Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • @BlueIris I see your point about all the off-topic posts, especially since they show up on the home page. "What's for dinner?" Starting to feel like Facebook around here. ;-)

    On the other hand, what is there to say about cuddling that hasn't already been said ad nauseum? We've discussed. how to write a good profile, safety issues, favorite positions, people who don't respond, karma/reviews, and the various benefits of cuddling. We've discussed music to cuddle by, how to make a session special, and every other conceivable thing. Maybe all the off-topic threads are the result of having reached a sort of saturation point with cuddling. Maybe we've talked it to death already. Less talking, more cuddling! LOL

  • @Blueiris Quite awhile back, @Mark said it was fine if we created off topic threads in the general forum. That being said, I can see the benefit of having a general forum and a general cuddling forum.

  • [Deleted User]Greybeard (deleted user)

    @Blueiris Don’t forget that the off topic discussions keep more people engaged and comfortable with the site and with each other. While I would have no problem with segregating the off topic stuff to a separate forum, But, then, who is going to keep the off topic comments out of the appropriate topic posts? And (call me smart ass) who would police the off-topic forum to assure that nobody relates anything there to platonic cuddling?

  • edited February 2018

    @BlueIris. I was just saying that!!! It's about gas and ice cream and jokes. Where are the positive cuddle threads!? I've unfortunately had to go elsewhere for good cuddle forums.

    Facebook is a better option for these threads.

  • I love the off topic threads, keeps things lights and happy. Too many arguments occur in the cuddle threads lol

  • Having a separate section for off topic is better imo . New people getting more info on platonic cuddling on main forum page . I think some off topic can be good for getting to know people with similar interests .

  • [Deleted User]DeliMan (deleted user)

    @cuddlebugTM it would be interesting to see how busy a seperate section for “off topic” threads would be, would there be enough threads to support both sections.

  • May be the answer to what @deliman says is to eliminate the pro cuddling section and just have a cuddling section and and off-topic section?

  • [Deleted User]Greybeard (deleted user)

    I don’t go to the pro section. Is there anything happening there. A good mix of pros and other in this section.

  • I'm with you on that @Greybeard.

  • like you said... I have no idea who is inactive, and also typical problem that 99% of women refuse to register so it's filled with 99% men

  • I think having the General Forum overrun with off topic threads gives a poor impression of the site. It makes it seem like it's not serious about cuddling if most of the discussions are about other things. If I were new to the site and saw that, I'd be very disappointed and might not stick around.

    I'm not saying don't have them, as some people obviously enjoy them, and it is another avenue of getting to know people. I'm just saying they should be separated, and leave the General Forum to general cuddling topics.

  • edited February 2018

    It's always been the intention to have a 'Chit Chat' type sub-forum where we can move those types of topics. It's simply been a matter of choosing the optimal time to do it in order to avoid stifling forum growth. If you segment a forum before it reaches a certain level it can have an overall negative effect.

    I'll definitely be thinking about this more now as it seems we're getting close.

  • That's great news! Thanks, @Mark.

  • edited February 2018

    It seems that whenever I post something random and silly like my thread where I ask how languages do you speak or have you ever broken a bone, I get a bazillion comments. I then post something serious about cuddling in the pro section and it barely gets any comments. I can definitely see why we would want members talking about cuddling but it seems that people really enjoy the light hearted fun. The threads regarding cuddling seem to be the ones where the more serious conversations and disagreements take place. I think we need to have some light heartedness to balance things out.

    Mod Notice: Moved post here from other thread - seems better suited for this discussion. - Mark

  • I agree with @BlueIris with off topic, especially when they are about romance or the lack of it.

  • I wish it were possible to change your account to professional directly, instead of having to delete your account and start a completely new one. I would like to keep my current conversations going and any karma I may have accumulated (though at this point, it is only one).

  • I agree with @BlueIris ... separate the off topic from general cuddling. It will be easier for everyone to navigate and make the site look more serious to new people.

  • edited February 2018

    @ubergigglefritz It's possible under certain circumstances and when requested beforehand. I've done that for you now.

  • @Mark, thanks. It should definitely be advertised as such (the only thing I found was the instruction to cancel and start a new account). That would encourage new people to do some free cuddling before becoming a professional and not to lose any of their records, messages, or karma. I was going to do a bit more research and get my professional account description put together before upgrading, but that's fine =) Thanks for the assistance! I'm going to start on the lower end of rates for a while before upping to a higher rate after some more experience...

  • edited February 2018

    You're welcome, @ubergigglefritz.

    It's not going to be advertised because it's unofficial. We have an application process where everything should funnel through and it would not be ideal from my perspective if people routinely bypassed that. But if someone is already a part of this community and would otherwise be approved via the normal method, I will happily do it for them on request.

    Good luck with being a Pro.

  • What does the application process involve? Thanks! Feel free to message instead of continuing on here...

  • @Blueiris if there was a cuddling forum, a pro cuddling forum and an off topic forum, what do you and everyone else think thenoff topic forum should be called? I think it should be something better than, “off topic.”

  • @Morpheus From memory I think Mark suggested "Chit chat"?

  • My vote is for a separate Chit-Chat/Off Topic forum.

    insert Paula Cole derivative here "Where Have All the Cuddlings Gone"

  • [Deleted User]DeliMan (deleted user)

    Chit-Chat/Other Topics or something similar to what @Sideon suggested

  • How about, “The Deli”

  • [Deleted User]DeliMan (deleted user)

    @Morpheous i should have thought of that one

  • [Deleted User]Greybeard (deleted user)
    edited February 2018

    The beginning of the end. Call it the beginning of the end.

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