Picture requests



  • As a pro, I require a clear picture before meeting for safety reasons. A person's full body isn't necessary and their appearance does not make me more or less willing to cuddle unless they were to send an inappropriate photo.

    Different people have different comfort levels and different reasons for seeking out photos. As long as they're operating within their boundaries and following Cuddle Comfort terms, I say it is fine to request photos and also fine to be uncomfortable sharing them. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Something that's been mentioned a few times is that we all [can but might not] disclose our body types in our profiles. The problem is that many people who choose to share their's don't necessarily pick the one that someone else may have classified them as.

    An example would be the dude rocking his overly scrumptious to cuddle with squishy dad-bod and selects "Athletic"

    Perhaps he thinks that's where he's to select what 'type' appeals to him most...?

    Maybe he thinks his interest in sports qualifies him as such...?

    Could be he looks in the mirror and sees his svelte and ripped body from his college days...?

    No matter the reason, this person has identified in a way that for me personally doesn't match. And it's that type of thing that makes it so asking for a pic is relevant (IMO there are other reasonable reasons as well).

    It's just so odd to me how often people read nefarious intentions into another's potentially innocent question.

    But y'all have options ~ If an ask throws a flag you can block, confront, say "no", or just ignore their request and move on. But you could also talk to them and get clarification too.

    Or not. Sometimes I suppose it may feel good to be self-congratulatory thinking, "Ha-ha! I know what you're trying to pull here...!!" even though the reality is, with out confirmation, you don't know.

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