420 cuddle party



  • Trademark and copyright lawyers would not generally care unless use of the phrase impacts profits. They might be concerned if a pro started offering to host cuddle parties or if Cuddle Comfort starts using the term. But it’s OK for regular people to call a cuddle party a cuddle party. (Ever sing happy birthday without paying royalties to the composer?)

    And on an unrelated note…


  • edited November 2021

    I totally enjoy cuddling high (on my own time), but I will echo the consent concerns.

  • I'm reading and I hear all of you and taking some notes. Thanks for the warning, the concerns, and tips on how do it safely. Can't wait to read more comments to learn something new!

  • Good thing I didn't title it "Magic Mushroom Cuddle Puddle" wonder what kind of discussion that would be like 😂

  • @NatieKat7 I'll be up for either or 🤪 420, 820 or a mashroom soup🤣 Come over🤗

  • Good thing I didn't title it "Magic Mushroom Cuddle Puddle" wonder what kind of discussion that would be like 😂

    Colorful most likely. With inanimate objects weighing in with their opinions.

  • @NatieKat7 Cuddling on a mild dose of mushrooms, especially in nature is super magical. I had a really pleasant experience with a small group on a little river island by a fire a few weeks ago. I was friends with two people but others were new and it was incredibly bonding.
    You’d run into issues with full out tripping as people have to contend with their own egos and fears, but a small to moderate micro dose has potential for taking a cuddle party into a fun and more sparkly realm.

    (Again I also wouldn’t see this as part of a professional space)

  • As a pro who is 420-friendly and a social drinker, I would suggest a few things.

    1. Consent workshops before cuddle party. Knowing how to communicate needs typically requires a clear head.

    2. Though smoking can be relaxing and helpful towards a cuddle, it can make you sleepy/slightly disorientated where things can be easily a miscommunication or even become emotional. You never know how someone is going to react to being embraced/held/ect. From laughter, to crying, to yes, even uncomfortable feelings that can easily make someone agitated when things aren't their way.

    If you are to smoke socially, I do suggest having a "420 party and chill" after the scheduled cuddled time. Drinking is something I typically do not do before/during a session, if its a nice dinner out, a glass of wine could be in order, but nothing over the top. Because, again, emotions are cautioned to switch up at the worst of times.

    1. Being in someone personal space for the first time, it's important to be respectful over the other person, being under the influence, won't necessarily throw respect out the window, but it may be put on the back burner, and frankly, I do not find that fair to my cuddle partner. My smoking/420 habits are not seen when I am hosting, because I keep everything to a side room. If I am not going to have my clients walk in on a smoke cloud, I am not going to come in as a enthusiast cuddler and expect that to change.
  • @Hbang mushroom soup sounds fetch! Though I don't wanna derail the conversation, so I'm gonna leave it there. 😅

  • @Hbang I just now saw your comment. Mushroom soup! That’s great. I concur.

  • I would be down to bring some green and cuddle! 😊

  • @MonkeyNeedsAHug it's not so much about impacting profits as it is misrepresenting a brand. So no, calling a 420 centered event a "cuddle party" and advertising it as such will invite legal action.

  • edited November 2021

    I don’t practice law in all the places the CC forum is read. But I stand by my comment. As a general rule, regular people can continue to call a cuddle party what it is, in almost any non-commercial context, without fear.

    Can we get back to talking about drugs?

  • @krissybear123 what if I bring blue can we still cuddle? 🙃

  • Wish someone would do one near Tampa, Fl

  • edited November 2021
  • Dang I’m high. What were we talking about?

  • @MonkeyNeedsAHug Out here asking the important questions…. 🤣😎

  • Here in Ohio we are late ( as always for everything it seems ) to the 420 Cuddle Party! Reminds me of all the other "fun stuff" Ohio was late to. Hoping we join the party soon 🤣 Thank goodness for travelling ! 😊

  • I like smoke and cuddles, I would go.

  • edited November 2021

    @CuddlesByDeep , can you show me where the term “cuddle party” is trademarked? I can’t find it. There’s a website, Cuddle Party Inc. that uses the term and nowhere is the term followed by the TM mark. The Wikipedia page on that organization does not mention that the term is trademarked.

    I did contact Cuddle Party Inc. and @CuddlesByDeep is correct, the term “cuddle party” is a registered trademark.

  • edited November 2021

    @Babichev I'd rather not get deep into an argument over trademarks, but my understanding is that in general only certified Cuddle Party(R) facilitators with the requisite training are allowed to advertise events using the Cuddle Party(R) name.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I am a facilitator, but I'm not complaining because I think I belong in some sort of exclusive guild. I just don't want a drug centered event marketed as "Cuddle Party" when that brand specifically bills itself as offering a safe experience based on a foundation of consent and creating a high level of safety. Say what you will, someone under the influence of 420 is in an altered state, and indeed in a state where consent may be impaired.

  • Uh if some friends organize a “cuddle party” to get together that trademark can only be enforced if they are charging money or receiving some sort of compensation. It is a commerce trademark for business. Furthermore if a group of adults consent and agree on boundaries knowing 420 will be present and used, pretty much their business behind closed doors.

    I understand the concern but let’s not turn a simple thread that was in fun into a finger-wagging thread highjacking. If one does not condone it, then one does not have to participate or join in said party or thread.

  • edited November 2021

    @Lovelight stop trying to make “fetch” happen. 😉

    I’ve been hesitant to come out as a cannabis consumer, but despite the fact that some people might read this and find out, there it is. I started using marijuana daily (well, basically nightly) for medical purposes a few years ago and I enjoy it recreationally as well. I like that it doesn’t give me a hangover the way alcohol does, and I like the out-of-the-blue philosophical thoughts I have while on it. I’ve even remembered past traumas almost as if I were there, seeing the experiences from multiple points of view, including those of others who were there with me and even (in my long-held point of view) “inflicted” the trauma, and the empathy I feel while under the influence helps me see how those moments were their trauma too (such as when my mom tried to commit suicide).

    That said, I haven’t cuddled under the influence and I would be hesitant do so during a cuddle session except for maybe a micro dose (1.25–2.5 mg) just to relax, which I could argue would make me no more “under the influence“ than taking an antidepressant and/or anxiolytic. I would be even more cautious as a pro, depending on the client and the rapport I have with them. I have, though, thought it would be interesting sometime to be a client and get really twisted with a pro who could cuddle and talk me though my trip so that it became an even more therapeutic thought-and-feeling processing experience.

    All that said, I have mixed feelings about calling an event a "cuddle party" unless it is advertised only through word-of-mouth and made very clear that it was not a bonafide Cuddle Party with a trained facilitator and all that. I do believe the opening circle (ground rules and consent exercises) in a Cuddle Party, led by a trained facilitator, makes for a safer consensual, platonic experience, but to each his own. If there were any published text in print or online, I would not call it a cuddle party so as not to confuse it with a Cuddle Party. I also have the same concerns about consent and physical and emotional safety that others, including @MissAdventurous , have voiced. I mean, if being a Cuddle Party facilitator requires extensive training, imagine how much more training a 420 cuddle party facilitator should have in dealing with a group of people who are all experiencing various journeys or even "trips" (depending on how much they consume and what their tolerance is)! To my mind, that is a big responsibility. I get what some above have said about a group of consenting adults who can "hold their cannabis" so to speak (my quote, not theirs), but how large of a group of friends can one get before the chain breaks and the safety net unravels? Again, I say this not as someone who is not "420-friendly" but as a consumer who has concerns based on personal experience and what I have gathered from other consumers.

    Enjoy your party and be safe!

  • @nurturingman thank you for sharing so well what I consider are also my own sentiments about the topic.

  • @nurturingman I just might if I get paid to stop lol.

  • @Lovelight @calmcontact 🤯🥴🤪😆 🙃🤗😜 🦦😍using emoji language...I am sure you can decode it🤣...🤫

  • edited November 2021

    Hey @CuddlesByDeep

    It seems you’re doubling down by continuing to write “Cuddle Party(R)”. Do you realize that (R) has legal significance and are you intending to convey that the phrase is a registered trademark?

    I contacted Cuddle Party Inc and it apparently is a registered trademark. - Babichev

  • If the term is trademarked, Cuddle Party Inc. would mark it as such on their website.

    I’ll write to them myself and ask.

  • edited November 2021

    @MonkeyNeedsAHug, I'm not a spokesman for the organization, just one of the facilitators. I am using the name according to the way the training materials outline I should be using it. I use it that way everywhere, not just in this forum. I've used it that way before this thread was in existence. I also edited my earlier response to @Babichev to remove the screenshot of the trademark search, because I feel it's not my place to prove anything here, nor is it any of my business.

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