Was banned?



  • @ubergigglefritz I noticed someone was banned almost immediately after they volunteered their phone number and sent it through a site message. This person's profile also looked legit. So it made me wonder if a person giving out their number was against TOS ?

  • edited November 2019

    As of right now, there's no solid rule on Pros linking to their own websites. This aspect of T&Cs is a work in progress but we would generally recommend against it.

    We assess this on a case-by-case and do often request a website reference be removed. Part of that assessment involves how prominently the website is mentioned, whether it's volunteered in messages, whether the website is structured as informational or with intent to encourage contact and how the contact functionality is presented.

  • @Mark is that true for both giving out websites, as well as phone numbers ?

  • Rules about phone numbers/emails etc are actually straight forward. Pros cannot have them display on their profile under any circumstances. They can send it in a message but only after agreeing to an appointment using the booking panel.

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