💚❤Why men are in need of cuddle more than women?



  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Ahmedali999: I gave you my answer. Should I repeat it?

    I even expanded further on my answer, explained it thoroughly, gave a simile. Remember?

    Men don't have an innate need for cuddles that towers over the innate need for cuddles every other sex has. Saying they do is like saying red-headed stepchildren have an innate need for food that's greater than anyone else's.

  • @MountainCuddles its simple u give me the answer men get less cuddles then women but I want more deeper answer or different opinion regards

  • @DarrenWalker sorry bro my bad i don't want this to end i want to share or see different opinions regards

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @cuddles_ndream: Ha. It makes it a little more clear, doesn't it?

    "You gave me the answer that red-headed stepchildren get less food than other kids," someone might say, "but I want a deeper answer as to why red-headed stepchildren are hungrier than other kids, or a different opinion!"

  • Women cuddle other women a lot more than men cuddle other men. In general men only like to cuddle women but it's not uncommon for women to cuddle other women within their friend groups. Furthermore, men are far more inclined to cuddle women than the reverse. Men who want cuddles from women outnumber women who want cuddles for men by a hundred to one.

  • @MountainCuddles well said 👍also women get support from people around them more than men because they can Express their emotions feelings which men keep it to themselves

  • ugh... well there you have it then... 🙄🤦‍♀️

    and I just threw up in my mouth a little 😖

  • @quixotic_life don't worry it's my fault i had the answers but I'm just curious about different opinions 🤗

  • I'm not worried. I just have a mix of disappointment and disgust. It's not the first time, and likely not the last. And although it's exhausting, and requires a bit of effort to maintain control of my reactions, I suppose I should ultimately be thanking you for this opportunity to practice doing so.

  • @quixotic_life you are good human been no one is perfect I'm worst than you and try to improve my morality which i couldn't there are others trying to make me fool but what can I do 🤗 enjoy your day

  • edited July 2021

    I was raised in a family of women and received most of my physical attention from my father. My dad would cuddle me at night if I came walking in, no questions asked. My mom on the other hand sort of turned a cheek when you kissed her or turned partly sideways when you tried to hug her. My family was touchy-feelie. I thought everybody was that way until I got out into the big bad world.

    When I got into high school, I made sure that any guy that knew me was met with a hug. Those friends still hug 'til this day and yes, they played football, did manly stuff, and actually turned out more conservative than me. They also find my CC escapades to be hysterical.

    So, I side with it being learned (Once again, along with masculinity) and not innate. I really feel for the guys that didn't get that upbringing as I did. I was also a founding participant in The California Men's Gathering here in L.A. which was founded, proudly, by cishet men like myself. We spent time undoing what most men do to each other early in life, what we used to call "macho bullshit."

  • @PeopleLikeUs interesting story 👍

  • @CharlesThePoet i understand now men have less access to cuddle than women because women are rare for them to see a pro

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    ...Men have less access to cuddles because women aren't booking up all the pros?

    I'm not sure I understand the reasoning here.

    If women hired pro cuddlers more often, it would be easier for men to find spots in the pros' busy schedules? It would be easier for them to get cuddles with the women who're getting pro cuddles? It would be easier for them to cuddle with each other?

    [thoughtfully] "Men have less access to cuddles than women because it's rare for women to see pros." Hmm....

  • @DarrenWalker men have less access for cuddles @MountainCuddles gave me that answer which could be true my experience with pro women they told me most of their clients have lack of touch,communication,some suffer from depression,anxiety etc i think women get support more than men from the society because they can easily Express their feelings,emotions to close people unlike men would keep it to themselves

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    @Ahmedali999: Ah. Do you realize that you said the reason men can't get cuddles is that women aren't hiring pros?

    That's what "men have less access to cuddle than women because women rarely see a pro" means. Crucial conjunction.

    Anyway, you confused me. ...Maybe that shouldn't be past tense....

  • The quality of cuddling for money seems diminished to me. I'm not sure why. I hypothesize that being cuddled just because I'm human and being recognized for that is an ego boost (?) and paying money for a cuddle feels a couple of steps removed from paying a sex worker, as far as my self esteem is concerned.
    I realize I'm drifting away from the topic but this arguing about how men's cuddling needs compared to women's cuddling needs just sounds like misogyny. I was in Turkey recently, and I do love that country, but I'll say that I was rather disturbed by the level of male-centeredness that I noticed. That crap needs to go!

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    This thread…

  • @DarrenWalker 😁 don't worry about it English not first language u easily can get confused it's just a rare pro cuddlers get women clients @UCpaaHVg6u0 paying for cuddle its really worth it it's meditation for some clients like me i have believe that men need cuddle more than women and members here proved me I'm wrong

  • This is one of those subjects that I want to respond to, then just get so caught up in emotions that I can't even speak. I probably wouldn't even be here on this site if my wife wouldn't have had to leave our bed 18 years ago for physical/health reasons.

  • @GentleMan1111 sorry to hear that this is life always full of surprises sometimes happiness sometimes pain

  • Well woman are in need too, but the safest way for them is when they do it for money, and of course woman enjoy more then we do.

  • [Deleted User]Abbeyroad (deleted user)

    I'm a woman and I need and like lots of cuddles . I don't really agree that men need them more than women . Maybe just seems like it on this site ? Dont know ...

  • @soullover you could be right @izkanti i see men starving for cuddles more than women maybe women need to feel safe.

  • @DarrenWalker 😂😂this is just absolute gold!!!

    it’s like talking to someone who insists redheads need food more than blonds, and points to all the starving red-headed stepchildren to "prove"

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    @Melomaniac9: Thank you, thank you!

    Of course, the analogy isn't exact. Most red-headed stepchildren wouldn't, for instance, be found paying the local baker for three bread rolls... nor would the local baker typically be too afraid of the kid to say, "Okay, that's three, time to stop eating!"

    You won't find most underfed children saying things like, "My local bakers are too scared of me to tell me I've finished what I paid for because I go mental—I insist they bake me another 3 or even 6! I also try to convince them to cancel other orders. 😍 I grab them, I don't want them to stop baking for me. They are so cute when I do that."


  • I’m loving this baker & red head starving kid story that’s unfolding please keep it going @DarrenWalker

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Melomaniac9: Heh. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm not the one writing it! Just translating.

  • @DarrenWalker whoah, that is unsettling and scary.

  • @DarrenWalker ~

    That is out-fricking-ragious!! But I'm so glad you linked to it. The degree of disregard and cluelessness is mind boggling! And I'm honestly having a hard time coming to grips over this one. SMH... WTF!

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