Read Receipts



  • @cuddlefaery ~ I'm loving all your thoughts this evening. Thank you for you!! 🤗

  • Another thing I thought about. This is a free no frills app. Most social apps I use charge for this feature.
    It’s hard to navigate the app as it is because it’s not a true app and there’s not even a back arrow. I would not expect much in the way of utilities.

  • Nope. I don't allow "read receipts" with my work or personal email, they are declined. Here, it would bring on too much drama and anxiety with both sides. As it is, I get occasional snippy followup texts from friends like, "I see you were on (the social media site), but you haven't replied to me yet. Why not?" Well now, #1, I don't answer to you. And #2, refer to #1."
    And I'm done with them.

  • I just look at the last active time on someone's profile – makes it easy enough to know whether no reply means they haven't seen your message/booking request at all. That's what I need to know.

  • First comment by @pmvines is spot on: how often is the top post in the forums by someone either angry or anxious because it’s been 12 hours hours or less and someone hasn’t replied?

    Even worse are the folks who come at people over the same thing directly. I recently had someone cancel a booking because they re-read my messages about 1000 times over and convinced themselves that I did not want to cuddle them. I apologized for the misunderstanding and tried to placate him. He then said he’d re-set the booking if I called him on the phone (we had exchanged information prior when the booking had been confirmed). I do not like talking on the phone, but offered to schedule a virtual chat. He agreed…then immediately called my phone, and when I didn’t answer texted, “I just tried to FT, and it didn’t go through…what’s up with that?” I replied that it is not an iPhone, and could not help but add the 🙄 emoji.

    I then explained to him that I was with my family and could not FT right then. I was annoyed that he was so demanding of my time having never met yet and was essentially dangling a booking over my head at that point—I will consider booking you accept my FT immediately and respond as if we are besties. Mind you that I was not scheduled to meet this person until the end of July. I explained to him that I was not ignoring him, but rather attempting to manage the bulk of administrative tasks I have by responding to messages in a chronological order of date of appointment and when the message was received. Unfortunately though, it seemed like yet another manipulation tactic.

    Dude has since deleted his account on here…or been banned. In case anyone cannot see it, one of these things alone is not a red flag, but all of them are. Many pros get deluged by the number of messages…as several have already mentioned. While I understand it can be nerve-wracking waiting on a response, it’s audacious and insulting to accuse someone of ulterior motives because they didn’t respond according to your expectations. The “read” option would cause even more scenarios like the one mentioned above.

    TL, DR: there are people on this site who are anxious and impatient with messaging and like to vent about it inc the forums, but there are also some who are demanding of your time and attempt to use the prospect of money to manipulate you into communicating on their time frame. It’s good to recognize the difference. If there was a “Read” option, emotions would be even higher regarding response times.

  • I had my mom message me through Facebook chat followed by a couple pages of "Hello? You there? Answer me." I can't get her to understand that continously messaging me doesn't make me see it any sooner.

  • edited July 2023

    @Mike403 if I want my daughter's attention and she's ignoring me, I'll post something embarrassing on FB, tag her and wait the 3 minutes until FB notifies her and she texts me, "MOTHER!"
    BAM! Mission accomplished! 🤣😂

  • @AllAboutSoul 🤣🤣🤣

    And @Mike403, yeah, I've told mine the missed call or fourteen, if I don't have my phone, I don't have my phone. 😐 I'll call back when I see it and have the time.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

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