Why do so many clients ask for ~more~

Many people who have been interested in cuddling me are only interested if im offering services that aren't allowed by the website. Im asked constantly while cuddling if I do it naked and many clients keep asking after I say no. Some even ask for sex and I wonder if many pros use this site to do that? I have nothing against it but im a gay woman and dont want to take the risks that comes with it. Is this a common experience for female cuddlers?

  1. How often are you asked for MORE25 votes
    1. Almost every session/client
    2. Half of the time
    3. Hardly ever


  • No matter how hard we try to keep this site platonic, there will always be people coming on here selling sex and people coming on here buying sex. Some people just don’t care to follow the rules of the site so you’re going to have to be patient and make it absolutely painfully obvious that you are platonic. If they push even once after you tell them, report them. They are disrespecting you and the site. They need to go... if you see a pro profile that has incredibly sexual pics or a profile in general saying anything against the site rules such as :

    • cuddle naked
    • Let’s have sex
    • An enthusiast charging
    • Oral
    • Just anything sexual 😖

    Report them. The end.

    You will eventually get into a habit of doing what works for you. It will get easier. And there are plenty of amazing cuddlers! Weed through the creepy disrespectful jerks, never compromise and remember that your dignity and respect are more important than money. If you ever have questions, there are plenty of pros that would gladly help you!

  • There was a discussion awhile back how prostitution should be legalized because it may get most of the guys looking for that off of sites like this.

  • edited November 2020

    You aren’t the only one this happens to . Since a lot of those adult sites are down men look elsewhere for those services . And sadly here and there I’ll get requests . It’s annoying but don’t let it discourage you . I meet some wonderful people here that are genuine and looking to cuddle . Say no and keep it moving like I do . Be patient clients will come !
    But if they are looking for non plantonic services report them . You never know you can help a fellow cuddler not deal with that or the bad things that could follow .

  • Some of us, despite having an ordinary libido, find navigating the possibility of sex to be a source of anxiety. It can be a relief to know up front that sex is off the table!

    Please do report anyone who doesn't take the first "no" for an answer, regardless of whether the request itself is against the rules.

    (Any chance of adding an "I'm a client/Not voting" option to the poll, so we can see the results without skewing them?)

  • edited November 2020

    @LunaRaine dont fall into the trapping of feeling obligated to give those type of people good karma if they do that . So many do out of fear of retaliation and fear of loss of income . Report them , leave negative karma, and block. It is for this reason I don't recommend giving your address or social media info etx unless of course you host then it is not avoidable

  • edited November 2020

    I try my best to weed out clients who want more but some act normal over video chat and end up wanting more in person. I would say this probably happens once or twice a month. So I fall somewhere between hardly ever and half the time.

  • edited November 2020

    Gaining a couple of decades in age and rounding out my figure has been helpful for me. 😂 Definitely not the recommended approach, though! Lol. I’m a clinician that is used to working with patients and they can often say inappropriate things. Having a planned response for those comments is pretty crucial in order to shut down any further unwelcome comments/actions tactfully. In addition, if I have suspicion of a cuddler’s motive, I chat with them before about the session using very clinical language. So there is no doubt what my goals are and sometimes that means I don’t hear back from them (bullet dodged). There are those couple who managed to not raise a single red flag that have caught me off guard—lesson learned... (again, have a planned reaction and response for every situation). But overall, the above things have helped me avoid “getting into bed” with that situation, if you’ll allow the expression. 😂 Also, make sure your profile pictures don’t leave room for misinterpretation. I’d say that’s one of the biggest things you might want to evaluate. Hopefully this helps!

  • edited November 2020

    I don’t get my guys are coming to a platonic cuddle site looking for anything sexual where there are prostitutes than actually offer that type of service. The reality is that there are far more prostitutes in the world than there are professional cuddlers.

  • Client here. I don't know why people ask for sex or naked cuddling, it's bizarre.

    But I do know why clients sometimes ask for more in a lesser way. There are three reasons.

    Firstly, it's simply boundary-exploring.

    Secondly, in cuddling, you are trying to fill an emotional and physical hole. While trying to find where the boundaries work with this particular person. At a rate of over a £1 a minute. It's a complicated situation, and you're trying to get the most out of it.

    Thirdly, and this is an important part of the problem, sometimes you are offered more. (And presumably, sometimes get more by asking for it.)

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