What are you procrastinating on?

I currently have to write a 7 page research paper on fluid dynamics which I am dreading so rather than writing it early I'm going to procrastinate by creating a thread about procrastination.

What are ya'll procrastinating on?



  • Practicing programming, guitar, and somewhat singing.

  • @stormydaycuddle well you seem to be very much alive to me so I guess you aren't procrastinating that much lol

  • Facing what is likely a busted sprinkler line. 😭

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I'm surprised someone's procrastinating on life! I straight up quit! (And was promptly told that if I quit I'd have to work from home still, so I just decided I'd stick with it.)

    I have been intending to pickup Russian again and also start learning Spanish, and dust off my french horn, and practice my other instruments, and and and so many things. "After work," I say to myself, "I will install Duolingo and study those Slavic characters for half an hour, and then I will do some buzzing exercises, and then get caught up on thank you notes. And then I will organize my room and minimize my wardrobe."

    Does it ever happen? Once a blue moon, when the stars are aligned and I guessed the coon's age correctly.

    @SunsetSnuggles I used to work in a lawn company (doesn't every teenage male do that?) and irrigation was one of my most hated jobs. I called it irritation, primarily because I didn't see why people didn't like God's Sprinkler System because it seemed to do just fine to me, and also my boots would get caked in clay and stamping on the ditches after we filled them back in wore my legs out.

    I hope your busted line doesn't cause you much trouble (:

  • @emotionalsponge Thank you!! 🤗 Today was the first time I've had to water all year, it's been uncharacteristically rainy!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Getting a trademark. I have the name, design and my market ready to go, I need to stop putting it off and just trust myself. 🙃

  • A trip to Target. I'm running low on quite a few things and promised myself I'd actually go to the store instead of using Instacart. Between the humidity and 60-70 hour workweek, I haven't spent much time outside of my apartment these past couple of weeks.

  • I have ADHD and chronic depression. I don't need to say more 😂.

    (For those who don't understand, that means "everything")

  • I'll tell you tomorrow.

  • [Deleted User]rightshoelace (deleted user)

    Getting my license. The odds are in favor of me flying through the windshield because of various stereotypes (mainly age range). Half of the time my 19-23 y/o friends gets behind the wheel, I feel like I’m going to turn into a statistic. Knowing our personalities aren’t that different xD I think I’ll hold off on driving until I get a better grip on maturity.

  • I am with @stormydaycuddle on this one.

  • Getting back into the gym and shifting my focus back on physical fitness.

  • @Unscented_Lemon (golf clap)
    I'm putting off a very unpleasant conversation with my bff.

  • I'll tell you later .

  • I’ll tell ya soon.

  • I have pretty much put off doing everything til the last possible moment for my entire life. In kindergarten, the teacher decided it was time to transition from playing with blocks to listening to a story, only I was having fun playing with blocks, so I ignored the instruction to put the blocks away and move to the story area. The ultimate result was her sharp fingernails in my scalp. From that day forward, I lost trust in authority figures and have done things my own way, albeit oftentimes passive aggressively. Yeah, sometimes I create problems for myself by procrastinating, but in my 60’s and semi-retired, I am unlikely to change. I even procrastinated having kids; became a dad in my 50’s. At some point maybe I will get the last laugh by procrastinating my own death.

  • @Rezz what do you need to trust yourself for? You've got all the parts assembled, just do it. It's only a poxy trademark application, it doesn't matter: there is nothing significant to go wrong. I've done it myself, it's not a big deal.

    If the whole project works, hooray. If it doesn't, well so what. You're no worse off than you were before and you will have learned how to make a trademark application. It's win-win.

  • @Ripley54566 Procrastinating on paperwork for work. Soon I will get it turned in before the deadline and get paid lol 😂 💰

  • The paperwork for buying my grandmother's car... I know I shouldn't but MA does not make it easy.

  • I like to procrastinate my procrastination.. sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't. At the end of the day you can find comfort in knowing, that either way nothing got done.

  • @cuddlefaery lol i understand completely. My adhd was out of contril yesterday i started and stopped like 10 different things and was stressed out because i didn’t finish a single thing

  • @Ripley54566 - a white paper on how AI is likely to disrupt a particular industry in the coming years. It will never be published, it is a work-for-hire for a client for their internal use.

  • @Ripley54566 You don't know me!!! I am vampiric sir! And I have the teeth to prove it. No joke...and don't come at me with a cross. I'm allergic to organized religion. hahahaha. ( I do have really sharp incisors. It's weird. I cut my mouth if I'm not careful)

  • [Deleted User]Kuddle6 (deleted user)

    @cuddlefaery Same! I understand completely! 🤣💚💜💚

  • edited July 2023

    I was going to say can we talk about it later but @Unscented_Lemon stole my thunder.

  • edited July 2023

    So after procrastinating by making this thread I actually decided to get to work and do my assignment. BEHOLD

    Research has been done with 3 out of 7 pages written so far. It is nice to know that there is a part of my brain that I will never get back. Part of my brain filled with all kinds of knowledge on screw pumps.

  • I was going to procrastinate today, but I never got around to it.

  • @Ripley54566 I dunno, I think pumps are pretty cool.

  • Everything. Stress and ADHD makes it tough to stay focused on things that don't provide positive stimulation.

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