What's your favorite scary movie?

[Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

So in the wake of Halloween I want to make a list of the scariest horror movies or best Halloween movies to watch in October. I'll start it out my favorite scary movie is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Terrifier. So what is your favorite scary movie...



  • I like this one called Home Video

    Also, wondering if anyone likes to cuddle while watching scary movies.

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    Note...scary movies are great to cuddle to so I'm giving great cuddle ideas for you cuddle buddies.

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    Lol you read my mind lol

  • [Deleted User]Stillworkin247 (deleted user)


  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    I'm loving these responses. Trying to make a list to possible binge to. Keep them coming...

  • edited October 2019

    An English movie: "Quatermass and the Pit" or as it was retitled for the US market "Five Million MIles to Earth". 1967.

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    If only I could get a group of people to come to either a viewing party or host a Halloween party. I'm open to doing something Halloween themed...

  • edited October 2019

    High Tension. Hereditary. Pumpkinhead. Hellraiser. House of 1.000 Corpses. Creepshow. Sleepaway Camp. I Spit on Your Grave. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Blood Lust. Fright Night. Hostel. Saw, Dawn of the Dead. Devils Rejects. Evil Dead. Exorcist. Nightmare on Elm St. Killer Clowns From Outer Space. Suicide Club.

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    Great choices.

  • I have a penchant for movies that mostly take place in one location or room. Most of those are psychological thrillers or horror movies.

    The Circle
    The Man from Earth
    After the Dark
    The Terminal
    Frozen (2010)
    The Killing Room
    Breathing Room
    Phone Booth
    I am Mother
    10 Cloverfield Lane
    The Mist
    Nine Dead
    Infinity Chamber

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    Interesting list, totally into all your suggestions. Thank you.

  • American Sniper

  • edited October 2019

    Plan 9 From Outter Space - Ichii the Killer, - Cannibal Holocaust - The Toxic Avenger - The Bride of Frankenstein

  • The Witch, The Eyes of My Mother, and Alien.

  • The original 1978 Halloween, The Shining, The Grudge, and two-thirds of Event Horizon.

  • The 2016 Presidential Election. Because truth is scarier than fiction.

  • Horror film favourites of mine include Halloween (1978) and Halloween 2 (1981) watched back to back, Friday The 13th Part 4, Candyman, The Thing (1982) and Exorcist 3, amongst dozens of others, whilst for a cuddle I think The Blob (1988) and Night Of The Creeps are lighter on the horror factor, heaps of fun and would be fantastic!

  • I'm not a huge horror fan, but the last few movies that creeped me out were Get Out and A Quiet Place (both more thriller than horror).

    And to chuck in a curveball, noise/rap group clipping. just released their horror-inspired album 'There Addicted an Addiction to Blood' today. Creepy and groovy (but probably not background music for a cuddle).

  • Storm of the Century

  • Luke mungo and noroi. The types of movies that make u feel like ur wat hing something bad and it sticks with you

  • "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" from 1978.

  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    I love the different posts. Great suggestions.


  • [Deleted User]jessecaldwell31 (deleted user)

    Babadook is a good one.

  • As of yesterday, Hereditary :#

  • [Deleted User]indiansfan4life (deleted user)

    Stay Alive

  • [Deleted User]Baltimore_MD_ (deleted user)

    The Shining (1980) is a classic, always at the top of my list of horror films. I'm loving this thread, lots of great recommendations, it's fun to learn about new (to me) movies too!

  • Obama's America

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Ravenous (1999) is more of a dark comedy than strict horror, but since Storm of the Century's already been listed....

    It's a good one. It's got Robert Carlyle.

  • The Wrong Turn (All), Hills Have Eyes, House of Wax and many more.

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