Regular cuddler or switch it up?

Do you prefer to see one cuddler on a regular basis (a steady cuddler), or do you prefer to switch it up and see different ones usually?
(Creating my first poll ever…wish I had a funny answer as an option) :)

  1. One steady cuddler OR switch it up?125 votes
    1. One steady cuddler
    2. I prefer to see different ones
    3. I’ll take what I can get
    4. Both, depending on stage in my life


  • Both. It’s nice to have someone you know well. But also I think it’s important not to get too attached to anyone, and plus it’s fun to meet new people.

  • I have a few regular ones, but I always rotate and also try new ones from time to time. Everyone brings a unique personality, different energy and vibe into their cuddles, and I enjoy the benefit of building connection with different people.

  • edited June 2023

    I highly, highly recommend having at least a rotation rather than a single cuddle partner - especially if this is your sole form of getting intimate touch outside of sex, and/or if you are particularly lonely, and/or if you struggle with any mental health issues that might lead towards unhealthy thought patterns.

    It is entirely too easy to get comfortable and caught up in the intimacy of cuddling and if your programming says "cuddle=intimacy=romance or sex", the wires can eventually get crossed. There is NOTHING wrong with this, it is human - as much as we humans like to put labels on everything and place them in neat little boxes, we are very messy with our hormones and emotions, and that's ok. We can tell our bodies till the cows come home not to react and they'll go right ahead and do so anyway. The difficulty is if you don't have the skills, experience, or fortitude at the time to navigate those emotions without acting on them inappropriately or going down a rabbit hole mentally & emotionally.

    By spreading out your cuddle time between multiple partners, for most folks it gets a little easier to reprogram that cuddles/=romance or sex on a physiological level. You get more practice feeling what cuddles feel like with different people, how your nervous system and body responds differently. Frankly, the more variety you get, the better equipped you are to handle any situations that come up - but there is a lot to be said for building long term connections as well.

    The other benefit of having multiple cuddle partners is that if you find yourself getting a bit too entangled with one, you can take a break from them and continue seeing the other(s) without completely going without your cuddle time.

    I know this is not for everyone, but I've had more than one partner/client get too attached and having to break things off completely can be painful for everyone involved. It's easier to be aware of the issue and take preventative steps (as much as possible, anyway).

  • edited June 2023

    Considering that most of my cuddle friends are out of town I don't really have a regular, but there are certain special people who I'd spend much more time with if geography allowed .

  • Having a cuddler who is routine, knows the how to cuddle, the where, the when. Simple texting for scheduling. When you dont even have to text each other, she just shows up because thats the routine day/time/length. I loved routine, routine was perfect, she was perfect! I like meeting new people but lengthy conversations just to engage in a cuddle is very tiresome. So I'm leaning towards regular.

  • @CelestialTouch I think that's pretty cool that you had a regular cuddle date (not in the "dating" sense). It is nice when someone knows your likes and the logistics. New cuddlers vary, as far as some are quick and easy to schedule and understand needs, while others require more back and forth.

  • edited June 2023

    I have been looking for a steady cuddle buddy close by, but have not been able to find one. This would be my perfect set up. Right now I mainly cuddle with paid cuddlers.

  • I definitely get more comfortable/relaxed with someone I've seen before. I appreciate the ongoing communication that seems to naturally occur with someone you see regularly. I'm not the only person they see, so I'm not concerned about over attachment or anything like that, but rapport is definitely highly valued and much appreciated to me. I enjoy becoming friends with those I see semi-regularly.

  • I've had the privilege of seeing a cuddler on a regular basis since 2019. As amazing as she is, a session with her nowadays requires a PTO day from work; She's in a different state and doesn't have sessions on my days off. With that being said, I've hosted a few sessions since the fall, and hope to have more frequent sessions once my work schedule eases up.

  • I have some cuddle-friends that I see with some regularity and I also enjoy the opportunity to cuddle with someone new. Some of my cuddle-friends have also become friends irl.

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    I have a favorite, but I definitely keep a rotation. I was married for 19 years - now it is time for me be free and spend time with and enjoy life with as many different people as I want. I'm travelling in 2 weeks and and booked with a new person who lives in a different state. Can't wait!

  • I go with the one that replies,.....the only one that replies.

  • Thanks for all the replies.
    @cuddlefaery Your response is helpful, since I’m pretty new at this! I do have a current regular cuddler and have some others scheduled. :)

  • For safety and comfort reasons, I really love getting to cuddle with my regulars. After building a rapport, I feel safer, know what to expect, and conversation flows smoothly.

    Cuddling with someone new is always a risk. It takes time and effort to properly vet someone. Best case, I'm worried they're going to cross boundaries. Worst case, I fear for my life.

    The only time I like switching it up is if I get the feeling someone is falling for me, getting too attached, having unrealistic expectations, or demanding too much of my time and attention outside of scheduled sessions.

  • @MrAdmirer That is a genius way to have someone ready to welcome you at a travel destination.

  • I’ve only cuddled pros finding it very difficult to locate an enthusiast. I have two cuddlers I see monthly on a rotating basis. Then I like to try new ones every now and then. I’m traveling a lot this summer and I’m trying to cuddle in each city. I’m traveling to Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, and Portland, Or. I like the consistency of regular cuddlers but it is enjoyable meeting new people and discovering different cuddling styles.

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    @vector this is a very common thing on the site. I have a long road trip to make and I can’t think of a better way to take a break and get my eyes off the road a bit and relax for a couple hours.

  • edited June 2023

    I have a great main professional cuddling partner, but I prefer to see different ones for balance and well-being but good professionals are hard to find. Ideally, I would like to find a few enthusiasts that understand consensual platonic cuddling but they are it tough to find. My problem with the website is I like to window shop and read profiles, I am not always looking to hire someone. If I am interested in you and ready to hire you I will message you.

  • Thanks for all the responses!!

  • I actually usually suggest people see more than one. It's better for (I feel) normalizing cuddling so people build attachments in a platonic way. I'm used to cuddling and touch but if someone is newer they may feel a little more vulnerable when it comes to being touched and emotional connection. In that case if it's not too scary for the person I do think it's best to jump around a bit. I don't mind it when people come to see me a couple times in a row a few times. It's nice and we get to know each other. But I do think a healthy norm is 1x every 2 weeks for newbies and once things are established and everyone has the same mindset 1x a week is okay. I don't suggest booking more than 1x a week. (suggest being the key term). I still recommend only bi weekly visits. (In my personal experience). These are my feelings alone. In my personal opinion having cuddles with the same pro more than 1 x a week leads to not so great places and you have to say a sad goodbye to clients because the pages aren't the same. This may be different for others, certain situations etc.

  • @CuddleHugs01234 Switch up regularly

  • Ideally (though this has been difficult to find) I'd like to find a regular that I really click with. Doesn't mean I wouldn't still see other cuddlers occasionally (especially while traveling) but it's so much easier to relax and enjoy the session with someone you know and trust.

    I hear and understand the attachment issues that people are mentioning, of course. I suppose the best would be to have 2-3 regulars that you like and trust, and rotate sessions with them. Living in a small town, that sort of dream scenario seems almost impossible for me!

  • I've gone with a different cuddler each time, but it's more down to convenience than anything. More than happy to do the rotation thing eventually but all depends on timing.

  • @cuddlefaery I appreciate your perspective and sharing your personal experience. I have had a few professional cuddlers that I booked repeat sessions with and built a great rapport, and have also appreciated booking cuddle sessions with pros as a one-time only.

  • @cuddlefaery I seriously didn't see yours when I wrote mine. Lol.

  • Professional cuddling can be dangerous for new vulnerable clients not used to the interaction. It's fine to look forward to the next session with that pro as long as it doesn't lead to unhealthy attachment.

    I think once a month with the same pro is fine to avoid that issue mentioned. Some clients may need to switch it up and see different pros. It depends on the person and how vulnerable they are to mistaken the platonic business relationship as something more than that.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    With professionals, as long as you remember that they would not be there if you weren’t paying them, you should be able to keep your perspective.

    As for the rare enthusiast connection, the key to everything in an actual relationship is communication, communication, communication.

    Ask them about their boundaries, about how much time they want to spend, how often, what brings them the most trust, comfort, and happiness.

    And then let them know that you will do your best to meet those expectations, because that is one of the best ways you can show appreciation.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    In a perfect cuddle world, I would have four regular cuddlers. One for each week of the month! We could all become friends, walk together through life's ups and downs, their marriages/divorces, challenges, and we'd all become better for having had solid friendships! :)

    That felt great! lol

  • Thanks for all the answers again.
    @CharlesInWI That’s what I do. I have a regular one, we get along great. Both enthusiasts. He will move soon though. I cuddle others also. If I get lots of regular ones, that’d be great. :)

  • I love cuddling with my regulars and once in awhile meet a new person! I am super attached to my regulars, but it’s not a big deal. You deal with it, what sucks is when they leave the site. But what can you do? You learn to move on.

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