Traveling & Cuddling

edited November 2019 in Pro Requests

For some time I've watched, might I say enviously, as my cuddle friends traveled around the country and world smashing loneliness one cuddle session at a time. I've only cuddled in place with a 4 hour or less driving distance from DC metro.

Now, I have been presented with the opportunity to travel and cuddle a few times a year. Already, with just Boston checked off, I realize how lucky I am to be meeting new people and exploring different cities.

How many of you, both pros and enthusiasts, schedule cuddle sessions when you travel? What are some new or enlightening things and ideas you've picked up along the way?

This is me in the hotel elevator heading out for an art exhibit called WOMEN OF THE WHITE BUFFALO by Deborah Anderson


  • In addition I invite you to share and post your pictures of your travels. Hugs!

  • edited November 2019

    I travel constantly (too much sometimes) and I definitely schedule sessions in advance. I can’t speak for others but the one thing you can run into with travelers is the occasional change of plans. I work with architects and if I have a multi-million dollar account in Boston saying he needs me there next week and I have a routine trip to Houston planned—I cancel Houston and head to Boston. I have only had to do it twice the past two years but it can happen. But there was always a 48 hour plus advanced cancellation.

    On another note—the pro cuddlers in hypercompetitive markets (LA, NYC) tend to be fantastic and more attentive than low traffic areas. Just my observation—competition breeds great customer service. So....if I were a pro, I would head to larger cities with a shortage of pros.

  • @FunCartel I too have run into people having to change their plans which isn't a big deal. Life happens and I try to accommodate when possible. However I have 24 hour cancellation policy to protect my time as well.

    DC, LA and now Boston are all incredibly robust markets which sustain the cuddle industry. With Vegas, Boston again and Santa Monica coming up for travel locations, I'm looking forward to connecting with more practitioners.

  • I travel some for work, not as much as others and I’ve been lucky to find nice cuddle buddies while on the road, and most of them are non pros. Occasionally also while on the road I’ll schedule a session with a pro cuddler but only if all the circumstances are right.

  • @JazzyPants when are you passing through NY ?
    I cuddle when traveling, though lately traveling has been limited, I look forward to cuddlers passing through, and try to go out of my way to cuddle with them.

  • @happybear I unfortunately will not be in NY. I will be in Boston January 15th-19th. So great you try to get out and experience session with many different cuddlers.

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