Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • [Deleted User]curiousgeorge1 (deleted user)

    @pmvines it was not to follow her around. I feel pros like her with spamminh tactics are a problem. There are rules in place for a reason.

  • [Deleted User]mrcuddleuk (deleted user)

    Have a filter to search on last online as the majority of people on this site from the UK have not been online for months, this way it is easy to see active members

  • @mrcuddleuk The search should be sorted by last online. Maybe a filter to a max, but you can at least find where the "end" is and only look above there :-)

  • The search results should show karma stars and number of reviews.

    It should also show price, if they are a pro.

  • edited February 2018

    Hi @Mark

    I am short, lol.
    When/if next site update/tweaks are being made can you have the height options go as short as 4ft? Thank you! :)

    Sorry for the new post, I just couldn't find the site improvement (feedback) post to comment on. If someone somehow links me to that, I'd be happy to favourite it for future feedback or maybe even sticker it?... :)

    Thank you! :)

    Mod Notice: Moved discussion to here - Mark

  • I vote we type our heights in in cm.

  • How about millimeters

  • Since that's just cm*10 sure. I don't think anyone who uses cm would care. I do think asking for that level of precision is a little strange though.

  • edited February 2018

    How about adding a box that clients have to check before messaging a pro like the TSBs has. I think this will make clients feel more accountable for their actions than the current process. See the middle of the image where the checkbox is.

  • [Deleted User]curiousgeorge1 (deleted user)

    How about plank length? Lol

  • I’d like to see more site exposure because my whole state has been dead for the last year. Most people make a profile and never come back including pros

  • @vibert , I feel the same way and I'm just one state to the north, ha. Everyone is just too far away ;-) The only people I have seen are 1.5-2 hours away, or even more...

  • edited February 2018


    I forgot about that. Even better I love it! Yay........! Let's be able to type it in. :)


    Blank for everyone? :) :P

  • [Deleted User]curiousgeorge1 (deleted user)

    Not blank. Plank. Plank length is the theoretically smalled unit of measurement.

  • [Deleted User]mrcuddleuk (deleted user)
    edited February 2018

    I wonder if anyone actually takes notice of what we say.......

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Hmm. Well, I do. For example, I thought it was planck length, and puzzled over that for a while before bed earlier (instead of looking it up on Google like a reasonable person)... but maybe I'm not anyone? Like Emily Dickinson. I wouldn't mind that.

    Probably people with actual control over the site do read through this thread every so often. I would, if I were them.

  • @Mark: There seems to be a bug right now where clicking on a user name like @Scarlette now goes to the person's forum history instead of their profile page, i.e. to

    instead of

  • edited March 2018

    @mrcuddleuk It's planned. I understand your frustration.

    @Lovelight I'll let you know once that gets changed.

    @Morpheus For a while now there has been a warning below the message box for new accounts which shows for 30 days. You can see it here:

    But in regards to Pro-Client interaction, there will be a prompt that requires confirmation that will be integrated with the upcoming booking feature.

    @respectful Thanks for letting me know. It's fixed.

  • @Morpheus I really like your idea of adding that question for each client transactions the question: " Do you agree to our client contract? " By having each client check off that box, along with the warnings below, makes the client accountable for their actions & makes it clear to every client that it's strictly non-sexual & only platonic services & nothing more.

    @Mark I have a suggestion. It would be great if you can add a daily schedule planner for us, pro cuddlers. It would be easier to record our daily & weekly appointments with each client. It's also a great way for the site to account for each pro cuddlers appointments & to know which client booked for that day & time for each pro cuddlers. Good for tracking down our 15% payments & also for security reasons in the event that police need to be contacted.

  • edited March 2018

    @CaringSoul I agree. A page for upcoming appointments* and a page of all past appointments should hopefully be part of the upcoming booking system. It's been pushed back a few times with priority changes but we'll get there eventually.

    *Full on calendar functionality would likely come at a later date.

  • edited March 2018

    Thank you @Mark! :)


    Alright! Got it now, thanks for clarifying. :)

  • [Deleted User]caitleesi (deleted user)

    Hey guys, I know there’s been discussion in the past about what works/doesn’t work about the Karma system.
    Yesterday l was contacted by a cuddler who had one Karma review, and it was glowing. However, when I spoke to him he made it clear he was looking for sexual services. I reported him, and reurbo reached out to me because he wasn’t sure what to do since the other Pro left such amazing karma (presumably to get some in return). When he finally got in touch with the other pro, she confirmed what I had told him and said he was pushing boundaries the whole session.
    This is where I take issue. Her Karma for this guy was amazing and positive, but she knew that wasn’t the case. In the spirit of the community, I feel like we should be WARNING each other about people who would take advantage of us, instead of leaving a good review for the sake of getting one back.
    I’m not sure what the solution is, maybe making it so the cuddler can’t see what was written in their Karma? Would that remove the pressure of giving a fake review? Let me know what you guys think!

  • edited March 2018

    @caitleesi There will eventually be a hide & lock-in period which will help reduce this unfortunate inclination.

    There was a fairly recent discussion about this problem here.

  • [Deleted User]caitleesi (deleted user)

    @Mark thank you! Sorry for the repetition!

  • No problem at all. I've now updated the thread with some detail of the proposed change.

  • @caitleesi was the review just positive or actually enthusiastically glowing? I think it's human nature to want to give people the benefit of the doubt and not wreck someone, but those reviews from me would be more neutral and not enthusiastic. You can usually tell a lot by what people say and how they say it. That's pretty sad if the review was really glowing though :-(

    I'm in the same boat as you and hope that people are being honest, but I also understand it being difficult to pass that final judgment on someone and getting them banned or saying something very negative. Hopefully that feeling will get a little less sharp after the process is fixed :-)

  • edited March 2018

    My criticism is that, honestly there are way too many "professionals". Anyone on here can suddenly decide they want to charge money and label their profile as professional. And it seems more and more people are doing it. If I was seeking a professional, I would look specifically for that elsewhere. I don't want to pay someone to cuddle me, but the opportunities grow slimmer every day as more and more people decide to go "pro"

    Edit: also too many professionals are sending messages on here looking for clients. I don't want to be solicited by someone trying to make money off me.

  • Anyone has the right to send anyone a message on here. If you do not wish to have professionals message you, then it's your responsibility to put that on your profile.

  • Agree with @BlueIris . I try to be friendly about it. I don't just send a message saying "when do you want to schedule?" Lol. But most people seem to appreciate someone else taking the first step, so I will continue to do what I'm doing :-)

    @KennethG where would you go to find a professional cuddler if not here? I want to add a profile there too, lol.

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