Cuddling Experiences - Good or Bad

Hey Friends,
I’m a new cuddling professional that has done several sessions some good, some bad. I wanted to share some of my experiences and ask that you share some of yours! Good, bad, or funny ! Hopefully this helps other pros and or clients fit needs better or just overall what goes on during sessions.



  • I’ll go first:

    Good Experience: A client just wanted to talk in person and not cuddle.🌹 I got to massage (licensed massage therapist) and cuddle a client in a penthouse overlooking the city 🏙️.

    Bad Experience: Two clients asked to remove their pants while cuddling 🤔 One client asked to kiss me after giving me forehead kisses which I had to tell him to stop or I’d leave🥹 One client layed completely on top of me and I’m 115 lbs I was so scared 😭

  • Good experience: We established a great cuddle connection and was my regular cuddler for a long time. Even had some inside jokes! Felt very natural.

    Bad experience: I was the little spoon and I felt a little warm pool of…stuff…on the back of my pants. Was intentional on his behalf. And he kept talking about how his daughter was my age and how he couldn’t stop his little member from being excited when holding me.

  • @sc1994 OH my word that is disgusting

  • @sunnysideup indeed it is. Didn’t even want to throw those pants in the washer, had to toss them out. And you’d think he’d know better, ESPECIALLY being a father to a woman my age. But maybe that’s his thing?

  • edited February 18

    @sc1994 @devilsplaytingg thats awful; I just don’t get why people would abuse this hobby. If people were looking for something else it’s not hard to find and presumably they could pay for exactly what they want with no subterfuge. Why pay for something that isn’t on offer and will likely get you nothing at all?

    I’ve only had one experience with a Pro which was great so far.

  • @lonelytauros when someone discloses they were sexually assaulted during a cuddle, it's best to show empathy and not try to make a joke. It's not funny. You're not funny.

    @sc1994 I'm very sorry you were subjected to that trauma. I hope you reported him, so others weren't also victimized by him.

  • @starrynitecuds thank you, I do appreciate it. He’s long gone!
    But unfortunately this site does not protect pro cuddlers too much. Some men who are banned somehow show back up days later with another account.
    So any new Pros, just be aware of that and make sure you know exactly who you’re meeting.
    I was too naive in the beginning and I’m glad I’m aware now.

  • @sc1994 i am so sorry that happened to you 😭 I’ve noticed that there are many clients that try to take advantage of our services which cloud the ones who genuinely just want a connection.

    I’m ngl though… the few weirdos has not teetered me at all . This is the most meaningful money I’ve ever made 😫

  • in either of your bad experiences was there any inclination something was or could have been off through your vetting processes?

  • @sg89 not you trying to blame us😂 both were carefully vetted with multiple reviews from other cuddlers. Video call and multiple explanations of the rules. Many cuddlers say I have too many rules but I do for that reason

  • @devilsplaytingg
    Just curious if massage therapy is being offered as part of or during a therapeutic cuddle session, if the client is clothed or modestly draped or how that works integrating a therapeutic massage session into a therapeutic cuddle session....isnt patients disrobed but modestly draped during massage therapy but then to cuddle during a session??? Just wondering how that works in your cuddling experience.....

  • @CelestialTouch if you offer massages and then cuddle, it still does not mean boundaries should be crossed.
    If you go to a place like Massage Envy, would you try to assault your masseuse because their hands are on your bare skin? The answer is typically no because they are not sex workers.
    And same to us cuddlers. If we offer massages, it shouldn’t be implied that we offer more, that’s asinine.
    The cuddle they pay for on this site remains to be platonic and there are rules they agree to before messaging.

    Both things together are still not invitations to have sex.

  • I do not myself offer any but I absolutely respect the women who do on the site. And it’s so sad that men think it’s something sexual.

  • edited February 18

    Sorry, that did not answer my question. My only question is if the patient/client is clothed or disrobed but modestly draped during a therapeutic cuddle/massage session. I am not refering anything to or in regards to SA. Thankyou for your reply though. :)
    Im curious to know how you work a massage therapy session into a therapeutic cuddle session with draping standards involved in massage therapy while maintaining cuddle comforts clothing standards...

  • edited February 18

    @CelestialTouch just like any other massage u go to u undress and lay down before I enter and get dressed when I leave. The cuddling session can resume once my client is FULLY clothed. Cuddling and massaging are a luxury not an entitlement and not an invitation for sex work when neither is considered that. I get massages, facials, pedicures monthly… I do not harass the service providers 😂

    @devilsplaytingg The Pro Cuddler Contract is very clear on the session rules:

    1. Both parties will remain clothed the entire session. Undergarments do not constitute as sufficient clothing. If either party needs to change clothing this will be done in private and out of sight of the other party. If a Client shows off areas normally covered by undergarments purposely, the Cuddler has the right to end the session immediately.
    2. No touching in areas covered by undergarments is permitted. If this occurs, the Cuddler has the right to end the session immediately. No kissing is allowed.

    If you cannot adhere to these rules, you will be removed from the site. [netrunner]

  • @devilsplaytingg
    Oh I see now, so really the cuddling session is seperate from the massage session in a way... thanks, that makes more sense :)

  • no i am not blaming either of you, please don't misunderstand me. i know the fault lies with them even if you had done zero vetting. i was asking to get an idea if some people really are masterful in the way they write and talk on video and in person or if there may be a hint of something off but benefit of the doubt is given.

    that's fine to have a lot of rules, i'd say it's a trade with earnings and safety with the level of vetting one does but nothing should replace safety because it only takes one horrendous experience to be scarring or ending. can request meetings before a session too if not done already. anyway no more commenting from me, don't wish to derail the thread.

  • I think @CelestialTouch may be making an attempt to insinuate that you are cuddling someone while they aren't clothed, and is likely why they are pressing you for details as opposed to general interest or curiosity @devilsplaytingg

  • edited February 19

    This lady must have been offering some great experiences. oh well. next.

    Reported and reviewed. Removing screenshot of convo with another (former) member. [CharlieBear]

  • @devilsplaytingg that’s sounds scary, I’m so sorry

  • My experience as a non pro.

    Good: had a few good sessions/cuddlers. When they are considerate of my time/boundaries/safety protocols. I feel the best connections when we hangout/get meals, have conversations, getting to know each other as individuals and lean on each other while getting comfortable in each other's spaces/person before cuddling.

    Bad experience: zero consideration for my time, not communicating, not reciprocating during cuddling, complaining on the forums, and then searched for me off cc and contacting thru socials when they were blocked.

    Just because I am one of the few non pros on here, doesn't mean I am here to soley benefit you.

  • edited February 18

    @JET2024 the reason guys come here for sex is twofold

    1. It’s way cheaper than an escort. They want a prostitute without paying prostitute prices.
    2. A lot of them get off on pushing boundaries and hurting women. They don’t want a consensual encounter with an escort. It is a “sport” for them to see how far they can push cuddlers here. They get off on watching women squirm, be uncomfortable, be afraid. They won’t be able to experience causing that real fear if they hired an escort.

    Unfortunate, but true from all the information I’ve gathered about these guys, and the things they say on other forums, talking gleefully about how fun it is for them to harass women.

  • edited February 18


  • @bobadevotee - Wow. That is, by far, the best description of a sexual predator I've ever read. And perfectly describes the boundary pushers y'all deal with.

    I think it's important to keep in mind too. Sexual predators MAY experience sexual gratification from their predation but the PRIMARY purpose is to control and cause fear. They're sociopaths.

    As a people pleaser, that seems bonkers to me. But that's why they call them sociopaths.

    I will say this: Most guys with an ounce of empathy realize how nervous most women are in these situations and will avoid coming anywhere near boundaries, much less crossing them. I suppose there are some who are truly clueless and make honest mistakes but I think they're very VERY rare.

  • @MikeinDavis unfortunately what is truly rare is men who actually respect our safety. Most men I encounter laugh at women for being nervous, refuse to empathize with our fears, or turn it on us when we take safety precautions. More than once, I’ve had men I barely knew be offended at me for taking safety precautions. They got angry and said “I’m so offended that you’d lump me in with those predators”, when I didn’t make any insulting comments, I merely explained why I do certain things, such as making sure I have a safety person who knows my location and checks in. Yet all of these men, who I barely knew, some of whom were faceless profile photos, expected me to give them tons of benefit of the doubt and expected me to like or trust them enough for me to not take basic safety measures. Their feelings of being offended were more important than my safety.

    We get blamed when we are raped, “she wasn’t careful enough”, “she put herself in danger” but then we also get harassed and called “paranoid” or “man haters” when we ARE being careful. it’s a lose-lose situation.

    I can count on one hand the number of men I’ve met who respected my boundaries and actually empathized with women’s safety concerns. Most just try to argue with you about it.

  • @bobadevotee - That's so awful. 🥺 I think anyone being offended by you taking safety precautions is a Red Flag. When women cross the street to avoid me at night, my first thought is always "Great situational awareness, ma'am!!!". And then I chide myself for not crossing the street first.

    I guess when I said "Anyone with an ounce of empathy", the truth is that empathy is a rare commodity these days. 😢

  • @MikeinDavis empathy really is rare. Situational awareness is valuable for everyone; we should all practice it

  • @bobadevotee - Being mad for "lumping them in with those predators" seems like predatory behavior. Like the self proclaimed "nice guy" that is anything but nice.

  • Or maybe, just maybe, the chit just gets old when you hear it every day 🤷🏻‍♂️ probably nothing to do with ever being predatory

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