Funny stuff



  • @pmvines I remember that - That's a good one

  • Omg! @pmvines ~ This is amazing!! Next time I'm at a family function, and we're trying to explain to someone new how we're all related, I'm cueing this up!! 🤣

  • I had an idea for a group called Introverts Anonymous. Meetings can be held online due to covid.

  • I was kicked out of a Barnes & Noble for moving all the bibles into the fiction section.

  • I have a book I'm selling. It costs $5. It's called "How To Get Rich Selling Books For $5".

  • I got the best spam email ever. It was titled, "How to make $$$$ fast." I opened it and it said to hold the shift and 4 keys on the keyboard at the same time and I'll be making $$$ fast.

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

  • An old video, but still one of my favorites. Prior to the release of Windows '98, it was demonstrated live on CNN when it crashed in front of the entire audience and the boss(Bill Gates).

  • I remember seeing that 😂😂 they recovered fairly quickly lol!

  • Déjà Moo:
    The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

  • A show like this would never be on TV today.

  • @Mike403 Vuja-de: The feeling that you've never experienced this before.
    I used to watch Married With Children sometimes. I'd go through times where I liked watching it and didn't want to watch it.

  • I don't get that? What is na vidad?

  • @JasonCuddles Navidad is the Spanish word for Christmas. And in Spanish, "Feliz Navidad" means "Merry Christmas"

  • oh okay, thank you for explaining :)

  • This is a photo of me wearing camouflage:

  • @JasonCuddles I find it hard to believe that you never heard the song “Fleas Gnaw Me Dad”.

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

  • Some needed HUMOR , a true story
    I thought I was pass this on, how to get rid of door to door vacuum salesman or saleslady.
    I answered my door the other day to find 2 lady's there, they told me there names and they were new in the area and wanted to get some feed back on there company as they planned to open up a store in the area. They handed me a gift card with a $25.00 value stated on it and had listed several different restaurant's on it, so I asked if they were opening a restaurant-??. They said no, then they showed me a pic of a vacuum cleaner that puts out suds, I quickly said I live alone and don't create a lot of dirt and have NO carpet at all in my place. The one lady said, oh, this machine will do hard floors as well, as I'm a quick thinker on my feet and I could tell they were not going to take NO for an answer. So I told them I have a cleaning lady come in once a week, then one asked, if I had there machine, would I let her use it, I said, she has her own and I sure would not buy it just for her to use it!!. She then said with a big smile, OH, our machine would be so much quicker !!!!!!!, I then said, well, I don't want her to work QUICK !!, I could see that they were both very puzzled, so the one asked WHY I didn't want her to work quicker, as I'm still holding this gift card in my hand trying to read the small print, I told them, because she works TOPPLESS, the one grabbed the card right out of my hand and said we have to GO, they left like the house was on fire, LOL, I assume they won't be BACK, LOL

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