A professional cuddle play-by-play

I know the concept of cuddling is very simple but I’m still on the fence with booking my first session. Yes, the customer meets the professional and they cuddle for a set amount of time. However, it might be a little nerve racking for a first timer at different times throughout. Therefore, I’m wondering if a professional would give a detailed play-by-play of an actual session with a newbie. In my opinion, the time from when you first see the person (in person) up to getting into a cuddle position is where I’d be a little nervous. So, maybe just some details on how that went for you. Really, any details would be helpful. I’m not expecting the details on the cuddle itself. Thank you.


  • [Deleted User]AshleysEmbrace (deleted user)

    It is completely normal to feel nervous the first time meeting anyone and especially in a new experience as well. Every professional is going to be different in how they handle their sessions.

  • Yes, that's very normal indeed, second what Ashley said. You can mention this to the pro before your session, as they are not mind readers and so they'll know you're just nervous and not a weirdo haha.

  • I usually like to meet at a Wawa before the session starts just so we can have a nice hug, drink an ice cap and just have a good conversation! It’s free and is a great ice breaker, and then we head straight to the cuddle! I like to ask if you know what positions are your fave but I start with a very simple cuddle I call sweetheart. You lie on your back, I snuggle into your arms and intertwine our legs. We lay silently listening to music or have a nice conversation. We take it from there. Everyone is different and although I have a main play through I do, it’s usually always different depending on the cuddler. Have a good discussion with whomever you choose and they should understand the nervousness you feel before having a first session. Find a good pro and it will be awesome! Have fun!!

  • I'm sure it's different for everyone, but as a professional, the first thing I like to do after being welcomed inside is to smile, say a big hello, and offer a nice hug. Then I'll take off my coat and shoes and ask them where they'd prefer to snuggle. We'll head over to that location, take a seat/lie down, and I'll start by sitting close, stroking an arm/back, or hugging them again depending on the vibe. From there, we'll usually get closer and find a more comfortable sustainable position. Meanwhile, I may ask them how their day was and see if they'd prefer to engage in conversation or simply enjoy the touch in silence. Some folks may have a show on or music playing. Most of the time spent is embracing with mild soothing scratching/stroking. When the timer is up, I'll spend an extra few moments embracing them tighter and telling them how I enjoyed the session and look forward to another one. That's pretty much it.

    Many new cuddlers have expressed nervousness about that initial moment finding a cuddle position, but will later tell me that I eased their nerves and made them feel comfortable. That's what our job is as pros; to read the room, take control, make the first move, and ensure your comfort.

  • nolez2020 I am not a pro cuddler but I remember my first session well. I was a little nervous, and the professional put me at ease at once.

    All would say is choose your professional carefully. As long as you have a good one, everything will be fine. They are used to working with nervous clients. Talk to them beforehand, that will help. Remember, that you never have to do anything you don't want to do. Just say, "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. Could we do [XXX] instead, or just stay like this?"

    First sessions often start with a simple hug, hand holding, breathing together exercises, big standing hug, then sitting hug, and so on. It will go at your pace. You don't have to cuddle at all if you don't want to.

    Fill out your profile a bit more. You can upload photos and make them private, if you don't want them public. The more the professional knows about you, the easier it will be for them to make you feel comfortable.

    In other words, don't worry about it, it's all going to be great. Just take the plunge!

  • I always video chat with new clients before meeting. This is primarily for my own safety but it also gives the client a chance to get to know me and what to expect. I generally will talk with the client for a few minutes and get aquatinted before diving into the cuddling. I will ask the client if they feel comfortable to start cuddling. I usually play relaxing background music to help ease any nerves or tension. When the cuddling begins I will usually ask if a position is comfortable and switch positions every 10-30 minute. I usually focus more on the conversation than the cuddle positions themselves.

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