About cuddle requests

Could we maybe have a search option on those, or like a Craigslist sort of thing going on there?


  • Yes, I agree that would be very helpful. It seems like many may be missed because they are down the list too far. Also then you have people doing multiple posts to keep their request near the top, this just adds bulk and the others move into the dusty areas many pages below.

    Best wishes everyone!
  • Sure would be nice to have some way to find requests by area more easily...
  • I think that the search engine is supposed to do that. If you have a particular area because you are traveling there, you can change your profile address to the city closest to where you are traveling and appropriate distance. you will then identify every members in that area. Direct message the members. I know that seems hard, but it's not really. Posting to the Cuddle Request is like walking into a huge room with people thinly scattered around the room and saying to yourself, "anyone want to cuddle?" Also.members who don't sign on frequently may not see your request at all when it gets pushed off the first page of requests unless they are willing to scroll down. When you message the member directly, they will also be notified by email of your message. I think that you will find this more effective, I don't know if others have any special tips .You might contact Mark,under contact in the main page and suggest any other modifications which might things a little easier.
  • Seems rather silly for a designer to have made a second forum just for cuddle requests if we're all just supposed to use the search feature.

    Also, some of might be interested in cuddling in any of several nearby areas, if we knew someone there was interested.
  • You would have to ask Mark, Everyone was using the forum to look for cuddles  even though there was a search function and it was really cluttering up the discussions, When he created the request forum, it made it easier to follow the discussions and such.There are no manuals on how to use this site, so I was just offering some tips. Mark is the administrator of this site. There is a little "How it works" link, at the bottom of the home page.
  • How can I get someone to cuddle?
  • Cuddles2016, first you find someone on here you'd be up for cuddling, then if they're a professional you agree on a time, place and duration and they'll charge you accordingly. If they're not a professional, just message them and see where it goes, some people are happy to meet for cuddles fairly quickly while others prefer to get to know one another beforehand. Just message someone and be yourself would be my best advice.
  • how do i search for cuddlers
  • Kindniceman, you use the browse/search option, just input what age range you're okay with, how far you'd be willing to travel, whether you prefer women/men, etc and you're good to start searching.
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