420 cuddle party



  • I think with legalization and regulation it will definitely become more normalized. Nothing beats the connection you feel while cuddling after consuming cannabis!

  • @MillieBug I agree. And I am responsible about it. I don’t drive after getting high unless I am driving.

  • Are people from the UK are welcomed🤗 . If everything paid travel,hotel,food let's see if American people have hospitality to invite and everything on them

  • @Ahmedali999 I wouldn’t have a problem if you showed up whatsoever!

  • What about a PCP cuddle party? Our hugs could be so powerful. 🤣

  • Let's call it, "Hugs and Buds Party", or Snugs 'n' Nugs", lol! Cali calls this one! Lol!
    Seriously though, small gatherings would be more manageable maybe. I've never been to something like this before, and yes, I might be cautious, but I would like to think that I would be in the safety of a small group of like minded people. Maybe if everyone were to get there at the same time and get to know each other, and their boundaries shared, before and while we begin to partake, would help the party/sessions along. Then, I feel everyone would kind of have each other's backs... Maybe have a mix of equal ratio of pros to cuddlees who would like to participate would make it safer. Maybe the pros could meet first to discuss the boundaries, maybe have the pros do a sesh alone first...
    I'm in Southern California, if anyone has a host location, I'd be down to getting together. I think there's already a few of us, lol.

  • @MizzKitty call it a buddle session lol

  • @ernesto_2, yasss, we can all be Buddies!

  • @MizzKitty You know I will be there.

  • If not cuddle party then we can call it a cuddle huddle 😊

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    MDMA cuddle party sounds better.

  • @FunCartel, see you there. 😸

  • @Saysoh with friends yes, it could get a little intense with strangers. I’d say that’s more likely to change people’s cuddliness more than any other substance mentioned.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    THC also can also have the same affect. It's all cirumstance.

  • mollycuddling ftw!
    Nice job, @nurturingman !

  • True Story...

    Right at the beginning of sesh with a ProCuddler

    Pro Cuddler: Do you smoke

    Me: No I don't

    Pro Cuddler: I was going to ask if you wanted a hit.

    Me: Wait Wait Wait... What you say.

    Pro Cuddler: I was going to ask if you wanted a hit.

    Me: ill take that. Im down

    So we both took a hit. Once more middle of the sesh. And is one of the best cuddle EVER!

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