Cuddle locations in profile definitive?

Hi. I'm new here, excited to join this community, and introducing myself by asking to learn from your experiences. If a profile doesn't say that the cuddler Can Be: Host, does that mean that asking whether the cuddler can host would be pointless or perceived as though I didn't bother to read the profile? Or would it still be worthwhile to ask? I did a search through the forums but did not find anything on point. Thanks!


  • It is still good to ask for the details. Some people who say they can host are really hosting in a hotel or air bnb and might charge more for hosting. I host in an office space I rent so I try to be upfront about that since most people host in their homes.

  • Hi, Vector! It would not bother me if a client asked if I could host even if I did not have it marked on my profile. I would preface with exactly what you just said. "You do not have hosting marked on your profile. Would you mind clarifying if you can host?"

  • Thanks for the input!

  • Please ask! Some, like me, host only while traveling. And be aware if they have an extra "hosting fee." They may agree to get the room in their name if you prepay the room fee or a session deposit.

  • I only list Public, but it feels like most don't pay attention to that, as I'm regularly asked if I host, or even more frequently, if I'll come to someone's residence. Nope, sorry mate, not unless we get to know each other a lot better.

    I would never mind someone asking for clarification, but when they assume I'll be willing to come to a private location, it's frustrating, for sure.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @vector in general you should accept that what a cuddler says about themselves in their profile is true. If they don't list 'host' as an option, that means they don't want to host. So your best option is to move on to somebody else.

    However, as with most rules there are rare exceptions. I suggest you hang around this place for a while and get to know more about how it all works before you go fishing for them. Your profile is totally blank and the chance of somebody changing their stated preferences for you is currently zero.

  • @CuddleDuncan New here though I am I'm pretty sure my innocent question didn't warrant the dressing down you gave me, but thank you for your input nevertheless.

  • edited June 2023

    @vector I'm sorry it came across like that, it wasn't my intention. It's late here and it's been a long day.

    I really do hope you find somebody - and somewhere - to cuddle.

  • @CuddleDuncan We're cool. Thank you for welcoming me into this community. I hope you have a restful rest of your day.

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