New CoVid Resolutions and/or Insights?

[Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

Anyone have any new Post-CoVid Resolutions or Insights?

As I've posted elsewhere on this board, I've chosen to see this time of social distancing as a Master Reset for my life. In doing this, I realize that many of my coping mechanisms, thought patterns, and perspectives just haven't held up under the weight of this current situation. I've been thinking of ways I'd like to "upgrade"..

Has this experience caused you to re-think anything in your life? What parts of your story do you find you need to change? Do you find that you're still the same person, or has this current crisis exposed new aspects of yourself to you?

Will you list at least five of your own?

New CoVid Resolutions & Insights:

*I definitely need WAAAAY more platonic touch in my life! lol

*My "past" has passed, and is no more relevant than Neo's Noodles..

*I only came "through" my family; I didn't come "to" my family. I get to decide who I want to be! :)

*"Awesome" and "Amazing" are also settings on the People Can be Meter---judging by a few with whom I've recently interacted!

*I've discovered that someone liking me, or not, doesn't have any real effect on my bills.. lol

*I need to start painting, again. I like painting skies..

*Since I'm the Director of this Incarnation, I now choose to accept that I have the right to find joy, peace, and contentment, while alive, and to have all of my fundamental human needs met--- without sacrificing that for the whims and/or wants of others. Ever. Again.

What are some of yours?
*Since this is a work in progress, I'm sure I'll find a few more to share, too. Keep 'em coming! :)


  • But my whims are IMPORTANT!

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Yes, yes, they are. Now, would you care to share any insights you may have gained during this time? lol

  • I've discovered what "really being alone" means and I don't like it! Thought I was good at it, turns out I'm not!

    I'm discovering that I can be more creative than I ever thought possible before.

    Like ImagenMoon, I am also using this time to do a Master Reset concerning my viewpoints, critical thinking, judgments. Yeah, I too am finding my usual coping mechanisms and perspectives are failing me.

    Time to push the "reset" button and reconfigure ME!!!

  • Resolutions are easy to make but difficult to keep as habit, tradition, and Real Life's Daily Surprises intervene. There hasn't been TOO much difference pre- and post-COVID19 since I do freelance writing from home. But I'm having to limit excursions and, while Netflix and Amazon Prime and Disney+ are all well-and-good, I MISS GOING TO MOVIE THEATERS.

    I'd grown fairly used to the solitude (voices in my head keep me company :smirk: ) but that whole "wanting what you can't have" itch makes me WANT to dine at a restaurant or mingle about at the grocery store while I know I can't.

  • I have def been spending less money on entertainment. So perhaps once we are free and safe to travel again I can put it towards a road trip or two

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited March 2020

    Since I don't do resolutions because I don't believe in making fleeting promises I never commit to.

    I will list insights. Those you always see when you commit your mind to thoughtful observation of yourself and others.

    1. I am more focused on enjoying and appreciating what I do have. So I have optimized my minimalist way of life.
    2. I am spending more time probing and validating my own thoughts and feelings. I have more talks with my mind and body parts now than I used to. Self talk without the need to give a response has been refreshing. It has other benefits as well.
    3. Self talk has helped me supplement virtual interaction with others. So I feel free to communicate without the desire or need to be responded to. And when I do have an organic virtual conversation going I'm learning to embrace it and enjoy it as it is. Just another moment in time. I give my self permission to continue my own conversation with myself or in my head.
    4. I'm growing new criteria on what I appreciate most in communicating and interacting with others. I use my little irritations with others to look within and examine my own missteps and mindset.
    5. I'm building the muscle of self deprecation. To look at my flaws and laugh at them. To use my shortcomings and pain to dive deeper into my mental reserves. And just learn and grow. To truly enjoy my own company and space while doing so. I'm trying really hard, as hard as my humanity will allow me to entertain myself. To rely on myself solely for my own entertainment.
    6. I'm learning how to validate my thoughts as well as that of others even when they invalidate mine. That means I do my human best to acknowledge others opinions even if they're I'll informed and diminishes my own life experiences.
    7. I'm learning to accept and embrace being alone. Being an oddity who is misunderstood and does not belong. I'm learning to let it be the catalyst for keeping my mind in balance. To enjoy my spirit as my only forever best friend. And to accept that it is okay. That it is okay to never belong. That it is okay to never be accepted. No matter how many continents you have lived on not how many cultures you embrace. That it is okay. It's perfectly okay to be nobody. To be invisible. To be disposable. To just live and love the oddity that is me. It is okay to be perceived and treated as crazy. It's okay.
  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    These are excellent!! Thank you for sharing!! I asked because it seems that during this time, some things/patterns/ways of being are just quietly dissolving, sort of evaporating, and I'm not sure who or how I'll be when this is all over...

    I don't think I ever realized just how many "crutches" I've maintained in order to function in day-to-day life. Now, it's like they're all being stripped I'm being required to simply stand, on my own. Funny, now, but I thought I already was...

    The saving money thing is REAL. I don't think I'll return to any type of "retail therapy," and I'm sure my fella will be happy about that! lol

    I seem to have TOTALLY LOST my sense of "other orientation"---"What will they think of me?" Why, exactly, is that even important, I'm now wondering. The "labels" fall off when you take your power back.. Their opinion wasn't here to comfort me during this very lonely time. Why would I EVER pick that back up?

    It sort of feels like I've completed a loop, returning to around 19 where I went off course--- and now have to re-connect with the person I might have been. I think that's a good thing... because I'm still young enough to enjoy what I'm now old enough to know! :)


  • I think a good piece of advice, in most situations, including from Climate Change campaigner David Attenborough ; is to not waste.

    Avoid throwing out food which is past its use-by date ; by knowing what you have in, and eating it beforehand. I've started reading labels / ends of cans, and writing the date on the side with a thick marker pen, so I know more easily when they are getting close.

    If you need to run errands such as shopping, and take exercise to keep fit ; combine them, by walking to the shop.

    Make an inventory and location list of what you have stored away, so : if you need something, you don't go out to buy another one, because you didn't know you had it or where it was ; and you don't buy "just in case", something you already have. Plastic food containers are free, and you'd have to wash them anyway for the recycling.

    Fill the kettle just enough for the task ; it boils faster, saves energy, and doesn't heat your house in the summer.

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    ow...ow...ow... You're so right, but ouch! As someone who has eighteen screwdrivers, BUT CAN NEVER FIND ONE WHEN I NEED ONE, this hit home!!

    I'm finding that this has begun to happen, seemingly, on its own with us. We're eating in, reusing, recycling, finding new ways to use old things... And we're "round-tripping" everything and everywhere we go. It feels clean, wise, right, somehow. Now, if I could only gear myself up to categorize my tools... Nope, not yet! lol

  • It's so awesome to read about great life lessons people are learning in this time. Make sure they stick once this is over! Life is short. 😞 Myself, I have done so much redirection in my life in the past eight years, in addition to massive self-reflection and growth in the past couple years. So this time is actually keeping me away from the minimalist live life today life I had created for myself. My life today is basically my life before, but without my cuddling business interspersed within these minimalist times. So it's hard for me to see anything other than "this sucks, can't wait to get back to the life I love" mentality. If this had happened back when I was in my soul sucking job and feeling my life passing by, I would have soaked up the opportunity to be home with my animals and having some time to myself to just be in the moment. I'm glad so many people are taking advantage of the opportunity. 😊

    A comment on the "stuff": The best thing I ever did was buy a motorhome and sell the house. I can't believe how much cr*p I had filling every corner. I may change my mind at some point, but right now I feel like I never want a "big" house like that ever again (it was <1300 SF, lol). I love the simple life...

  • I've learned that all things truly do happen for a reason. My past aloneness has prepared me for this extreme alonenesss. I haven't touched a person in over 3 weeks. (no one) ...I'm sure its much easier for me than fir people who have daily physical contact with others.
    Stay strong, stay home, stay safe, stay well

  • Future cuddle requirements

  • Let's try it once! OMG! Funny, love the new Easter wear! Like the purple best, reminds me of something from a science fiction anime series. Although the black one might go well for those SPECIAL nights of cuddling maybe?

    All I know is I'm still going thru Oxytocin withdrawal, last cuddle was March 7th. I'm SOOOOO craving cuddles and being held. This is torture!!!

    Unfortunately, I know it will be months, this isn't going to change in just a few weeks!

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    How creative! The Red One, please!!! lol

    I'm sooooo grateful to have found this site when I did! There have been a few folks, on here, that have made a point of writing me, checking in on me----and it has been just wonderful! Who knew that there were people who--without even knowing you, in person-- would just kind of "hang out" with you when you felt a little disconnected?? :)

    @Lovemycats, the Oxytocin-deficiency is REAL! I'm still trying to convince my fella that he needs to help me "practice" cuddling, for when this ban is lifted...He still ain't havin' none of it!! lol Back to the old drawing


  • @ImajenMoon
    With the news from @hugonehugall you could try telling your fella that you need his help with wrestling training, specifically how to endure the classic "One Hour Spoon" hold-down technique.

    Just buy a copy of the Cuddle Sutra and a Wrestling Moves book, and swap the covers. 😀

  • I have found just how much a human touch means to me, I really do miss it. My family and most of my friends are the type that will give a big hug when they see you, not everyday, but when they have not seen you for awhile. I sure miss my cuddle time and hugs, once this mess is over, I'll be a cuddle maniac, needing to make up for lost cuddle time, LOL.
    For me, being married since I was 20 yrs. old and now living single for over 2 yrs., I have to say, it's a lonely life.
    I like to travel, that is why I'm still working, I retired once already at 55, but I found that I needed to do something. With my background in Boat sales & service, I ended up transporting boats part time, I pick and choose when & where I go. I have been in 35 states transporting boats. I have idled my business due to this mess, I'm working on my camper and getting it ready to hit the road as soon as we get back to normal.

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    LOLOL!!! LOVE the way you think, @geoff1000! lol
    Unfortunately, he's not having any of it! He's busy with his newest project, so I just sort of stay out of his way when he goes into "Mad Scientist Mode!" lol

    @waynewv~ I can't even IMAJEN what it would be like to have married so young, and to find yourself single this late into the game. "Cuddling Maniac" is possibly a huuuuuuge understatement, judging from my own very limited experience! Good thing you have your cool projects to keep your mind off of things until this mess blows over!


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