Facial Piercings



  • I gift kitchen magnets to my cuddle partners who have metal piercings.

  • @carrieanne thank you for your thoughtful comment. I reached out to the original poster and offered him some support. I’m was happy to hear that many others did as well.

  • [Deleted User]emiilyy (deleted user)

    I think everyone should be free to do as they please with themselves without judgment from others

  • @PeopleLikeUs
    Is saying you’re not attracted to people wearing black lipstick as a personal expression also being a Bigot??
    I wouldn’t disrespect or casually throw that word around.
    But hey, do your thing, whatever floats your boat.

  • Here's me about 10 years ago.... I kinda miss the septum ring 😜😜😜

  • @MissAdventurous ohmygosh so cool 😎. Who’s gonna start a “throwback picture “ thread ?? 😊

  • yes, but... this is a form of bigotry.

    I think you mean something different by that word than I do. I have facial hair as a form of self-expression, and I know for a fact that some female cuddlers don't like facial hair. But there is no reasonable definition of "bigotry" that I can apply to their dislike of my facial hair - it's simply a like or dislike of aesthetics.

  • edited June 2023

    @carrieanne I think everyone is entitled to their opinions. But, it’s just not sensitive (or polite) to walk into a room full of people and announce that you find some of the people there unattractive. I don’t think that was OP’s intention, but a forum like this is a virtual room full of people and some people took offense.

  • edited June 2023

    Yes, I think before you announce what you don't like about people aesthetically, you need to ask yourself, "Why should a bunch of strangers care about my opinion on this?"

  • @WriterGF that should be posted at the top of the forums!

  • Food for thought:

    How are facial piercings that much different than say glasses or ear piercings (other than perhaps the ease of which they are removed)? For the purposes of platonic cuddling, if some metal on their face is going to keep you from cuddling them it makes me wonder what sort of cuddling you are doing, frankly.

    If I'm cuddling with someone and my earring catches on their hair/clothing, we just adjust position to avoid that happening - or sometimes I'll just remove them and set them aside. If they are wearing glasses and keep accidentally poking me with them they can either remove them or if they prefer to keep them on we just adjust position accordingly. If we're both wearing our glasses and keep knocking them together, same goes - either or both of us can remove as our comfort dictates or we can use a little creativity.

    Fwiw, Piercings can often be removed, flipped, exchanged for other styles (flat studs instead of hoops, etc), or other materials, etc. if you find them to be problematic.

    I'm not about to ask someone to remove their glasses or piercings because they're something I find less attractive (I actually tend to find them interesting, just argument's sake). If someone's facial attractiveness were the only reason I cuddled them, I'd be in really big trouble because I'm demisexual aesthete 😅 (someone who usually only becomes attracted to people after emotional attachment, but whom also has high appreciation for aesthetics/art - i.e. everyone is aesthetically attractive to me in some way, but I rarely find random people "hot")

  • @WriterGF to be fair, “Why should a bunch of strangers care about my opinion on this?" could be applied to a good 70% of what typically gets posted here, lol.

  • @MrMarkAndrew and @WriterGF to be fair, that advice could apply to ALL social media! 🤗🤗🤗

  • Since this post has 4 pages worth of comments so far, it’s obvious that a lot of people care a lot about OP’s opinion on the subject. It is clear from social media that people seem to love a good argument, especially on anything controversial. And we all know some people mistake their personal opinion for fact.

  • @OhioMike ohhhh that would be great 🤣

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