Two Truths and a Lie



  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    @Shake49 is correct!

    Sadly, A is very true, and only happened a couple of weeks ago. I still have the cuts, bruises and the broken ankle to prove it, which makes C all the more difficult, as I have to scare people while wearing a support boot!

  • Omg, I'm glad you're ok though!!!

  • @Mela_B wow amazing story

  • Alright, two truths and a lie.

    A. Nanosaurus (originally Othnielia) are my favorite herbivorous dinosaur.

    B. I'm ambidextrous

    C. One summer I busted the bottom of my upper lip open, and still have the bump to prove it

  • B is the lie!

  • Well done @Maverick07 you got me. 🙂

  • WOW! I should play the lottery today.
    OK, let me think now...

  • edited September 2021
    1. I've lived in 29 different residences so far.
    2. I almost died because of an E. coli infection when I was a young kid.
    3. I've never had a broken bone in my body.

    Place your guesses, ladies and gents!

    1. I've visited North Korea
    2. I learned how to juggle when I was 12
    3. I have stretch marks from growing too fast
  • @Maverick07 I suspect yours is 1.

    It might be a high number but maybe not THAT high?

  • @Big_Chris not #1, my friend ;-)

  • edited September 2021

    @Maverick07 I'm guessing 3! 50-50 at this point, and the other two facts are rather unique so it's the odd one out.

  • @sunnysideup ding, ding, ding!! I actually only broke a small bone of my left big toe (almost lost the toe too!)
    @Big_Chris I’ve lived in different countries, places through undergrad and grad school, life events, etc.

  • In the Army, largely due to my proficiency in Spanish, I was trained as an interrogator and attached to a cold weather infantry unit. Our mission was to prevent Russians from invading Norway on foot.

    When I arrived six hours late, my date was sitting at a picnic table calmly reading a book. She asked, without any hint of annoyance, “Where were you?”

    More recently, I worked in a school that did not have any teachers on staff. The school’s philosophy was that if they really wanted to learn something, the kids could probably figure it out on their own.

  • edited September 2021

    @MonkeyNeedsAHug also 1

    Knew a few 35M (interrogator, sorta) in the army, and that story sounds weird. Could be true, I don't judge. But doesn't make any sense. Not that any part of the army makes sense

  • Ooh…my turn!

    1. I am fluent in Japanese
    2. I once won $13,000 playing blackjack online
    3. I was on a jury on a murder one trial of a gang member in Southern California
  • @Spud424 is it 1?! Are you not really fluent in Japanese ?

  • @Big_Chris is it #2? Apparently tall people can get stretch marks, so that might be true. .

  • Spud, I think 3 is untrue

  • I think 1 isn’t true

  • Okay, then I'll go with 2

  • edited September 2021

    Number one was only a lie because I said it happened in the Army. If I had said Marines, it would have been true.

    But I was surprised no one bit on the school thing. And I was really surprised by my date’s patience.

  • 1 I’ve been to over half of the lower 48 states.
    2 I once owned a 1976 Corvette.
    3 I’ve been in more than one earthquake.

  • edited September 2021

    My untruth is:


    (“I am not fluent in Japanese” - thank you google translate!)

    I gave back $11,000 of that win before I cashed out. A nice $2,000 profit over that weekend but could have been so much more.

    I was indeed on a jury. The photos we saw as part of evidence from that day still haunt me. Ever see somebody’s face and head after being shot at point-blank range? I wish I didn’t.

  • @Shake49 ~ Any idea who's up at this point?? It kinda jumped the rails so it's hard to tell... 🤪

  • @Maverick07 I just have to say your avatar is the best I have ever seen. That rules.

  • @quixotic_life yea, that threw me off too 😅

    Looks like Maverick had the last turn before things went off the rails and it looks like @sunnysideup never took their turn after guessing the right answer. I'd say it's up to them if they want to take a turn or pass to someone else. 🙂

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    Definitely B. Your username and A fit, I've saved two people's lives (one was my nephew) so tht really isn't a stretch. Thworing something about your favorite color (simple) into two serious experiences is obvious. Saying that, I'd like to guess- your favorite color is green.

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