What music are you all listening to?



  • @HarleyGirlKate
    Santana is one of the best !!! His life story AND music is very inspiring and transcendent.
    Sometimes I play Santana on repeat.
    His wife also made a line of shoes and handbags that I crush over. Rocker edge meets Frye.

    Joe Satriani, flying in a blue dream album is also amazing.

    Bongos are a skill set all their own. Do you play other instruments too ?

    Had an unfortunate experience to hear Matthew McConaughey play them and it was not soo good. πŸ˜‚

  • edited March 9

    @SunshineHug Oh, I agree! Haha, sorry about your "unfortunate experience." 😁

    I'm not particularly musically inclined but I enjoy playing nonetheless. The closest I get to playing for other people is once or twice a year I pop an edible, which greatly improves my playing, lol, and do the street music thing. I also play conga, and dabble with a cheap electric guitar my partner bought me last year. Also enjoy playing soprano recorder. Started with an alto recorder I found in a thrift store, but found it uncomfortable to play because it was too large for my hands.

    Of all of these instruments I play kind of badly, I'm probably the best with bongos. Conga drums, I found, seem deceptively easy when you first pick them up but in fact have a lot of possibilities that requires much practice. Same is true of bongos, but I knew that going in because my girlfriend in college played them and did so well. (She was a Music major.)

    How about you? Do you play?

  • @CSnMUS87 Easily album of the year so far!

    This is suprisingly good.

  • @HarleyGirlKate
    That’s very captivatingly refreshing as it’s hard to play any musical instrument. Edibles, peach taffy chews, are some of the best snacks in life ! πŸ€— It’s some of the best stress relief while soothing others too. πŸ˜†
    All of my older siblings played guitar 🎸 in bands and I occasionally try to sing 🎀.
    The frisson goosebumps from music makes me feel more grounded and appreciative of the little moments.
    Music is a perfect way to connect and escape and relax. 😎
    I’ve heard some artists in this thread that are not conventional mainstream but so talented.

  • edited March 10

    @SunshineHug Thank you. πŸ™‚ I certainly find it hard but that is cool because I am at peace with music being something I do for myself.

    Peach taffy sounds pretty wonderful, I gotta say!

    That is neat you sing. I agree with you about music being a good way to connect, escape and relax. I find drumming is useful for me because I can make myself feel how I want based on how I play--from relaxed to manic to somewhere in-between.

    Sometimes I like to go lift weights in my basement and play my drums very aggressively between sets. I only do that on days when my partner is at work, lol.

    Other times. I like to drum in a soothing, quiet way that helps me with prayer and meditation.

  • edited March 10

  • edited March 9

  • So I wanted to share it starting at a specific time but my phone won't let me do that. However the little song in my head starts at 0:36 seconds and runs for 10 seconds until 0:46. All of the organ music at PNC Park is pre-recorded since the organist passed away in 2009. It all makes me happy.

  • This song - the lyrics, the theme - everything cheers me up :sunglasses:

  • Revisiting some of my favorites from high school and beyond... There's a podcast called "The Cobain 50" from KEXP - Kurt Cobain's 50 favorite albums, as found on a list he wrote down at some point and was found/kept/made public.

  • An old (for me) classic

  • sways slowly

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

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