When will you be ready ?



  • @WKCuddles
    The problem in this situation, is that the person who dies because of carefree social interaction, isn't the parties concerned. It is instead the vulnerable sick and elderly at the end of a transmission chain, or the health professionals who encounter so many infected people that they get a very high viral load.

    Drink-driving is illegal, because it affects others ; single-player Russian Roulette is fine.

  • @pmvines Way to show restraint

  • Eh just a disagreement. I dont really take those sort of things personally or get mad about it. I try to be a lover not a fighter.

  • @WKCuddles
    "There is most definitely life on the other side, No more pain or sorrow."

    The essence of a "faith", is that there is no proof of what its followers believe. That doesn't sit well with the scientific community. Double-blind tests are used, because people's hopes and expectations, distort their perception. "Faith can move mountains" is true ; only because enough faith can distort a person's perception so much, that they believe that the mountain has moved.

    The enormous number of faiths, which are contradictory, is proof that most of them are wrong. The one that most people have, is the one that, by chance, their family was born into.

  • I guess the question is when will any of you feel comfortable going to a sporting event or concert , eating at a restaurant , or even flying on an airplane ? And when should the govt say it's ok to do these things ? I don't think they have the luxury to wait until there's a vaccine.

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