πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ§ WHO said it???

I'm wondering if some of you out there in Forum land can "Name That Post?" What is your best guess on the author behind the words? Some posts make us happy, some make us mad, some bring smiles and tingly sensations and some wind up opening our eyes to a perspective not known until we found it here. Just curious!! Add one of your own. Winner gets at least 10 cyber hugs. 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜Š

You can hate and love at the same time. It is called mixed emotions. If someone didn’t have that regarding most things I would question if they actually had a capacity for introspection. The more you examine a thing the more beauty shines and the more revulsion sets in. If you only see beauty in something you are deluding yourself. If you only see ugliness you are cognitively lazy for not searching for the beauty. No such thing as perfection.


  • Darren Walker?

  • That's fun. I'm going with FunCartel or pmvines.

  • edited October 2020


  • I will go with MissAdventurous

  • Not me...

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited October 2020

    Wasn't me.


    I don't typically question someone's capacity for introspection because they say they don't do a thing I think everyone does. I mean, it's not as though I can see inside their heads, is it? "I know better than you do what things you think and feel" is a claim I try to avoid making. ...Though I will often say "I don't think it's likely that you're being honest with us about the things you think and feel." Bit different to "you don't even know what you're feeling, but I do," that.

    I'm way more likely to accuse someone of dishonesty than of lacking self-awareness.

  • Someone wrong? Unless I'm deluded.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    A Minor Rant

    I don't remember who I was debating with, but I still hold that it's impossible (at least for me) to both love and hate the same thing, in the same respect, at the same time. Take, for instance, asparagus. I can honestly say I have mixed feelings about asparagusβ€”but asparagus is not a unified whole. My hatred goes directly to the texture, while my love is all over the taste (and never the twain shall meet). The two emotions don't mix... at least not for me.

  • hahahahhaha Omgosh!!! So fun!!! This was in fact NOT the infamous @DarrenWalker @MissAdventurous OR @pmvines but alas the winner is @FunCartel !!!!! Good guesses ALL!!!

    Ok..... who's next?? @DarrenWalker was that tidbit you? I didn't understand the "TL;DR" It sort of sounds like you but....


    SO interesting your reaction!!! In talking about food.... I can completely relate to CHOCOLATE! I love love love what it does to my mouth but HATE the feeling I get when I eat it in large quantities! hahahahha I can LOVE my teenage boy but HATE the attitude he is showing.... I suppose that's a bit like texture/flavor. hmmmmm

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @sillysassy: Yup, that was me. Everything I've written on this thread so far, in fact, has come straight out of my own head! (As far as the rest of it goes, well, I'm so used to writing great long things that I've kind of gotten in the habit of spoilering things to keep threads short, and adding "Too Long; Didn't Read" summaries to everything....)

  • @sillysassy Does that mean I get the 10 cyberhugs?

  • I thought this was a thread about statements from the World Health Organisation. 😊

  • 100% @littermate but you get REAL ones!!!!! (Everyone else is SAD>>>>> because I am close to you!!!)

  • Hahaha @sillysassy, great .gif. And yeah, real ones! We'll just aim our faces the other way so as not to become the dread disease spreaders. Real hugs are a rarity in my world these days!

    And woot! I sorta won. I mean, I wasn't sure, but I remembered that share.

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