Cuddling Experiences - Good or Bad



  • @NickWk if it gets old hearing it every day, imagine how we feel dealing with it every day. I once had a 3 day in a row streak of men harassing and trying to touch me at work.

    Your feelings aren’t more important than anyone’s safety.

  • @Mike403 right? If they are truly good people, they wouldn’t be irritated by a woman trying to protect herself… It’s wild how many men who are TOTAL STRANGERS expect for me to give them benefit of the doubt.

    Have we forgotten stranger danger?

  • Have you considered changing jobs? That’s not normal.

  • @bobadevotee I can see what you mean. I guess there are more awful people out there than I assumed. Certainly if they are the majority of clients you’ve encountered.

    The only reason I would get irritated with a safety precaution is if it was a precaution that wasn’t made clear ahead of time that had implications for me.

    For example having someone know where you are and what times is a sensible precaution; however if you are attending a clients home who is hosting a session they should know in advance that they are not just sharing their address with you but with a stranger also.

    Then everyone is on the same page as to what risks they are exposing themselves to.

    I would have liked to think most guys would be quite understanding. But then I can be quite naive I think.

  • @NickWk it is actually quite very normal for women in a variety of industries. I’ve worked many customer service positions, and any woman in those roles will tell you harassment is often normalized. There’s literally viral security footage of waitresses getting groped by customers.

    I’ve worked a variety of jobs in service, event work, sales, higher education, etc. In every job, I was sexually harassed.

    My female friends who work in other industries, such as engineering, tech, or manufacturing also tell me the same.

    Weird of you to blame women and tell them to just get another job. Btw there is tons of data and information out there about harassment women face NO MATTER WHAT JOB THEY HAVE, so if you have half a brain cell, you wouldn’t try to act like it’s “not normal” for us to deal with constant harassment.

    I literally have been harassed just walking down the street. Twice, men have tried to drag me into their cars to kidnap me in BROAD DAYLIGHT when I was walking in nice neighborhoods. What’re you gonna do next, tell me this “isn’t normal” and that I shouldn’t go outside anymore?

    Shit, one of my close friends was kidnapped and human trafficked, just for walking outside. It’s a miracle she survived and escaped.

    Women go through these things constantly. It’s actually VERY COMMON, hence why we must be on guard.

  • edited February 19

    @JET2024 in every interaction with a woman, here or otherwise, you should assume your address is being shared with one of her friends, or one of her family members, who has been instructed to call the cops if they don’t hear back from her. Not all women do this, but enough do, that it makes sense to just assume it.

    It’s basic common sense and safety. I advise anyone of any gender to do that if you’re not certain about a situation.

    Anyways, don’t wanna derail this thread anymore. Sorry, @devilsplaytingg . Here’s my on-topic answer.

    Good appointments: Whenever I’ve had clients who practiced basic hygiene and were respectful. Bonus points if they have a well behaved dog and I get to pet the dog. I think my favorite appointments were ones where we discussed food. I could talk about food forever.

    Bad appointments: I showed up at a guy’s place and the dog had pissed on the floor right in front of me. He sort of cleaned it up? Not very well… House smelled really bad, and then the dog jumped into bed during our cuddle. It was a really fuzzy dog and smelled like it still had piss on its fur… fuzzy dogs often have this issue. Oh, and the dude cried on me. I have no issue with people expressing their emotions, but I’m not a fan of bodily fluids, and the tears ended up touching my skin directly. 🤮 He didn’t ask if I was okay with that at all, just started sobbing directly on me.

  • I also had alot of bed experiances here.

  • I've never experienced a bad cuddle session, although the personal connection has varied. Most of the women and I connect immediately and experience great vibes, while a couple of them remained somewhat distant.

    I have been ghosted a couple of times, but I don't include that in my overall cuddle experience because, as far as I know, the profile wasn't even that of a real cuddler--just some dude pranking me from an internet cafe in Djibouti.

  • Good experiences: reading poetry together, solving algebraic and geometric equations, studying the properties of acid, watching historical documentaries and then falling asleep.

    Bad experience: when it’s over

  • @lonelytauros no pics it didn't happen

  • Good experiences:

    The person or two who held me with respect, or didn't hold me at all and we just had nice conversations. I've just conversed with a handful of guys and they were pleasant to talk with.

    Okay experiences:

    The moments that didn't include some of them pushing my boundaries.

    Bad experiences:

    Putting their hand where it don't belong, and one of them doing it again when I moved it away the first time. +"&(-'(-)-&)6_''khckhchkckhchkiigcyoyckygkxgkhdkkhf!

    Another guy whose phone was offline, though he had his browser open. He started playing or pretending to play an offline browser game. Though he then would keep tapping the search bar which showed an inappropriate site. The first time I thought maybe it was an accident, though multiple times?!

    To make things worse he asked me if I wanted to sit on his feet to "warm" them up. For context, not that it changes anything, though we met in public and it was a bit chilly that day. So he was trying to use it as an excuse to talk inappropriately to me.

    To add insult to injury, this sobhwjaksbejabjadjdh was kind of smelly from the moment we got close. I thought maybe it was just a bad day for him. I would've probably then considered giving him another chance if that was all, and he improved or was willing to after a conversation. Though after all those other things, no way in helll, ewww!

    ##Those kcofhkflhckhchkcyoc and others like them in this world are a big reason why I've only cuddled in public. Cause if they could do such in public and act so degenerate, I don't even wanna think about what they could or would do in private. Bkxhkckhfkyfkcykclhckh khckyd! I never really got a chance to express my rage about it, so there it's. I hope they get what they deserve, because that's no way to treat others! Also they have, to some extent, been dealt with. So I'm fine otherwise and it was a relatively long time ago.

    At those times I didn't do or say much about it right then and there. Though I'm not afraid to do and say whatever needed to get them to get the heck out of my presence if any others ever try to push my boundaries. I've also thankfully overtime learned a thing or two more to help improve my safety.

    It wasn't in a cuddle context, though I've had a guy who saw me out and about once. Long story short, he approached me very inappropriately. There was also another guy long before him who was trying to start something with me, and another.

    Let's just say... I took care of them all, and I never saw one of them around again. The other two I saw them around from time to time, or for a short time only after, and they minded their business as they should! So I ain't taking no disrespect, or anything like it from NOBODY!

    I don't give a flying fish about if one is the president of a country, a tall body builder, or a 2 feet person. Give respect, kindness, and care to others if you want the same. Or sooner or later you're not gonna like very much what comes your way. So don't later whine about how there are no good women/men. Or how oh sooo lonely you're, if you're in one way or another acting like an absolute degenerate towards others!

  • I want to be VERY clear here, @NickWk that your behavior here is wildly inappropriate. "Have you considered changing professions" is a callous, pompous, and dangerous line of commentary and judgement. It's the SAME thing as saying "if you don't want to be assaulted you shouldn't go to bars."

    Men hear it all the time because MEN DO THIS ALL OF THE TIME. You desperately need to talk less, listen more, and stay the heck away from cuddling with women until you are able to understand this and mitigate YOUR OWN behaviors.

  • @natickben 💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • These discussions always veer off to the extreme

  • If you are mad and take it personally when someone talks about experiences with predatory men, it might be worth asking yourself why you take it personally , since defensiveness of someone pointing out bad behavior is often an indicator that the bad behavior is excused by the person who is taking offense.

  • @natickben this is quite right.

  • edited February 19

    And even if you don't care for the messenger or agree with how somebody speaks their truth, it doesn't mean it's ok to minimize the content when it impacts many, many people as in the case with women who report being assaulted and treated as sex dolls . Not cool my guy

  • I have been hit up for extra money several times because they stayed a little extra time with me. That caused a catastrophe at home. One was looking for help because they were being evicted. A pipe had burst when she was away from home and everything was ruined at Christmas. She was being forced to leave in a hurry.

    The problem with her story was, she had already sent me a text telling me what a wonderful time she had and how she cooked Christmas dinner at her place with family all around.

    Recently one got me for $200 that I didn't really have to spare, and then reported me for giving her a bad review.

    I didn't get this when I was younger. Watch out old timers. Don't be too trusting.

  • And @pmvines 💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @Buck - You are under no obligation to give the pro any more money than what you agreed to at the time of booking. It's the pro's responsibility to keep track of time.

  • Finally joined the ghosted by a pro club. Is there a t-shirt?
    Should I leave a 1 star karma just for sngs to see how long before it is removed ?

    Plan B to the rescue

  • @Sooson No t-shirt, but I'll pop a top to you later this evening.

    I actually consider being ghosted a huge favor on part of the ghoster. Who knows what kind of trouble (personal, legal, or otherwise) they would've brought with them to the cuddle session.

    I would leave a 1-star review just as a heads up to others.

  • @TxTom thank you sir. Agree. Now I also undestand that life happens but not in this case. She was online. She could have dropped a line or two im very easy going just be honest . Anyways, moving on.

  • edited February 19

    Totally inappropriate. Enjoy your forum timeout.
    -joyfulheart [mod]

  • Can anyone just ban @captcrunch ? If he has no problem saying this, he doesn’t seem like a good fit for the site. Absolutely disgusting.

  • @sc1994 - I flagged that post.

  • edited February 19

    Off topic, rude, and irrelevant.


  • edited February 19

    Not here

    -Joyfulheart [mod]

  • Hey @captcrunch ! You definitely don’t seem like someone id ever be safe to meet with. Sadly enough, it seems like you have a problem with women.
    This is terrible behavior. No one is laughing about this. This site is for people who take this seriously and respect women. At least I would think so.

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