Is it ok to cry during a cuddle?



  • That would be something to negotiate with the person you’re cuddling I would imagine.

    I remember going to my first cuddle party in 2013. The facilitator said in the beginning that your partner may have to cry or such. I don’t remember all of it. They said if you’re not able to handle it, just reach out for the facilitator.
    I had already been doing energy healing for about 10 years. I’ve never had somebody start to cry on me though. Thinking about it I didn’t know that I could do or handle that. It sounded overwhelming at the time.

    Then, at my third cuddle party I had someone start crying while they were in my arms. They felt very safe to do so. I just held them. I remember talking to them about it afterwards. They said they felt completely safe and just being there is all I needed to do. There is nothing more than I could’ve done or nothing better. That was also the first time I learned about holding space for somebody. I’ve had it happen multiple times since then.

    For me it’s fine if someone does. It is part of healing I have learned.

  • This is a really great discussion. I think the general consensus so far is that it's okay to cry. It reminds me of a wise saying I heard once: "Never apologize for what you feel, it's like saying sorry for being real." But it's also important to remember that you're cuddling with someone who doesn't know you well. And they may or may not be prepared to handle such intense emotions. I think the most important thing is for both people to be open, honest, gentle, and respectful.

  • edited October 2023

    Im the one that usually does the crying and I don’t do it with everyone. I do it with a select few I encounter that have hearts of gold and it breaks my heart to think that with all the good they carry they feel alone in this world.
    I cry cause I don’t want them to ever feel that way and it sucks cause they do cause what else would have brought them here.
    I think the last time I cried during a session he was telling me about his feet and how doctors just keep giving him pills to “help” with the problem and I’m sitting there in tears cause this man needs TLC and instead they’re just pushing pills on him.

  • Its ok to cry while in line at the grocery store. Anywhere really.

  • I sometimes get emotional at the end of a good cuddle because I just don't want to quit cuddling!

  • I think it is perfectly normal. When you long for something for so long and you obtain it those emotions just pour out of you. We all can cry. It is ok. And it will always be ok.

  • My perspective is one of compassion and understanding: if crying occurs, it's a testament to the session serving its purpose of providing a safe space for emotional expression. I've witnessed it occasionally and view it as a moment of vulnerability that should be met with empathy. Your own personal experience only validates how transformative a simple touch can be.

  • @JoyfulHeart thats an honor 💖
    Safe space always!

  • I think it’s sort of fine if with a pro because they are being paid to cater to you. So it is 10000% all about you. I say “sort of” because some people snivel and cry, and I don’t think anyone wants a stranger’s snot on them… Idk I think it comes down to how well you manage your hygiene with tissues. We are talking about a stranger’s bodily fluids.

    With a friend? Absolutely not. I’d stop cuddling them immediately if my friend started crying. And I’m making sure their snot is FAR away from me.

  • Its ok to cry if your in a cuddle, even if its not subtle, especially if your soul has been weighed down an troubled.
    Wether your a astronaut in a shuttle or a QB in a huddle, let the tears fly and just cry because how much you paid for that cuddle.- Dr. Suess

  • I think pros should charge extra for crying : like $15 for sniffles and $45 for full on bawling and $75 for bawling and counseling and the executive package includes scented candles. $75, in this economy?

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    Crying us a human response to emotions, and there is nothing wrong with it.

    I’m honestly envious of people that can cry.

    My trauma, and the traumatic response of hyper-compartmentalization that I developed as a child dealing with the trauma, has rendered me unable to cry.

    Working on it with a therapist, but the habits of a lifetime are not easily changed.

  • Yes.
    I don't care who you are, or what the circumstances happen to be- if you feel like my arms are the place to let go, I will hold you tight and wipe your tears away.
    Take your time.
    I don't care about a wet shirt. 🫂

  • _i'm a super sensitive guy and can get emotional but i would feel bad if i "dumped" on someone who did not want to be dumped on... _

  • Absolutely it’s ok! Cuddling is such an intimate thing and I’ve had it more than once where people have opened up to me about truly personal things and allowed themselves to become fully vulnerable. Crying will happen, especially if someone feels safe with you.

  • I offer a safe place. When someone is with me, if that is what happens, it happens. And it has. And they felt better after. Not all of us have someone to express feelings to. Cuddling is something that requires a peaceful environment.

  • If my cuddle partner cried, I wouldn't mind. Honestly, I would be touched and honored my partner would trust me enough to let down her barriers.

  • Personally I would welcome it if a cuddle partner needed to let out a good cry. I happy cried in session my first cuddle experience from this platform because I was so starved for affectionate touch like that.

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