No picture Accounts



  • @FunCartel - Gators aren't so bad. I can recall being waist deep in Okefenokee Swamp, attempting to use my left hand to drag my canoe over a downed tree trunk. My right hand was busy trying to keep my paddle between me and a roughly 10' gator. No big deal, he was just begging for some food.

  • @GreatHornedOwl this begging involved an open mouth and a large assortment of teeth I assume.

  • @1_teddybear - It did. This gator must have discovered that group of canoeists came down this trail every afternoon. He appointed himself toll gate keeper. While I was in the water, my wife was throwing hand fulls of Cheetos into his mouth.

    I was a little to busy to take a photo, but I did get one later.

  • @GreatHornedOwl Oh my gosh, so cute, look at that smile! He loved his Cheetos.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I guess being less good looking than a model keeps some of us safe from picture collectors 😅
    But back to the original post, there isn't any kind of secret code for things right? If there is I am so out of the loop 😰

  • Addressing OP’s question, I’m not aware of any secret messages conveyed by having no profile pic. I guess it could add an air of mystery. But really I wouldn’t spend much time pondering what people are thinking. Because that’s a mystery with no resolution.

    What I can say is that I don’t believe anyone has ever contacted me on the basis of my picture. So I no longer display it front and center.

    First of all, my profile is not displaying my primary image. It just shows the standard blue and pink icon. My primary image is a TV test pattern, and no one I’ve met has ever inquired about that. And finally the second picture is an impromptu snapshot. Because the longer I pose, the more I’m going to start scowling. No one has a chance encounter with my pic. They have to be looking for it. And I happily provide directions when needed.

    I do believe it’s important to have a picture available on my profile. Because people should know what they’re gonna get. And sending pictures left and right feels awkward to me. Like I’m submitting an application.

  • [Deleted User]emiilyy (deleted user)

    from my knowledge no this just seems as though u got a little unlucky with people not respecting others desires to not have photos up on there profile. om sorry u had to experience this

  • I've always suspected that some people who don't post public pics may be married and don't want people to see they are on here. I found a discussion on Reddit where sex workers get accounts on here to find customers. So I assume people may think other people are up to something not platonic or dishonest like they are when you don't have a pic.

    Another reason that comes to mind is just don't be comfortable with people that may find them on here. It's the same thing with folks that have a photo, but it's too far away to see their face or those that post in sunglasses or have something else obscuring their face. Could be innocent, but it does make me want to be more careful or avoid.

    It's the same or similar issues with no pics or obscure pics with dating profiles and other social media sites.

  • The idea of privacy on the internet is a wee bit laughable at this point, but some people like to keep their illusions 😉

    That said, there's some simple steps one can take to lower the chances of being tracked off this site by your photos, or of having your photos stolen by pic collectors:

    • only use photos specifically taken for CC. If you use a photo here that you have posted anywhere else online, there is risk it can be reverse image searched. Take the opportunity to take some new photos just for cuddling or to share photos you haven't before
    • blur or block your face. This can be as simple as using your photo editing app on your phone or computer to place a "sticker" over your face, or use a blur tool to smudge your features til they are not recognizable. You can save an unedited version to share in private message.
    • always crop out or blur other people in your photos. This is a matter of ethics (did they give you permission to share their photo with everyone on CC and the internet at large since CC photos are not protected?) as well as security - while you may lock down your identity online, the other person may not. Anyone savvy with Google and social media is but a hop and a skip away from finding your info anyway.
    • put a prominent watermark on all your photos on the site. Photos on CC can be downloaded by anyone who can view your profile - they don't even have to have an account or interact with you. Putting a large watermark across the photo that would be annoying to edit out makes it less likely pic collectors will want to use it. You can use your photo editing app again to add this text. The larger and more centered and obnoxious it is, the more effective. A little watermark on the side is pointless.

    Here's some examples I did using the built-in camera app on my several year old phone:

  • I would love some guidance on what pictures are acceptable as my first couple weeks here I received a formal warning about my pics. They were fully clothed and nonsexual. I had assumed any body shots or visible cleavage was not allowed. Now I’ve seen other women’s profiles having both while I’m scared to post anything from my neck down!

  • @cuddlefaery - all great tips on posting images. I would add to that, be sure to delete the metadata attached to your photos before uploading them to CC or anywhere else online. Some people don’t realize it but unless you have this feature turned off on your phone settings, your phone camera will embed the date, time, GPS location, and details about your phone into the photos. Therefore, if you take a photo at home and post it online, someone could determine exactly where you live.

    A future Darwin Award winner was a Burger King employee who had his photo taken standing in two bins of lettuce. He posted the photo online and someone pulled the date and time stamp along with the GPS location off the photo then contacted the manager of that Burger King. From there it was simply a matter of checking the employee schedule to find out who was working on the day and time that photo was taken and the guy was quickly fired.

  • Before anyone panics, the service CC uses does remove photo metadata, so don't worry, uploading a photo from your phone on here won't give your GPS coordinates. Texting apps and most online services remove that as well before messages are sent, for obvious reasons.

  • @cde123 - Thank you for that clarification. I have an app that removes meta data from photos and I have gotten into the practice of always uploading “scrubbed” photos just to be safe. I knew some websites removed metadata but I didn’t know if CC was one of them.

  • edited April 2023

    @cuddlefaery - There is a good use for the reverse image search, that we should all use. I do a search every time I am about to contact a person who has a photo with their profile. If we all did that, we could greatly reduce the number of fakes who don't belong here.

    I hope you don't mind that since it was already up, I took the liberty of using your photo to demonstrate one more type of face bluring that doesn't impact the photo as much.

    Reported, reviewed, and welcome to forum timeout, @GreatHornedOwl . Again. I will issue a formal warning on your account. You don't seem to understand the concept of consent, so maybe you'll understand this: - do not engage, tag, or communicate with @cuddlefaery on the forums - if you do so, your account will be terminated.[-Sid]

  • edited April 2023

    @GreatHornedOwl I do mind, and I have sent you a message to that effect. You do not have the "liberty" to use my photos as you please, and I made those edits quite intentionally as I did, tyvm. The point was to demonstrate what could be done in a couple minutes on a free app by someone with little to no photo editing skills - not to come up with your idea of an aesthetically pleasing end result.

    Do not ever use people's pictures without their prior approval. Ever. It makes you no better than the pic collectors - intent does not matter here, impact is more important. It's a violation of copyright at the least, not to mention presumptuous and annoying. Unless people ask for advice or assistance, do not presume to give it.

    It looks like we may need to go back to no contact if this is how you are going to behave.

  • SMH. You would think permission and consent would be the general rule on here.

  • Carry on, folks, and have a nice day.

  • Good day to you sir

  • Time-out FINALLY!

  • edited April 2023

    I don't think it's a secret message for something. Personally I don't have my photo on my account because I'm worried someone I know will recognize me and I've revealed some things about myself on here that I wouldn't feel safe with people in my day to day life knowing.

    I live in an area that doesn't even know what DID is and still calls it Multiple Personality Disorder, worse than that it's not a trans friendly place to live in so even the people who know about my mental health issues don't know that four of my alters identify as the opposite gender.

    I'd be willing to give out my photo privately if someone asked for it but I don't want to post it publicly where anyone can stumble across it. When I was creating the account I did actually have my photo up for all of about 5 minutes before I thought better of it and made that photo private.

    I think you might be able to see it if you already have an account here but not if you're just randomly searching the internet.

  • The only time reverse image search should be used if you are contact by someone you suspect to be a scammer. They usually swipe the images off some modeling site.

    Don't use the same photos here that you use anywhere else on the internet. Take separate pictures specifically for CC.

  • @Mike403 That's very good advice.

  • just my opinion. I don't have a picture on my profile for personal reasons mainly business. I have always supplied one when a cuddle was booked. I have had very good luck on this sight with only 2 pros that wouldn't book without a picture first. there loss. If there is nothing in a profile that strike interest. pictures wont make a difference. We all have to feel safe and this helps me in that way.

  • [Deleted User]Goda (deleted user)

    I don't have a picture of myself public because i like to keep some kind of internet anonymity.
    I don't have a picture of myself on my WhatsApp and stuff either.
    I do have a picture in my private photo section and mention that i will happily send a picture to any potential cuddle buddy or friendship formation

  • I may tell them my doppelganger is Diana Ross (that's a BIG MAYBE that I tell them) when it comes to meeting first in public. I pretty much have a take it or leave it attitude about it! Been working for me.

  • I have worried a little about posting my pictures to my profile (I have them set to not show unless you’re a member).
    But I have nothing to hide, I’m independent and can do whatever I want, who cares! Lol
    It’s a Cuddle Site. Too bad if they want to read something else into it.
    Honestly, age gives you freedom.
    Anyone who sees them is here too. And if anyone who knows me sees them, they’d probably get a laugh and be happy for me!

  • "Anyone who sees them is here too. And if anyone who knows me sees them, they’d probably get a laugh and be happy for me!" ~ @carrieanne

    I love your thoughts on this!! Go you!!

  • edited May 2023

    @carrieanne , this resonates with me 😊

    “Honestly, age gives you freedom. “

  • I will second OhioMike. 👍

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)


    I agree completely, except for gravity.

    Age makes gravity even worse. Stupid gravity.

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