


  • edited February 2020

    For me just a sip to take the “ edge” off . Yeah , but too many sips can make for drunkenness.
    I get free sips at the supermarket at the wine section when the distributor is trying to sell more wine .
    And when I see a cop down the road from the supermarket that’s when I know they have samples set up

  • @cuddlerforu24 How do you know the cop isn’t just sleeping off a sample bender?

  • He is either sleeping one off , or waiting for A supermarket shopper .

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    @Sheena123 I agree. I like to meet at Starbucks.
    @BashfulLoner on weed? 😂😂😂 that tickled me so much

  • A cop is driving past a pub late one evening, when he sees a man stagger out and drop a bunch of keys on the floor. Certain that he has a 'collar' in the bag, the cop pulls over, gets out, and hides among the cars.
    The man wanders over to one of the cars, trips over, then gets unsteadily to his feet. He tries a key in the door handle, looks confused, and wanders over to another car.
    As the man is stumbling about, falling over and repeatedly dropping his keys ; other people come out of the pub, get in their cars, and drive away.

    Eventually, there is only one car left. The man walks up to it, unlocks the door and gets in. The cop pounces, pulling open the car door and shouting, "You're nicked ! Blow into this breath test machine".
    The result is green, no trace of alcohol, so the cop has to let him go.

    The moral being that when you go out drinking in a crowd, it's best to have a designated sober driver.

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