Do looks matter?



  • @Midnight01 - Somebody can be the best looking person person on the planet, but if we don't vibe well, the session won't go well. Looks might be factored in when selecting a pro but it's not the only factor when deciding if I want to book a session with that person.

  • Lol thanks for this! @BoomerSpooner
    I’d purposely forgotten about this show. And the host’s glasses. I’d forgotten how sleazy they looked. So disco. 😎

  • @carrieanne And the lack of a background check on contestants! No one knew he was a serial killer at this point but he was arrested for the rape and beating of an 8 year-old girl in 1968. He pleaded it down to child molestation even though the girl was in a hospital in a coma for 32 days. He killed as many as 130 women and won the Dating Game.

  • @frankparker9 well said. We are all aware that when hiring a professional off the site, the overall appearance of their photos and the vibe of the profile are deciding factors. The types of compliments I get are often more appearance based versus attraction based, as you so succinctly put it. I don’t think it’s wrong to judge someone’s appearance and how they present when deciding where to spend your time and money. Any pro who takes this even a tiny bit seriously will have spent some time curating their profile to appeal to potential clients. It’s marketing, and much of that is aesthetics and clever ad copy.

    It’s human nature to be drawn in based off of visual cues that attract you. Often these are things we don’t even notice. Why do you chose to contact one person over another, for example?

  • @Hollydollhugs It's crazy that people need to be reminded of hygiene. You have an awesome page by the way.

  • edited June 2023

    @BoomerSpooner Omg i got a call and watched only the beginning of your post. Now i have to watch this whole thing to see who it was! I can’t remember, I’m thinking green river or bundy. Can’t think of who else from that time! No spoilers. What a monster.

  • I think looks matter in the beginning, there’s always going to be an initial attraction based on looks. from my personal experiences however looks don’t matter in the long run when you get to know a person and their energy, that’s what becomes attractive more than looks

  • @CelestialTouch

    If we were a species that looked identical to each other would it matter?

    We'd still need to be able to distinguish from each other, so we'd probably do what the dogs do and sniff each other in the rear or something.

  • Physical appearance doesn't matter to me, but good hygiene is important and having good chemistry/ connection is really important to me. Feeling comfortable with someone and feeling appreciated and understanding others boundaries is very important to me. I have people ask me for more pictures when I already have pictures on my profile. I always say no to the picture collectors.

  • edited June 2023

    I don’t think looks generally matter to pros. They may matter more to enthusiasts. Thankfully it doesn’t seem that looks matter to any of the pros I have reached out to. Enthusiasts, yeah I can understand the lack of responses there, at least in my case.

  • @Charlie_Bear for me, from my perspective, it's the opposite, looks generally don't matter for enthusiasts, but it matters more if I'm selecting a professional.

  • Looks don't matter unless you look like Medusa. If I look at you and don't turn to stone, then you're good 👌

  • edited June 2023

    Oh yeah, when speaking for myself, enthusiasts wouldn’t matter and pros, well that’s more about what I can afford, but looks generally wouldn’t matter. It would much more be someone I think I would click with. So far every pro I have cuddled has been amazing and we had a lot of shared interests.

  • If it's a pro where money is involved, I can see being more selective. If it's an enthusiast, as long as you don't feel your safety is at risk, I don't think it should matter. It's only a cuddle arrangement. You aren't getting married to that person. You might find out that you actually like them.

  • @JimboB318 unfortunately hygiene can be an issue. My clean, may not be the same as someone else’s clean. But mentioning showering and fresh breath should get everyone on the same track
    and thank you so much for the compliment 😌.

  • edited June 2023

    I try to look at the person overall, picture and messages. The ones I find most attractive, I didn’t message them first when I started on the site. I felt I would have been self conscious, if they are too good looking or too fit. (I have messaged them by now though.) I do see some pics that I haven’t messaged at all. I think overall people are going to lean towards their own level of looks. (I think that’s actually proven.) If no picture, I don’t message at all. They have to message first, and I request a pic be sent.
    If I was to hire a pro, which was what I was planning to do to begin with, I viewed one that I would’ve felt safe with, based on pic and profile. I wouldn’t have hired the best looking one just for the sake of them being good looking. It would have to do with how comfortable I think I would’ve felt with them. And I wouldn’t have been comfortable with someone that was too good looking.

  • @CuddleHugs01234 posted: "I would have been self conscious, if they are too good looking or too fit."

    Same...I still struggle to reach out to guys who are in really good shape, as I fear rejection based on my weight, but I'm getting better, and have gotten some really sweet responses, when I've been brave.

    Also, a guy's body type or gym activity doesn't always dictate his preferred cuddle buddy type... I cuddled with a very trim guy recently who told me I had the "perfect amount of cushion". So that was a relief.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles I totally agree. Now, I have reached out to many. In the beginning though, I didn’t. Yes, you never know what they prefer. Three guys I know (not necessarily here), or have talked to, were self conscious about their own bodies, and one had a smaller frame but was completely gorgeous. Guys also deal with body image issues, even if I view them as really good looking. It’s all about what’s going on in their head.

  • edited June 2023

    One thing I'd like to point out... People keep mentioning "hygiene" like that is a universal and visible standard concept. It is neither. Please make sure you are 1) communicating your desired hygiene practices to your prospective cuddle partners if that is a particular sticking point for you, and 2) be careful about judging a book by its cover.

    The site cuddling contracts (for clients and pros) specifically spells out certain hygiene practices, but anything beyond that needs to be discussed.

    Cleanliness and adequate hygiene is required by both parties. This specifically includes showering/teeth brushed within 12 hours of the appointment, wearing freshly laundered clothing, and no (or minimal) perfume/cologne be worn by both parties unless requested.

  • edited June 2023

    Reported and reviewed. Removing comment. Yet another alt account of a troll that has CuddleDuncan living in his head rent free. [Charlie_Bear]

  • The trolls are sometimes hilarious. This one really doesn't like that @CuddleDuncan paid money to professionals on this site and keeps coming back under different user names to express that.

  • I get the feeling that this is one of the cuddle pro's jealous (hopefully ex) boyfriends who can't continue controlling her behavior so are lashing out online 😂

  • @cuddlefaery - It's odd that he's only picking on @CuddleDuncan as if he's the only person who hires professionals.

  • edited June 2023

    @Mike403 that's why I'm thinking it's "personal" (although really not). If a controlling dude's gf cuddled Duncan and dude found out about it, that could explain this odd obsession. Explain, not excuse. Jealousy is a normal human emotion - behaving poorly because of it is not a good idea.

    All speculation, of course. It's just the dude always makes his profile 18 and keeps bringing up the age gap.

  • Not at all.

  • [Deleted User]BenBD (deleted user)
    edited June 2023

    Of course! It's human tendency to be drawn to beauty. As we say "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". 😉

  • No, but...
    some cuddlers do appeal to me more than others. Yet the adjectives that tend to appeal to me are not the same ones you'd strictly use for attractiveness.
    Yes: inviting, accommodating, caring
    Not: hot, sexy, I wonder if they're single
    I just find that the seemingly random, non-free will "yes" alarm goes off for me with cuddlers differently than it does potential romantic interests.

  • No but hygiene and especially smell really, really does. 😅

  • @Charlie_Bear I feel like that's lyrics to a theme song at this point 😂

  • Not at all, I would want a picture before meeting. I tend to read one’s profile several times before reaching out to them. I like to see a nice smile, hygiene is a big factor and I do read their Krama .

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