Any coders in here?



  • I mostly use C and a little bit of Python at my current job. I used to be pretty comfortable with R in college but haven’t used it in a while

  • PHP, JS, first was BASIC (GW-BASIC) on a Tandy TRS-80.

    And, HTML and CSS of course.

  • Has a program been developed to create, subjectively, the perfect music/song?

    I've imagined some kind of software that uses probes to measure your neural and skin responses to a variety of different music, and analyzing the melodies or instrumentation that elicits the most pleasurable responses, can compose the "perfect music."

    Is this a thing? If not, I've probably given out an idea worth billions of dollars for free. You're welcome.

  • @TxTom There's several AIs which generate songs. They don't use skin sensors or anything, probably just a much cheaper "give me some other songs you like and tell me if you like this one." As far as the perfect song, that's highly subjective and going to be different for everyone, based on a variety of factors including how they hear and process music.

  • @Unscented_Lemon Agreed. The purpose of the neural, skin, even heart rate sensors would be to note what part of a song generates the most pleasure, and compose something based on the results. The result would be a customized song tailored to one person.

    Which would probably inevitably lead to some kind of "auditory crack" addiction among the population.

  • Me avoiding C++/having bad experience with C++ and seeing everyone here talking about C++ and some languages I have no idea about: 😐

    Will I even get away with no C++ 😅

  • edited April 27

    I switched to learning Python because it's less stressful. I did a password manager where it generates random passwords for websites and saves them to a file.

  • Your message box has a typo. 🤪

    God, I hated tutoring in coding. I was learning it right alongside them but I picked it up faster.

  • Python and Javascript are both used extensively for web page development. Python is more focused on the back end processing such as A.I., Machine Learning, and anything else that goes on behind the scenes. Javascript is more focused on the front end which is the stuff that you can see when you load a web page.

  • I wrote a Tetris and a Checkers in C.
    My JavaScript shopping cart was a masterpiece lol.
    Couldn't do any of that now to save my life

  • Nice one @Mike403 !
    I picked up Python about 4 years ago to get a few specific certifications. Part of the work involved projects using several of the different algorithm methods (breadth-first search, depth-first search, uniform cost search, a*,....) to complete projects like solving Sudoku puzzles, 8-puzzle, and the 2048 game. The projects I did for the machine learning and data science certs weren't as flashy, lots of analyzing large data sets and auto-filling missing data based on the rest of the data set, then displaying charts and graphs based on what details you wanted to pull.

    Python and Powershell have become my main programming languages I use now personally and professionally and for what I do they work great.

    Tetris and Checkers in C? Wow! I haven't touched Javascript, but most people I've talked with who have said take everything you know about programming and start over because it's a completely different process lol

  • @netrunner - I'm doing the 100 days of code course on Udemy. I did the first 14 days in one day since I already had programming experience and it was just basic concepts such as working with variables and loops.

  • "I switched to learning Python because it's less stressful"

    Lol I almost died laughing, so true.

    This happened to me - accidentally - and was a life changer. Did C/C++ throughout college (electrical engineering) and now do Python, C#, JavaScript, SQL.

  • Learned juuuuust enough Javascript to create autofill packets in Adobe, but not really coding because it was 90% googling and then smashing together pieces of code and logicking out what to replace until it finally worked.

    This has, however, made me the expert in my office so other departments come to me to make them their own versions 😂😭

  • edited April 30

    My main programming languages are C++, C#, Java, Python, and a little Lua and Assembly. C++ is by far my most proficient because it’s the one I use 90% of the time at work. Next would be C# because I also use that at work some.

    Python is definitely an easier language to learn and is incredibly useful. It’s less useful for real-time environment software though where quick processing and memory management is crucial. My general rule of thumb for determining how efficient a language is is to look at how much it does for you. Python is an interpretive language, and it does a lot of the under-the-hood stuff for you. So you don’t have to know the low-level coding as much. C++ is much more efficient because it does very little without you telling it to (minus compiler optimizations), but it’s also more challenging to learn. That added complexity gives you more control over what the software is actually doing though which, if you know what you’re doing, leads to a more efficient program.

  • What state do programmers live in? 👀

    North De-coder.

  • @Mike403
    Nice!! What's been the most interesting or difficult project you've come across so far doing the 100-day program? I haven't done one of those myself but consider it when I run out of projects and ideas on things to create. Currently I'm looking at making a web-based personal budgeting software as the one I'm paying a subscription for doesn't have all the features I'd personally want for reporting and managing. Sad thing is, some of those features I'm wanting were available when their product was a locally installed program you paid for once instead of a subscription. They take suggestions for new features but it's been years so I'm just going to look at doing it myself and hopefully be able to cut out another subscription :lol:

  • @netrunner yea I also say wow when I think about it lol, I was in high school, and I think it was a Commodore 128. kind of wasted that talent. the Checkers wasn't very smart at all to be honest. it randomly picked a move for the computer, and to make your own moves you had to key in coordinates. I don't think there was mouse functionality at that time.

    Programming in Assembly is really cool because you get to know how the computer processes data. I know one of the reasons it was used back in the days was to save processing time which I assume doesn't really matter nowadays.

    Also, if you know Visual Basic you can make your Excel spreadsheets pretty powerful. another thing I forgot over the years...

  • @Sooson
    Yea, I guess I forgot to ask then if each of those games was set for 2-player or if you could play against the computer. Trying to code in logic and strategy would have been a big undertaking. Still a good experience!

    I've only touched on learning Assembly, out of curiosity, and yea, it's extremely detailed. I know it's still used today in some areas like reverse engineering when you don't know what language a program was written in but you can decompile it into Assembly and get an idea of what something was programmed to do.

    VB6 was my first true programming language to learn, and while I loved using it, I haven't touched VB in 15+ years. But yea, it was definitely something worth knowing if you worked in Excel a lot.

  • I've learned some Java, HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, SQL, Javalin, JDBC, Spring Boot, but the one I have done the most with is Java. Recently did a boot camp style training for 3 months and am waiting to hear on a start date for a job offer. We had to create some social media blog backend APIs. The first one used Java, Javalin, JDBC and SQL. The second one was a similar project but using Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Spring Framework. I also previously earned a CS degree in 2021.

  • I've done web apps using JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL on Apache webserver running on Linux.

    They've included a math fact drill page, a math worksheet generator, several calculators and one that had a cat footprint walking around the page.

  • I've spent more time fixing other people's code than writing my own. I started my career in a Program Advisory Office at a University. Undergrads would come in with coursework that they'd borked. There'd be a sudden rush as new coursework was given out. After seeing the first few we'd figure out the 5 or 6 things they commonly got wrong. After that we'd have god-like abilities at spotting what the remainder of the class got wrong. Postgrads and professors would bring in more complicated issues. I only once had to tell someone to write down what he thought his program was doing, then throw it away and start again. He'd written it in Basic and was jumping in and out of loops and subroutines, rather than copying a few lines of code into several places.

    One guy came in with a printout and a card deck (punch cards, 1980's). Turned out he'd punch an 'O' instead of zero. He ran off to punch a new card, and came back four hours later saying that didn't fix it. We looked at the card again. He'd punched a new card, thrown it away, and put the old one back in the deck.

  • Sometimes I think I'm 'good at computers'. Thanks for setting me straight...

  • I actually graduated from UC Berkeleys programming bootcamp last year, I’m mostly a JavaScript, Mern stack developer but I taught myself python, solidity(for smart contracts on blockchain) and just recently Dart because I’m trying to learn some flutter development. I have been dabbling in PyTorch a lot too!

  • edited May 5

    @Sooson I made something similar in JavaScript a few months ago. Like an e commerce store but mostly backend with minimal front end design. I used mongodb for the database and react as the front end. Taking a break from programming for a couple weeks though tbh 😮‍💨

  • edited May 5

    @mercedesislove its a good exercise to test your programming skills but honestly is it realy needed nowdays ? Any e-commerce platform will plant a shopping cart in your store . I regret not keeping up with programming and making it a carreer . I did Cobol for a living for couple years but even that was just pasting pre-written chunks of code at the right spot... at least most of them were placed at the right spot =) =)

    Good luck whatever you choose to do.

  • I started on a TI-99/4A that I received when I turned 16. That summer my typing speed went from 25 words/minute to 50 as I retyped programs from magazines and then developed my own. The TI version of BASIC was very similar to what I could run on my friend’s Apple IIe or the TRS-80s at school. In college I took FORTRAN for a while. After a first career in another field, I transitioned to a web developer, which I’ve been full-time (and as a small business owner) ever since. I still have a working TI in my office … with voice synthesizer, the epitome of cool. How would you ladies like to cuddle with me now???! LOL. Yeah, I think we’ve guaranteed that very few ladies will be reading this thread. 😂

  • edited May 5

    @Sooson yeah I say program for the love of it or for the brain exercise! I don’t think programming at a basic level will be around much longer although there are still so many people who are employed as programmers. It’s great for when people want custom apps or games built and not just cookie cutter.I have a friend who is a data engineer and some that are also just app developers. I think right now it’s still something that makes money but in future who knows. Personally I’m shifting focus to building my tech company vs just spending time programming. AI can do some of that basic stuff.

  • @CanyonRidge posted: "How would you ladies like to cuddle with me now???! LOL. Yeah, I think we’ve guaranteed that very few ladies will be reading this thread. 😂"

    😄 I've been skimming this thread the past several days, though I know nothing about anything...I just drop in to feel impressed and uneducated. 😜 Love your humor, and your username. Reminds me of this song.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • edited May 5


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