Unexpected happiness

[Deleted User]SnugglesRus (deleted user)
edited January 2023 in General

What is something specific that has happened in a cuddle session that was unexpected but made you feel happy and loved?


  • Communication.

    In the rest of my life it's always up to me to guess what other people want or don't want and to bear the consequences of guessing wrongly. Even trying to confirm my guess by asking before acting will usually have negative consequences. I don't know why I'm expected to be a mind reader.

    When I had a cuddle partner who would ask for what she wanted and say what she didn't want before I asked, I felt so much more relaxed. I could let go of the stress of having to blindly guess and just enjoy being close. Unfortunately she's a traveler, so that opportunity for unguarded closeness is rare. She hits me up when she's passing through, but that's only every couple of years or so.

  • I was at a Cuddle party event. I'm usually checking on everybody because it's my nature as a caregiver. Two facilitators sat me down and make sure that I was comfortable and taken care of. Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves.

  • It wasn't exactly during a session but basically a cuddler friend I was seeing was visiting her parents house and I had wanted to cuddle with her so she invited me to cuddle with her in the bedroom she grew up in. She said she would never invite anyone else she met on the site to cuddle there but she really trusted me.
    It made me feel special.

  • When the cuddler falls asleep. It always warms my heart when the other cuddler feels comfortable and safe enough to doze off.

  • edited January 2023

    My first cuddle session ever today made me unexpectedly happy!

  • She felt comfortable enough to open herself up to me (zero judgement / her true self).

  • [Deleted User]GreyAndGreen (deleted user)

    We had a cuppa and fiddled our feet together. Silly, but very organic and sweet. :)

  • One cuddler, who has become a friend, appreciates me as a person. We both naturally allow ourselves to be honest and vulnerable to each other.

  • I did have one cuddler Tell me that the next time we cuddled she would cook for me and bring me food and I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t wanna have any expectations. I thought it was very nice but the next time when she came over, she kept her promise and she brought me food and even a bottle of wine that was definitely an unexpected happiness!

  • When the person I was cuddling dozed off in my lap while I was running my fingers through their hair. It was a such a sweet moment.

  • @Mela_B
    Oh, man. I miss that. The first time my ex girlfriend did that for me when we were together was the first time in years that I felt loved. I ended up having to pull over and cry as I was driving her home afterward because it moved me so much. That became my favorite thing for years. She got so incredibly good at it, and that was the last kind of cuddle we had to say goodby on the night we separated.
    I asked a pro for that once and she agreed but she wasn't very good at it. She was great at feather fingers on my back, though.

  • my second cuddle client ordered me cheesecake to take home , it was really sweet especially since my first experience wasn’t great. we had another appointment last week and he ordered me some treats again 💙

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