Two Truths and a Lie



  • edited September 2021

    Whoops. I had played two truths and a lie many times before and didn’t realize the rules here were intended to keep clearer track of whose turn it was. Sorry. I’m not sure why that is necessary, but I didn’t mean to derail the thread by jumping in uninvited.

  • You're fine @MonkeyNeedsAHug 😂 I only put those rules in place so that it'd be easier for people to follow along with the game. The only version I've played had two people so I thought this would be easier. You're still welcome to play. Everyone is 🙂

  • I'm wondering what you guys think. Do you think it's simpler with one consistent game or do you like it better with multiple games going on?

  • I think I might be up as well?!

    1. I used to work in the cannabis industry as a lab technician in a CBD plant.

    2. I have never modified my body - zero tattoos and no piercings, never even pierced my ears.

    3. I was a contestant on the price is right game show and won a trip to Jamaica.

  • @Shake49 ~ IDK but as long as people put who they're responding to when guessing, it seems like multiple could happen at once. But it does get confusing when trying to figure out what's happening (could be because I'm viewing on my phone with all the scrolling involved though)... 🤷‍♀️

    That said...
    @Nature_Lover_ ~ Is it #3 ??

  • @quixotic_life you nailed it !!! 🤷‍♀️😊

  • Oh yay!!

    I've already gone once, so I'm gonna pass tjis time...

  • @Nature_Lover_ really cool facts! 😃

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    Oh, so we can list three things? I'll bite:

    1. I hooked up with a celeb that was visiting Austin for SxSW and had to sign a NDA the next day.

    2. I've snorted cocaine off a breast of, "short person," that was a novelty at a strip club in Vegas.

    3. I never met my father until I was 34.

  • 2 is the lie, @Saysoh.

    We all know what happens in Vegas stays there.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    Incorrect. It's C. My dad did bounce from the family when I was 13, however.

  • Ngl, I'm curious about the celebrity story if you don't mind sharing @Saysoh

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited September 2021


    It was over twenty years ago. We owned a warehouse just outside of Austin (we threw raves) and we're doing a non-official SxSW show with Dj Dan and Feelgood (you have to pay a lot of money to use, "official SxSW show." Dan is from SF and so was she, so she came out with her team and we let them in. This was back in the peak of the rave days and MDMA was involed. I played before Dan and she liked my set, we chatted it up and she invited me to her hotel and we rolled together. She's not relevant in celebrity status these days, but when I left her room and got to the lobby, I was pulled aside and told to sign a NDA. Boring, I know, but most hook ups are. This is a pic from that night.

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