What did I spend money on?

I started this site last Thursday and its almost been a week with no requests. So whatever I spent 20 bucks on feels like a waste. I'll have people not even in my state look at my page. So I dont know what im doin wrong or where to go. I know ranting isn't gonna solve anything but feel like I have to get it off my chest.


  • Hi @WolfionDruid ~ It may help to post your question under the "Professional Cuddling" tab to get some feedback from those in the know and it may also help to peruse other's profiles and consider expanding your's a bit.

    Plus a week isn't really all that long, especially considering Covid. So be patient, and while you wait, maybe just mingle and get to know people?

    Good luck 🍀

  • [Deleted User]SuperSnuggler2 (deleted user)
    edited October 2020

    Maybe you should look at the pages of other pros. Most have much longer descriptions of why they do and what they do. And more photos. As a professional, I want others to feel they know me a little and feel comfortable with me and my style. You have to put in some effort. It's not as easy as set up an account and offers come pouring in. Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well.

  • I don't see males having much(if any) success with professional cuddling. That's the reason for the monthly charge while females don't have a monthly fee. Instead they pay a percentage of their earnings(I think it's 15%). Guys will likely not get any requests. The market isn't there. I'm sorry if that isn't what you want to hear, but I gotta be completely honest.

  • @Mike403 nailed it.
    Successful male pros are few and far between.

    As for why people are viewing your profile who are not located nearby, you're showing up in the new member list. People do travel and look for cuddlers in the area they may visit. Others are just curious about new members.

  • Yup, echoing @Mike403 on that. Us female enthusiasts are few and far between and have a ton of male enthusiasts who'd love to snuggle with us for free. So the chances of one of us paying is low. Alas. No fair. But good to find out before you take it very personally or think the site sucks. It's just the numbers. But you can hang around and chat with us forum rats! We're kinda fun even if we don't result in lots of cuddles or dollars. :)

  • edited October 2020

    You haven't been oh here l long at all and you are a guy . Not really a market . And you have a one sentence profile and are wanting to charge 90 an hour when again, not a market for male.pros . My advice is to research something before putting money into it . Make sure it is a cost effective investment. Way out pros and cons . And if you lose 20 bucks in the process then at least you made an informed decision.

  • Yeah it's only $20. I didn't know that lesson was so cheap. A lot of people spend thousands on their schooling.

  • I just dont know what else to put on my bio but if it helps to expand.

  • @WolfionDruid

    I'm not one to dish out unsolicited advice but you seem to think your profile is the issue when it's not.
    Successful male pros are rare. They are unicorns.
    You're charging $90 with no experience to speak of, no clientele, no idea what to put in your profile, your resume. Just food for thought. It's a free market but be realistic about your expectations.

    Being a successful cuddler is more than throwing out a rate, putting up a picture and typing out a one liner in your profile.

    You may have learned a $20 lesson or you may find that being an enthusiast cuddler is a better more fulfilling fit for you.

    I hope this doesn't come off as rude, I'm genuinely trying to help you understand why you're not seeing the results you expected.

    Welcome to the site. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  • edited October 2020

    Even incredibly wordy bios fron super good looking men who cuddle all genders and charge next to nothing will have an incredibly difficult time finding people in general but women specifically to pay them money to cuddle . Sorry not hating, just am being honest with you . 99.5 percent of men on here are not pro cuddlers and considering the ratio of men to women on here you dont really have much of a chance gaining any clients . Most if not all of the Male pros who do get the occasional clients are male. And the ones who do have karma from women typically it is because they cuddle them for free , not because they are being paid . Like for.the exposure and karma so others will see that people have cuddled with them . They might reach out to women to try to solicit their business, and when they decline, they will say that they would like to cuddle them for free to gain the experience , and build contacts and add karma to their profile . So you really are at a disadvantage hate to say

  • Actually takes a lot to set me off and the advice is helpful. It's just I have no means of transportation other then a uber or if the client wants to pick me up I dont know if that can be a thing. I only picked 90 cause I thought if I have to pay for a uber or lyft somewhere it would make up for the money I put into the ride.

  • @WolfionDruid - I suggest switching to an enthusiast account and finding other enthusiasts to cuddle with. This is most likely not going to be a money making opportunity for you.

  • I'm loving the complete lack of snark in this thread. I am proud of you people. It used to be a post like this would get eaten by mean nasty sharks. Now we're all just loving on @WolfionDruid and giving him good info. Love you people!

  • @littermate +1
    (^Agree what you said)

  • @littermate just a hint of snark . A smidge . Can we not just have that

  • Also i think it's worth keeping in mind where you are located. some places aren't yet quite big on cuddling services.

  • edited October 2020

    @pmvines hahaha, I feel like mom. Be nice kids! The trick is in couching it in kindness, IMO. A slight hint of goodhearted poke without total annihilation. Let's not be the middle school lunch table where the vulnerable kids get food thrown at them how about.

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