Rude pro



  • @Gracious well said 👏 👏

  • @jimboslice5014 This is a professional service, not a free chatting site. Imagine if you went to any other professional service, like for therapy or counseling, and you filled out their contact form and just wrote “hi”. That would be insanely bizarre. I know I’m not out here contacting businesses with a “hi”.

    The fact that you opened with that shows you don’t take the pro seriously as a businesswoman. Her even responding to you to explain what you did wrong was a HUGE kindness on her part because what you deserved was no response whatsoever. You are not messaging women on Tinder (and even there, they probably wouldn’t reply to a single word greeting), you are messaging an independent contractor. Would you message a construction contractor with ONLY “hi” if you needed your house renovated? No, assuming common sense, you’d state the services you are inquiring about.

    Women don’t exist to give you validation or free conversations.

  • @bobadevotee 👏👏👏 thank you

  • Sounds like you need to learn about customer service

  • @bobadevotee - There tends to be an inconsistency of what is expected. Some pros don't like it when somebody just uses the booking panel without talking to them first.

  • I’m not losing a wink of sleep over a pro being rude. That’s a personal problem.

  • edited June 2023


  • @Mike403 I did not say to use the booking panel. I said the pro did a great kindness by telling him what he did wrong. The inconsistencies you’re mentioning are solved by reading someone’s profile and following those directions.

  • edited June 2023

    Maybe it’s because I’ve been a teacher in another life, but I find it so humorous that anyone expects anyone else to thoroughly read and study their profile before messaging.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s great when they do… but I have met, worked with, and supervised enough humans in my time on this earth to know that very few embark on an exciting new project by reading the instructions.

    I think pros should get off their high horses and be prepared to greet prospective clients warmly, make their pitch, and answer any follow up questions with patience and open hearts. That’s literally why we get paid the big bucks.

    This job is a gift to me. I truly love the opportunity to meet and connect with all you humans and feel so lucky and grateful that I sometimes get paid for the privilege. I don’t mind putting in the work.

    So, if another pro is rude to you, come see me. I’m nice 😝

  • @jimboslice5014 Weird, all the customer service jobs I have and all of my supervisors praise me for my kindness and going the extra mile. 😊 See, they’re PAYING me to be nice. If you opened with saying “I will send you $50 right away if you chat with me for an hour”, I will totally show you my customer service! But no, I do NOT chat with strangers for free.

    You need to learn that women do not exist to give strange men “customer service” while they’re off the clock.

  • @SoftHairForDays right? “Hi” tells me to run away 😂 Same if a man IRL came up and ONLY said “hi” to me. I’d just run or pepper spray.

  • @bobadevotee - When I joined back in 2017, that's how I messaged my first pro. I was shy and nervous and didn't really understand how all this worked. I still see her once a month.

  • @jimboslice5014

    Sounds like you need to learn about customer service

    You approached the pro with a two letter introduction and expected a spoon fed conversation. She rightfully shut it down and went about her day. Whoever she is, I like her. 🤗

    When someone doesn't take two minutes to skim my profile it tells me they don't care about the person they are expecting to meet. If they don't care why the hell should I?

  • edited June 2023


  • Wow some of you think you’re a warm and fuzzy person when in reality you are so rude. Get off your high horse and be understanding of your position.

  • @Charlie_Bear - Can this thread be locked please?

  • edited June 2023

    I'm so glad I have several regular pros with great customer service. They even warn me when they are [taking a break] so we don't have this kind of unpleasantness.

    Reported and reviewed. Modified comment. [Charlie_Bear]

  • edited June 2023

    I will get caught up on this thread and then I shall return to your comment.

    Edit: 🫠

  • @jplemmon, you’re playing with fire 🤣

  • @Bella_Sera I just said, out loud, to my living room, "He did not... did he... why would he...??"
    Just... no

This discussion has been locked.