Facial Piercings



  • To each, their own. 😊 Whatever makes you uncomfortable, just simply screen for and avoid. Comfort should be a priority for all involved. 💯

  • Why are people picking on someone's opinion? I feel like this is high school or something.

  • I’m not used to this forum going after someone the you have gone after liamsnuggles. I’m disappointed.

  • The forums aren’t really a place to voice what you don’t like about people.

  • Feels more like a foe room than a forum at the moment. Just open a cold one and enjoy the scroll.

  • @Kuddle6

    I think if you're privileged enough to not understand , you should realize how privileged you are and just keep your thoughts to yourself.

    One of the most absurd aspects of Internet discussions is seeing people use concepts like privilege to try to shut down others in casual conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with those concepts.

    Get over yourself. Neither my opinion nor yours on this issue have the slightest thing to do with privilege. Trying to use that concept to tell me I shouldn't express my opinion is pathetic and undermines the concept of privilege in situations where it's actually meaningful.

  • @Matt462 these forums are here for freedom of expression as long as you express what everyone else wants to hear.

  • The forums are here for people to communicate, usually on things they have in common. starting a thread based on the people here that you personally don’t find attractive is just kind of rude.

  • edited May 2023

    What's the problem with what he said
    Was that he said he thought some women wear piercings to enhance their beauty and he thinks that it does the opposite

    He not liking piercings not the problem

    Is that he stereotyping women and think that they wear piercings to enhance their beauty

    Some women wear piercings for spiritual reasons

  • edited May 2023

    Does anyone else have trouble cuddling with someone who is prokaryotic?

    I mean call me a boomer but I can't just see myself cuddling someone with no nucleus, no damn membrane bound organelles, and a flagella protruding from their cell wall.

    just can't see myself with someone who isn't eukaryotic lmao

  • @Sooson Rolex as a cuddle accessory? 🤣😂 Maybe they can team up and have an official CC-Rolex cuddle watch, exclusively at Walmart.

  • edited May 2023

    I enjoy the different ways women express their personality. I love the clean, straight-laced, June Cleaver in the sundress look as much as I like the tattooed, pierced, Goth in the all-black garb look. It just depends on the woman and how she carries herself.

    And as long as she gives super tight hugs and squeezes.

  • @Mr_Cuddle_Bear 💯 you’re on point otherwise you get flagged or reported

  • edited May 2023

    I agree with @Rezz on this. @Iiamsnuggles did some introspection and was contrite. No need to pile on. I think a lot of people are reading the first post and not seeing his realization further down. If we want people to be better people then why do we continue slinging sh@tpies at them when they do? @Rezz acknowledged that the light clicked on for him and encouraged him for it.

    However I would suggest a junkyard crane with a big magnet to screen women for piercings if it does bother you that much.

  • edited May 2023

    Starting a thread about what you find distasteful in appearances on a site that has it's fair share of people with some form or another of self image issues is going to obviously illicit reactions and feedback. If you are left scratching your head, puzzled and complaining about how mean people are for responding negatively,.then please I urge you to dig deep and find common sense. It's in there somewhere, I'm sure of it .

  • [Deleted User]Kuddle6 (deleted user)

    Absolutely I say privileged. So many piercings are a form of pain relief and people don't even realize. They just assume it's cosmetic

  • I think it best to accept piercings as the consequences of judgement could be painful suffering.

  • I need to see if there’s a full 🌕 tonight!

    From an older Boomer to a younger one, @liamsnuggles thanks for starting an interesting thread because I’m a little bored tonight.
    People who have verbally attacked you here have also at times said inappropriate and unpleasant things in other threads.
    Us ‘Regular Posters’ have probably written something that offended someone else.
    Attacking someone in particular and tagging them seems much worse than a generalized statement about piercings. Maybe OP had a traumatic experience similar to what @AllAboutSoul describes!
    Where’s the love everyone?

  • Some people don't like pineapple on pizza. I'm fine with that as long as they don't try to stop me from doing it.

    In the words of a post that was recently dug up from about a year ago:

    Hugs, dammit!

    I say this with no judgement toward anyone, and with a heart full of love for this community.

  • [Deleted User]Julesocean (deleted user)

    I am astonished by this entire thread

    Piercings are a single human beings expression, not for the friends they keep the partners they have, or a person they work with or for

    The person who shared this observation and opinion is certainly ok to do, in person, or with others your in contact with, but honestly to start a thread seeking others who share in the same disdain for personal expression is pretty silly

    Each human has a right to express themselves any which way they choose as long as it’s not causing harm to others

    Anyways many blessings to all, with piercings and without

  • Genuine answer to your question: I did it because I wanted to. 🤷 I also have tattoos. It doesn't bother me that some people won't like it. What's that saying? "I don't need to be everyone's cup of tea, instead I'll be someone's shot of whiskey."....and another cliche, "Your vibe attracts your tribe".... If someone eliminates me based on something I've done or something about my physical appearance, we weren't compatible and that's ok. 🤷

    Logistical answer to your question: yes, it gets in the way sometimes when I kiss people. 🤷 No one has stopped me or complained for the duration of the time I've had the piercing. I imagine that's because those who would mind it haven't bothered to date me and I don't go around just kissing randos off the street. 🤦🤷

    Everyone can have their preferences, obviously. That said, this is a cuddle site not a dating site, so no one has encountered any issues with a piercing in my face while platonically cuddling...and the potential issues described in this thread, in my opinion, are not likely to occur as part of a typical cuddle, so no worries there! 😉

  • Not trying to be more attractive to anyone on this site, not why I’m here. Septum piercings are warrior type energy and represent more than “does this make me look appealing to somebody else” … maybe think beyond beauty standards and consider personalities when connecting with another person and their choices will be less confusing.

  • I see some piercings as an expression of nonconformity. I don't think we need to look any further than Cuddle Comfort to find non-conformists. I would be hesitant to divulge up front to a date that I was on CC until maybe date 10 for the simple reason that most people don't understand cuddle culture. Someone with outlandish piercings presents a physical reminder of those parts of myself that others would view in the same way. My gauges, which at first sparked responses 25 years ago, are now not that noticeable to people but still make a clear non-verbal statement about my feeling gender non-conforming. I'm 69 years old, @liamsnuggles. I've felt this way since childhood. Even the admin at CC doesn't seem to be able to get their heads around that one.

  • @PeopleLikeUs

    " ...I don't think we need to look any further than Cuddle Comfort to find non-conformists..."

    CuddleComfort isn't non-conformist. I believe it actually represents the pinnacle of what it means to be human.

    In this so-called "connected" world, we've become more disconnected than ever. The emotional vacuum that exists now is just accepted. I can understand, in that context, why cuddlers might seem like non-conformists.

  • edited May 2023

    @liamsnuggles it’s not like you’re cuddling their face lol. If the visual is what’s off-putting to you, just politely ask that they turn around to spoon. Or you could turn around yourself and be the little spoon with no piercings ;-).

    If an ex had piercings, maybe the piercings are triggering some negative thoughts. But either way, not everyone with piercings is alike. Don’t let the ‘guilty by association’ tag stop you from a sweet cuddle.

    I personally love tatts on a man but I have no preference either way when it comes to cuddles. It’s just a cuddle.

  • edited May 2023

    sometimes this community confuses me in who we defend or attack. I made an offhanded joke on one of the op's comments and when he replies to that I merely comment that he should have known better to not make this thread. And then I was accused of continuingly 'attacking' him which was way off base. The bottom line is the OP, in his original post could even tell his post was going to be a bad idea (let me start off by saying....) in his opening salvo. As an adult, he really SHOULD have known better to post it. The old adage 'if you have nothing to say, don't say it at all comes to mind'.

    And then on some other thread, which I think was deleted or moved or I've been blocked from seeing it anymore, I used the phrase "pay to play" as a play on the term "pay to cuddle" and I received this large "advisory" on my screen and in my e-mail. I was literally blocked from the site until I accepted it, and had no way to appeal it or defend myself. It was from some mod lecturing me on how I inferred that cuddlers were offering more than just cuddle services. The phrase can mean MANY things and not just that and I was quite offended that I was treated that way. All the mod had to do was edit my post to change the wording. So, I actually just wanted to clear that up in case anyone saw that post.

    I'll probably take a break from the forums because sometimes they can sour the whole vibe of what the positive joys of cuddling should be all about.

  • I personally love hearing people's opinions on piercings. It's valuable to know right from the start who will lose out on the beauty of knowing my heart because they're so judgmental about my appearance. It's a great way to filter out people who I wouldn't want in my circle. ✌️ 💜

  • @Mela_B

    I agree. If I was one to be put off by piercings, I would have missed out on meeting one of my favorites.

    Thank you for being your authentic self, both internally and externally.

  • @JoyfulHeart I am so happy that some people see the beauty of a person that radiates from within.
    I certainly saw yours 💜

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