Is anyone else concerned by the vague cuddle request

Is anyone else receiving vague cuddle session requests referencing use of such as a mental health treatment? Like, this is LEGITIMATELY SCARY!!



  • If you don’t feel safe or it’s not genuine, I would say don’t engage.

  • @great_pillow08

    I have not amd im also in MO. 🤷‍♂️

    Agree with @Bear tho better safe than sorry.


  • edited January 4

    I'd say trust your gut. If you're not comfortable don't go through with a cuddle.

  • Yeah definitely not a good way to lead off.

  • I have some really strange requests, one stands out , a young woman reached out saying she needed cuddling sessions to help deal with her anxiety attacks. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way putting anyone down for their mental health issues, but it just seemed "off" I told her that she was probably best off looking for someone else to calm her at those difficult times. 🤷

  • @great_pillow08 That’s a bit much to lay off on another person. Maybe it does help them but I wouldn’t want to know about their mental health expectations myself. I am not a therapist, but I am a good listener when I am not talking, but ultimately I am there to cuddle and relax. I will leave the therapy to them and their therapist.

  • edited January 5

    I'd rewrite your profile. You have suggested that you need help overcoming long term toxcity and that you are seeking help by way of cuddling. You may be inadvertently attracting people who are seeking therapy through cuddling. Six years is a long time and implies there could be something deeper that may require professional assistance with recovery.

    Plus, you're "in a relationship" and you're still recovering from a relationship that someone said should have made you a man-hater? That's a lot.

    You've also stated that the loss of a pet is why you're here?

    Yeah, I'd start that profile all over.

  • @PeopleLikeUs I 100% agree. Our profiles are supposed to be what “attracts” people to want to cuddle with us. Your profile could very well be what made someone with these issues reach out to you

  • Apparently "cuddle therapy" is a thing. I was reading about it online. But it isn't done by actual trained therapists, so I don't think they should call it therapy. Maybe call it "cuddle talk." I could see myself doing cuddle talk but I understand that it isn't for everyone.

  • edited January 5

    @fireylady Unfortunately, as @quixotic_life pointed out here, this site itself uses the term "Cuddle Therapy".

    While some Pro's do, indeed, reach therapeutic levels, unsuspecting newbies should know that there is zero training, certification, or vetting of any "Pro". Anyone on the internet, including criminals, can become a Pro.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  • edited January 5

    @Mark ~ Please see the one above.

    Also, can you please let us in on why there have been no efforts made to fix the number of problematic verbiage uses on this site's advertisements/promos?

    I know multiple people have brought them to your attention over the years, and yet they (as well as the problems they all lead to) persist.


  • @penguin34, that sounds right up my alley. Send her my way!

  • edited January 10

    @quixotic_life One reason is that if you downplay the healing side of cuddling, also the part of the role many pros enjoy the most, then the average session will be more "[make money]" than "cuddle comfort".

    Modified comment [CharlieBear]

  • @Cjoy8 The number 1 reason I started here was to manage ongoing anxiety issues. Sometimes hours lead into days or weeks where I just begin to tremble from accumulating stress and become on the verge of an insanely bad panic attack. This is not something a “trained or licensed ” therapist can help, average medication doesn’t even help. Simply being held by someone with a grounding energy absorbs the uncomfortable energy I deal with. That is my greatest benefit from mutual human touch. I will say that not everyone posses that nurturing, grounding ability though. I would not fault someone for not being able to handle someone like me, and always always protect yourself. If anyone gets a bad feeling from messages or requests, do not proceed.

  • @BoomerSpooner- Cuddlers like you are why I'm one too! It's BETTER THAN therapy, but there are conversational "lines" that people are somehow comfortable crossing, then they get possessive, controlling, dependant, and jealous. I have no problem saying "no"- I just don't know what else can be done about it. I have sky high anxiety, so I "get it", but to expect someone to always be available TO M-E is just "nuts". Like, I'm empathetic towards such people, but I CAN'T have that expectation put on me. I'm just wondering if it's somehow "me" or something else..

  • @PeopleLikeUs @SweeTea Thanks for the suggestions on how to edit my profile. The thought that someone might make such connections never occurred to me. I'm super honest and genuine and I think maybe sometimes I think other people are as well intentioned as I am and that leaves things open to interpretation.

    I don't need ACTUAL therapy. I just need more peace and calm in my world. Having my dog to focus on helped me handle "life" and without her- life's definitely been different. Relationship history is irrelevant, but I think I included that so that people would feel less awkward in wanting a cuddle buddy. I have friends who say it's weird to be willing to cuddle strangers. I personally think it's the human thing to do! I wouldn't trade any of my cuddle buddies for chocolate ON MY WORST day!!

  • As an empath, and a very confident, but equally compassionate person, my absolute favorite cuddle is with a person with social anxiety or other anxiety issues. I’ve witnessed the healing that takes place when a person who finds it all but impossible to talk to or to touch another human being …has the license to touch me, talk about it, and grow comfortable with it. One young lady in particular was 19, was diagnosed with autism, had severe scarring which was self inflicted, and had never touched a man. After 3 in person sessions and a few virtual (she lives hours away), she ended up with a long term boyfriend, a normalcy that she told me she’d never get to have because of her self described disability. It was one of the most beautiful things in my life, and one of my greatest accomplishments and greatest honors, to help her feel good and feel normal.

    Y’all consider giving it a try if you have someone like that who approaches you. At worst, it may be a challenging session and then it’s over…but at best, you may get a satisfaction from helping a tender soul that is so much greater a benefit than the fee… ❤️

    Peace and love…

  • I think some may be putting too much emphasis on the word therapy, considering there is some kind of education attached to it. I think the education and training is attached to the (whatever word) word in front of therapy. The word is a noun, so the descriptor is the operative word that may or may not require education to administer.

    I know the common believed definition that's thrown around it based on some sort of mental health component, but the truth to the matter it's not what it actually is. Example. Water therapy or float therapy, I'm sure folks that do this expect whoever is supporting to know some basic things, but are they trained in water? Or float? So cuddle therapy and mental health therapy are two different things, that may or may not go hand in hand. But because i doubt a practicing licensed mental health therapist would be cuddling their clients ( i could be wrong ) while practicing mental health therapy demonstrates why the it's the descriptor that's key. I don't believe a sex therapist is having sex with there clients but if they were we would call it something else, am i wrong?

  • @great_pillow08 you just got all my sympathy and support forever. I'm sorry you're missing your pup! Mine is about to go into a life saving surgery where there's a huge chance his jaw gets broken. I'm terrified. I hope you get all the (safe) cuddles. Hugs.

  • @BashfulLoner 💯 on your comment.
    Especially clarifying the use of the word therapy. As a pro Cuddler, I generally avoid using the term ‘therapy’ or ‘therapeutic’
    because I’m not a Licensed Therapist.
    But the term ‘‘therapy” is thrown around a lot and has often become a generic term for something that feels really good - healing, etc for the heart-mind-body-soul.
    ie: Shopping Therapy, Chocolate Therapy, Music Therapy, etc.
    I think I can safely say I offer soothing cuddle therapy without saying I’m a Licensed Therapist.
    I am very comfortable with pretty much any topic of conversation. So much life experience in so many areas, it could be something I have direct experience with. There is one huge boundary in discussion though, and that is someone’s sex life. I’m ‘so surprised’ that so many male cuddlers want bring that up during a session! 🙄
    Please leave me out of that one!

  • @MyBuddyLuke- My point EXACTLY!!

  • @stormydaycuddle- Her kidneys failed and I HAD TO CHOOSE WHEN to "send her Home" to Heaven. It's been 8 YEARS and it's STIILL impossible to talk about her and not cry. It's the THE WORST, yet easiest choice we make as pet moms. IT SUCKS!!! 💔 hugs and prayers

  • @carrieanne I get that one A LOT too. The married guys who fly into and out of town "for work" take me A LOT of time to feel comfortable meeting. I appreciate the honesty in stating their honest relationship status, but I've been on this site for "a minute" and the "bells and whistles" haven't been wrong..

  • @great_pillow08
    l understand the way you feel about this,
    During the session I try to stay away from conversations about personal drama they may be experiencing. But I will listen if it helps.
    I want it to be beneficial - soothing calm escape.

  • @MyBuddyLuke I'm with you. I love when I can actually help others relieve stress and anxiety or any kind of built up worrisome thoughts. I can actually feel the negative energy leave them during our session. It's an absolutely beautiful thing! This is why I'm here, to help.
    I used to have extreme anxiety until I realized what was causing it and eliminated all of it. Plus joining here as a pro and offering pressure cuddles has helped tremendously, it's mutual beneficial. But just knowing I'm really helping someone, makes my heart so happy and full. I have regular clients that have told me I've changed their life so much they can actually fully live now when they struggled to do the norm. They also say they feel the love and intention I put into our session. A few say they don't deserve me... and that makes me so sad to hear that. Everyone deserves peace & love. 💜🤗🥰

  • Well my goodness I hate to hear that anyone has ever said they didn't deserve a good cuddle...that's just as sad and
    wrong as it can be. Do like I do, whip that ego out and say I deserve all the good cuddles I can get, Lol.

  • @great_pillow08

    Nope, just be cautious and use good judgement ☺️ if you don’t feel comfortable let it go. That’s the beauty of being able to accept or not accept a session!!!

    ~ Happy Cuddling Everyone 🤗 ~

  • If I was you I would talk to them a little more and if they seem scetchy I would not do it. If they seem like they just dealing with overwhelming stress then it may be some thing that you can manage. I get request to meet people who are really lonely and they tend to want to text me all day like I'm their friend. Well .. I don't mind being nice and such but at the end of the day I am offering a service not building a friendship. Comes off harsh but I don't really have time out side of work to meet my own friends. Seems like people come here with intentions to find some one to date. So just politely say I'm not a trained therapist I can do my best and if you like me you can book me again .we can take it day by day session by session but if it's some thing you or I can not handle maybe best to find some one else. This may be a repeat clients and maybe your just nervous but it might be your best session with some one who will really appreciate you !!! Hopefully I made some sense.

  • @MyBuddyLuke I completely agree. I consider myself an empath, and I absolutely love helping others feel better by cuddling with them. It's very rewarding, and makes me feel good. Of course, I don't meet with just anyone who seems to need someone to listen, etc. My #1 goal is to always be safe, and make awesome friends who will be reciprocal in the giving. I understand that not everyone is comfortable doing that for others. To each their own. ❤️

  • Personally, I'm happy to cuddle with clients with mental health needs. I do have a graduate degree in psychology and used to work in the field, but I am not a licensed therapist. I make that clear in my profile, that I'm not a licensed therapist, but I'm happy to lend an empathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on. I'm neurodivergent and physically disabled, and I know how much isolation can weigh on you, so I hope to be able to help others who don't have someone at home to cuddle with like I have - my husband.

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