I miss the boner threads



  • @creedhands
    It took 3 days. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • edited April 2020

    Oh grown men and their boners and the threads dedicated to them talking about them and their boners and the educational dissertations about why they get boners and how to act while in presence of others when they have a boner

  • [Deleted User]iamkimmyp (deleted user)

    I never thought id see the day when i was glad to see a boner thread lololol. Ahh those were the days

  • edited April 2020

    @iamkimmyp Well somebody needed to break up the corona threads a little

  • edited April 2020

    @SanFranResident Your sex ed classes did not gloss over erections? Even if this is the case men get them from an early age and have their entire lives to work out how to manage them. My observation has been that many of the threads and posts started on this topic seem to be angling for an excuse to talk about their penis and an added hope that someone will say to them oh it is totally cool to have a boner in fact I will help you to relieve it if you want. While others post simply for the humor and jokes. The way I see it is that if you are a grown adult you by this point surely know how to act around someone if you get a boner regardless of context. A page long explanation of the science behind erections and how to act about it just seems a little silly is all.

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Silly, yes. A great and needed relief from the almost CONSTANT reminders to stay in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT...uh...I mean, "sheltering at home" conditions... Priceless!


  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited April 2020

    @geoff1000 3 days is the time it takes some of us to come exclusively and fully!

  • edited April 2020

  • Ah the good old days .

  • Who doesn't miss that? It's been ages.

  • well this was random and gave me a good chuckle.

  • I get a boner just hugging for 5 seconds, can't help it. That's the conundrum, I want just innocent touching, but my reproductive system gets too excited and it shows.

  • Agony Aunts feel the same as the OP.


    Mr O'Malley recalls a recent question submitted to the Dr Nerdlove column, where a reader was "worried about the size and appearance of his genitalia".

    "I never thought I'd say this - but I really appreciated a question that wasn't about Covid-19!"

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