
In less than two weeks I’m having my first overnight session and I was wondering what’s the best to just have fun and enjoy yourself everything is set up the reservations have been made I just want to know what it was like for anyone else who has had an overnight session


  • @alz480 Never done an overnight so no advice . But forget that. Which Matianos do you work at? Can you hook me up with discounts?

  • I’m asking some legitimate advice if nobody has any that’s fine just don’t respond

  • It truly depends how you click. If all else fails watch a movie. Even if you don’t watch it background noise helps fill silences that may otherwise be difficult.

  • @stormydaycuddle thank you I appreciate that. I should mention that we have had a couple sessions already leading up to this plus it’s more than just an overnight since we’re meeting mid afternoon as well having an overnight and it’s at a hotel

  • Personally, overnights are not my preference, as if I'm going to be with someone for eight or twelve hours, I'd much rather be connecting with quality time, than be unconscious. That said, I've tried it, and...

    It depends on the kind of environment you want, as far as making it fun. You could bring games, a favorite movie, snacks, a book to read to each other...

    As for advice, be careful what you eat, leading up to it. Know that you may have trouble falling asleep in someone else's presence, and that's okay. Don't worry about snoring and the like, everyone does it, even if they think they don't (ask their cat). Don't feel you must be in physical contact all night long, that might not even be comfortable for you. Use this is a learning experience to find out more about what you do and don't like. Don't forget to brush your teeth. 😉

    I hope it's a special experience for you!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles Thank you wouldn’t be doing this unless I had a few sessions with them already and yes I’ll remember to brush my teeth

  • ooooh! I forgot be careful what you keep the temperature at. Snuggling can make things too warm. I am a lizard so I turned up the heat in the hotel room. The client comes and I realize it’s probably well over 80 in the room. I’m sure this is pretty much only a personal fail but… be warned.

    Also, if one of you is a mover you may want to ask permission to get close again. I only will do overnights with one person anymore but he knows he’s allowed to chase me across the bed because I will roll over a ton!

  • @stormydaycuddle lol at the chase me remark I actually plan on arriving at the hotel a half hour early to make sure the room is all set

  • Talk about details. What to eat, when to eat, when to sleep and wake up, in the morning where does everybody have to get to and when, window open or closed, which side of the bed, lighting levels. Any little detail you can think of. The more of these you can get squared away in advance, the smoother the whole thing will go.

    Also 'what happens if ...' Emergency contact information. Medical conditions and medicines. Night time habits.

    I've had several with different people and they have all been brilliant.

  • @CuddleDuncan way ahead of you on everything

  • @alz480 that’s great! I’m glad to hear it.
    Have you cuddled before?

    I always have a list things to do with me for cuddling encase there’s any awkwardness. Here’s some stuff on my list:
    1.) Consent game
    2.) a/b touch game (; e.g. do you like your head being touched like a.) medium pressure scalp rubs with finger tips OR b.) with fingernails with soft pressure. Can be played like a bracket game too by decided an ultimate winner between two kind of touch. Each person can play.)
    3.) Breath together. (This can be gamified too: try breathing 1 second in then 2 seconds out, then 2 seconds in and 4 seconds out, the 3 in/6, etc. Decide which one you like the best.) This is great if you can’t relax.
    4.) perform the music piece 4’33” by John Cage. No instruments or singing required! This is a wild piece of “music” with no notes. You just explain that the price is 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. And then set a timer for 4:33 and then you and your cuddler cuddle in silence until time is up. The music is all the sounds of the room including your breathing.
    5.) I have a long list of cuddle positions from easy to (laying next to each other holding hands) to difficult (Yab Yum.) see what you like and what’s too difficult.

    Lots more ideas but that’s a start. :)

    Gamify everything for more fun and a better time.

    And enjoy!

  • Ah well, in that case there's nothing else to do. Just look forward to it and then enjoy the occasion.

  • @Syins yes we have cuddled before in fact this will be our fourth session together

  • I truly appreciate everyone’s advice

  • @alz480 At a minimum, do a prescreening call, preferably over video chat, before this overnight. Still, I strongly recommend having at least one non-overnight session before an overnight because sleeping next to someone you never met before is risky.

  • @xandriarain We have had several sessions already including an 8 hour session as well as two zoom chats but I do understand where your coming from I would not do this if I hadn’t had any sessions with them

  • @alz480 good to know! I'm glad it is with someone you are familiar with.

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