Cuddling with pets

Would anyone be open to a pet joining a session or would this be inappropriate?


  • Check with whomever you are cuddling. I would say no that I am there for human contact, but others may think differently.

  • I would welcome a pet. Hell I might rather cuddle with a dog than a lot of humans! I would say your mileage may vary.

  • Ask your clients. I'd love to meet pets before or after a session, but I prefer them to stay away while cuddling.

  • I would be ok with a dog, allergic to cats.

  • edited July 2023

    If you’ve a service animal and if both parties consent to it, it might be okay. Regular pets may not get along with everyone. With regular pets, the other party will need a greet and meet session with the pet before you decide to include pet in the cuddle session. In my case my dog isn’t a service animal and she likes to cuddle when she wants to cuddle. Sometimes, she wants to play. If your pet behaves like that then the session could be disrupted.

  • edited July 2023

    Remember to ask the pet.

    It's not inappropriate to ask your prospective cuddler how they'd feel about it. Cuddling with pets is perfectly natural and if you all know each other it can be really nice.

    It depends a lot on the pet. I've never done formal platonic cuddling with a pet involved, but I have had romantic encounters with a pet in the room. Dogs tend to want to join in. But I most vividly remember a cat sitting unmoved at the edge of the bed ... silently and malevolently judging us.

  • One of my favorite cuddlers has the sweetest little dog that loves to insert himself into the cuddles. Particularly when cuddling on the couch watching a movie. I have a deep love for animals so it's a win-win in my eyes!

    But he also made sure to make me aware prior to the first cuddle that he had the dog and wanted to know if I was okay with it. I could see it being off putting for some who might be allergic or don't like particular pets.

  • I have seen one pro on here that offers cuddles with her pet. A fee is involved. I don’t know if you are a pro or not, as I didn’t click your profile. She put that admins approved it.
    I have a Guinea pig that likes to cuddle in my lap for a few minutes. One cuddler has held her. But I’m not sure she’d like anyone to.
    I agree, ask the other cuddler, and only proceed if pet seems comfortable.

  • Do it every day

  • Pets are a major contribution to why I can't host. 😂🤦🤷

  • Yes, I bring my dog Cookie to sessions upon request but she is not a pet she is a goddess

  • @xandriarain Pets may just be our Guardian Angels. We tend to think of them as only soft, little, furry animals, but they may just be on assignment, fulfilling an important role, agents of a greater power.

  • If someone is allergic, then they're not welcome. My fur baby trumps any visitor and has final say on who is allowed inside. Besides, Pepper is cuter than you'll ever be. :P XD

  • edited July 2023

    This kind sir has joined some of my cuddle sessions with great success... he brings lots of giggles and extra negative ions for ensured relaxation.

    When gets annoying (and he does) i put him out of my room.

    Of course I let my cuddler know before coming over that I had a pup. He was OK with it.

    I would say communication is key. If everyone is cool with it why not? It definitely has the ability to add another dynamic of healing and joy.

  • I don't have allergies, so I don't mind if pets are around. But I'd rather not have them involved in cuddling. I'm there for the human client, after all.

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