Pros should be required to list their rates.

[Deleted User]Alternis (deleted user)
edited February 2017 in Professional Cuddling
Whenever I see a profile of a pro that has no rates listed it just gives me the vibe that they charge people whatever they think they can get. It also saves a lot of time of having to ask someone their rate.

Considering theres pros anywhere from 60-140 in my area it just makes everything easier when searching for a pro.

Whenever I get quoted in the 140 range after exchanging info it gives me the vibe that im being quoted higher because im younger than the other gentlemen that also see pros in my area and they know better.


  • Quite simply, I have stopped asking and figure that there has been enough discussion of this issue that anyone who doesn't list their rates is not serious about their business and may be someone who cannot be trusted. Yes, in the beginning it wasn't spelled out but Mark has even stated that professionals are encouraged to list their rates. I also feel that it is being used as a way to discriminate. If someone is too old, the wrong race, or whatever, then just up your price or don't respond at all. I see little evidence that these ideals are actually encouraged. But it is a new kind of business that will eventually work itself out with time through normal market forces,
  • [Deleted User]Alternis (deleted user)
    I fully agree with you and you're right. There's also enough pros who do list to choose from so ill consider this issue solved. Thanks for your reply
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    A search option by price would be really nice too
  • know it may sound dumb but I never thought about that. And that is like the most obvious thing
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    When I look at my profile, it states what fee I charge right below my photo. Can clients not see that, or has that been changed since this thread was started?
  • It was recently introduced, yeah.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    edited May 2017
     When I noticed this feature about a week or two ago, my rate was already stated for me. I don't ever remember going in to the profile and listing it myself. Is that just based on a handful of clients I saw and what rate I charged them?

     I have a business card and on the back it has a "cuddle card" (like punchcard but nicer wording)  where I give a free cuddle session at 10 paid hours.  And if the person is not very local, and I had previously charged for travel, I no longer charge them any travel fees if they have previously paid up to the nine hours with me… and receive their free cuddles. Which is usually 3-4 sessions so they are definitely a regular at that point. 

  • edited May 2017
    @FireAndBlue I updated quite a few profiles based on abrief review of client-pro exchanges. You can change it to something else if you wish. If you have very dynamic prices then I would suggest entering a price that gives a reasonable expectation.
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    Thanks, @Mark!
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