug and gag?
    For nix, for nix
    The dibbs you bag!
    At any graft,
    no matter what,
    Your merry goblins
    Soon stravag:

    Booze and the blowens
    Cop the lot.

    It’s up the spout
    And Charley Wag
    With wipes and tickers
    And what not.
    Until the squeezer
    Nips your scrag,

    Booze and the blowens
    Cop the lot.

  • Weary of kissing frogs and hugging snakes,
    Of stepping barefoot on dead grass,
    You often blame life for the unavoidable ugliness
    And run away to hide!

    Stratagems for avoiding what is
    Repetive, unkown or unpleasant
    Require endless additions of new
    Psychological makeup.
    You want the colorful rose but not its thorns,
    The loving touch of Sun and wind
    Not tornadoes and burned skin
    Yet, no mud no lotus my dear!
    -Ayni Poet

  • @Melomaniac9 Speaking of frogs, here's one written by, um, well.... I'd say, but modesty prevents me:

    The pretty young princess of Prague
    Wrote fanciful tales on her blague.
    The prince, who was Czech,
    She'd kissed on the nzech,
    When he had the form of a frague.

  • edited August 2021

    @JoyfulHeart 😂😂love it!! I have a fascination with frogs & elephants 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @Melomaniac9

    The elephant packed up his trunk,
    With various pieces of junk.
    He didn't feel well
    Because of the smell:
    His packing included a skunk.

  • @JoyfulHeart 😂😂😂 this ones too good

  • @Melomaniac9 Thanks! I have a bunch of animal ones. 🤓

  • I love frogs so much! Great poetry 😊

  • we used to rise with the dawn
    our spirits elegantly entwined.
    now we climb from each night
    like passengers from a wrecked ship.
    there is no sweetness for me
    left upon your lips,
    there are no prayers left scribbled
    like scripture on my hips.
    you can seduce the bedsheets,
    and I'll be gone by the time you wake.
    see, i've never been good at negotiating,
    so what I propose is this -
    i'll let you keep the bright memory,
    if you let me keep the dull ache.

    -Mela B.

  • @Mela_B That is hauntingly beautiful and tragic.

  • @JoyfulHeart thank you. My poetry is most often cathartic.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)



    I loved that, and hated it…

  • @CharlesThePoet indeed. All part of life, alas.

  • One of my favorites.

    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
    my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
    i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing,my darling)
    i fear

    no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
    no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
    and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
    and whatever a sun will always sing is you

    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
    higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

    i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

    -ee cummings

  • @Spud424, yes, absolutely love ee Cummings.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)


    There is e.e.cummings and then there is everybody else.

  • Well, there's Walt Whitman, as well.

    Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you,
    You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me as of a dream,)
    I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you,
    All is recall’d as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured,
    You grew up with me, were a boy with me or a girl with me,
    I ate with you and slept with you, your body has become not yours only nor left my body mine only,
    You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass, you take of my beard, breast, hands, in return,
    I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or wake at night alone,
    I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again,
    I am to see to it that I do not lose you.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    I write dark stuff. Who would've guessed? 🖤

    Folds of Darkness

    They’ll think the worst.
    Driving with my baby,
    Colt 45 they’ll pry
    from your cold dead hands.
    And from mine,
    the poem I wrote
    to make it romantic.

    We knew too much
    but nothing real,
    like how some live
    in the thick of it,
    padded by riches,
    to back alley needles,
    graffiti under bridges.

    They’ll find meaning
    on a touchscreen.
    Autocorrect might suggest
    a fitting phrase or two
    of platitudes,
    which read a little off
    in their heads.

    Emoji bookends
    add a nice touch
    of clarity and context.
    Just look at all the Likes.
    What’s on my mind?
    I still can’t show you
    that side of me.
    Would it kill you to see
    the do or die of me?

    Still-life, snapshots,
    Stop-motion in strobe lights,
    blinding flickers of composure
    illuminated through chaos.
    You can’t see what I hide
    in the folds of darkness
    inside my heart
    when the flash goes off
    and the shutter closes.

    Ones like you always seem
    to end up with ones like me.
    You like to tell me
    it’ll be okay.
    Deep inside,
    I fumble for lies,
    grip them tightly
    behind clenched teeth.
    Truth is hard to swallow–
    my truth will choke you,
    “You’re probably right.”

    I post my poem,
    you take a swig.
    I tell you to smile.
    You’ll never see it coming,
    not from a mile.
    When the flash goes off,
    the shutter closes
    on one last drive.
    One ordinary night,
    death becomes
    a life event
    larger than a Like itself.

  • That is phenomenal 👆

  • snaps
    Ever performed that? It reads like a good slam.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    So many phenomenal poets here. @Mela_B Thank you! Loved yours too, it was heart breaking. I also loved @JoyfulHeart The Dangerous Woman and @nurturingman Tasty People (?) My top three. Thanks for the thread!

    @Big_Chris No. I'm too shy in real life. Lol Thank you though!

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