How was your first professional cuddling experience



  • Well @pmvines ponder your own cuddling .. you described in this thread a great experience with a pro cuddler ... you used her as a body pillow and the pro reciprocated, so on and so forth , an encounter that could be described as “ amazing “ , by men .
    Are you doing something that’s making your cuddle partners uncomfortable ?

  • edited November 2020

    @cuddlerforu24 oh I am not implying anything about anyone particular or saying that is always the case by any means . I'm just wondering whether that can and does happen. Not wanting to dampen the experiences of people posting on the thread . If that is how it came across then my apologies . I just feel it is an idea worth considering. Anything that helps gain insight into the varying experiences.

  • @pmvines I've wondered the same

  • Only the nice people post here: the good clients, the good professionals. The bad ones stay well away.

    The horrible experiences reported by the professionals in this thread are criminal offences. In the UK offences like this are on the cusp of a custodial sentence: the abuse of trust would be an aggravating factor.

    The criminals who committed those offences were perfectly well aware of what they were doing. They bet, or assume, that the embarrassment, emotional difficulty and hassle factor will prevent people from reporting them. They do not boast about their crimes on public forums, at least not this kind. To do so would make conviction much more likely.

    These criminals take care not to reveal themselves beforehand, for obvious reasons. It is extremely difficult for anybody (in any circumstances, this is nothing to do with cuddling) to detect them in advance. With the benefit of experience, seasoned professionals can sniff out the possible criminals from their client enquiries, and put them through a more rigourous examination. When you are still learning, it's functionally impossible to spot them. Nor should you have to.

    Thank you, @Zayadoll, @DrDeb and @Lisa2476 for having the courage to tell us what you have to go through to become cuddle professionals. And thank even more for continuing to bring comfort to us clients. I cannot even begin to express how much I admire and respect you all.

  • I was a little nervous on my first time but mine was a good first time experience the perosn was completely respectful to me was booked for a couple hours and and it helped with my own anxiety just to be held

  • I was lucky to have an outstanding person as my first one and she taught me a ton. I still see her when I am in her neck of the woods. Unfortunately, because of Covid, that has been 9 months.

  • [Deleted User]CuddleMeLater (deleted user)


    A lot of women report some shady behaviors and actions whereas a lot of men ,unless it is to complain about the woman not realiy being into the cuddle, report how amazing the whole thing is.

    If you feel you haven't heard enough complaints about pro cuddlers, hit me up any time.

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